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Published byCecily Douglas Modified over 9 years ago
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY TOWN CENTER CIVIC & CULTURAL ARTS DISTRICT STUDY Needs Assessment Presentation November 3, 2005
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Evaluate, plan and implement new civic and cultural arts district in downtown Cary Address facility needs Determine best use of key properties Support creation of vibrant Town Center Spark further redevelopment efforts Study Purpose
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY 1.Community input to date 2.The case for existing, improved and new arts facilities 3.The case and approach for a cultural district Presentation Contents
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Town Center Area Plan For government, entertainment, transportation and business Small town charm – memorable place to live/shop/visit High-intensity mixed-use on S. Academy and E. Chatham Tree-lined village character for Academy Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Facilities Master Plan Build sense of community with concentration of culture Mix of facilities downtown anchored by cultural center Lively arts center near Cary Elementary Town Center Park Plan Site established in heart of downtown Incorporate ecology, play and culture Art theme to include sculpture & environmental art Study Context – Previous Plans
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Public meeting held September 19 Input invited at a series of stations related to broad needs and key issues 120 people attended the event What the community has to say
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Downtown Vision Small town feeling with “behind the scenes vibe” A vibrant, lively place Pedestrian friendly with a mix of activities – “a real neighborhood” A place to “meet and greet” A quaint downtown – the first place you think of when you think of Cary What the community has to say
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Arts Facility Needs Performing and visual arts space People making art as well as experiencing it – art education Performing arts center - a permanent home for live theater and music Variety of sizes for both performance and educational activities Exhibition/gallery space What the community has to say
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY The Importance of a Major Visual and Performing Arts Center Rated High – 41, Medium – 5, Low - 6 Long overdue As long as its available to local arts groups Need follow through this time It would bring too much traffic What the community has to say
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Downtown Parks/Open Space Needs Rated High – 21, Medium – 7, Low – 4 Botanical gardens and greenways Water, fountains Sculpture Facilities for children but not a playground A “park with everything” Historical interpretation What the community has to say
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Commercial Sector Opportunities Need more housing and more retail, restaurants, shops Create more pedestrian friendly environment Unique and interesting shops Evening entertainment, gathering spots More parking and less traffic Vertical mix of uses – residences over shops What the community has to say
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Current Obstacles for downtown business Traffic and parking Parking What the community has to say
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Kids and Family Opportunities What Brings You Downtown: library, Lazy Daze, Page Walker, post office, restaurants & special events What Would Bring You Downtown? –Live theater and performances – for adults and children –More children’s activities – indoor or outdoor –More shopping, restaurants, art galleries –A cultural center –Family oriented special events What the community has to say
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY The Future of Old Cary Elementary The first phase of a cultural arts center Cultural/visual arts center with art classrooms Learning center with studios Classes, lectures, music, exhibits Arts organization offices Convert to housing What the community has to say
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY The case for new facilities and a district is based on: –Audiences: Is there capacity and propensity in the market area to provide audiences for proposed facilities? –Other facilities: What are the existing and planned facilities serving audiences, arts organizations, presenters and higher education institutions? How well are they serving their needs? –Uses and Users: Who is using these venues and for what? What do they feel is needed? Are significant performance opportunities missing from the community? –Benefits and Impacts: What is the “value-added” of new performance facilities and programs? Will new facilities help the community achieve broader goals? Needs Assessment for Arts Facilities
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Methodology To consider these questions, we’ve: –Met with community arts organizations, area presenters, and civic and community leaders. –Spoken with Town staff and elected officials. –Toured existing local and regional facilities. –Analyzed the size and characteristics of the market area and trends for the future. –Considered comparable markets, and the role of facilities and programs in their communities.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY National Participation National trends can be used to establish participation indicators to help assess propensity and capacity for attendance. On average, 32% of adults attended at least one performing arts event in the previous 12 months. 1 1. NEA’s Survey of Public Participation in the Arts, 2002
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Predicting Participation Market Propensity: Key Indicators –Educational Attainment: arts attendance more than quadruples with college education. –Sex: women attend more often than men in every discipline except jazz. –Median Household Income: attendance increases with higher income, but not to extent of education. –Age: traditional arts audience is getting older, coinciding with general aging of population. –Race: affects kinds of arts attendance more than rate of attendance. Source: RAND Corporation
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Trends in Participation Participation in the arts is rising, but as a product of increasing populations, not because a wider variety of people are attending. Source: NEA SPPA 2002
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Trends in Participation Source: NEA SPPA 2002
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Trends in Participation Source: NEA SPPA 2002 *not including Hispanic
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Trends in Participation Source: NEA SPPA 2002
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Trends in Participation Source: NEA SPPA 2002
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Market Definition & Growth Market Area, 2005: –Town of Cary: 110,000 –Wake County: 650,000 –MSA: 1.3 million Cary voted #34 on CNN/Money Magazine’s “Best Places to Live” list & won “Best Place to Live on the East Coast” in 2004. “Quality” and “Controlled” growth is very important, especially because of rapid population expansion The Hispanic population has jumped from 1.6% percent in 1990 to 4.3% in 2000. Sources: Town of Cary Planning Department; Wake County Planning, Census: American Community Survey 2004;
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Market Characteristics Education Sources: U.S. Census: 2000, American Community Survey 2004 All MSA, NC and USA figures 2004, all Cary figures 2000 (most recent available)
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Market Characteristics Ethnicity Sources: U.S. Census: 2000, American Community Survey 2004 All MSA, NC and USA figures 2004, all Cary figures 2000 (most recent available)
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Market Characteristics Income Sources: U.S. Census: 2000, American Community Survey 2004 All MSA, NC and USA figures 2004, all Cary figures 2000 (most recent available)
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Market Characteristics Age Sources: U.S. Census: 2000, American Community Survey 2004 All MSA, NC and USA figures 2004, all Cary figures 2000 (most recent available)
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Market Characteristics Tourism Source: Greater Raleigh Convention and Visitors Bureau
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Local Programs/Facilities - Page Walker Important and well-used anchor for Town Hall campus. Local Arts & History Center has become heavily used program space with limited capacity for exhibition of contemporary visual arts & museum collection display. Almost 800 program hours in fiscal 2005. Down slightly with construction. Will grow in 2006. One third of usable space for classes/meetings. Opportunity to remove program space, allowing for needed expansion of exhibit and archive areas. Focus on connections to history and historic district, also through school partnerships.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Local Programs/Facilities- Jordan Hall 4 classrooms/studios in 4,000 sf 590 classes in FY 2005, with 4,000 registrants and another 10% on waiting list. Very aggressively programmed, and very popular. Additional 4,000 ceramic studio hours. Clear opportunity for more rooms to support growth of existing programs and new programs. Doesn’t separate children, adults and seniors.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Local Programs/Facilities – Herb Young Gymnasium in Herb Young Community Center is home of Marvelous Music Series. Mostly traditional music and choirs, with some popular events. From 3 concerts and total attendance of 650 in FY2001 to 4 concerts and total attendance of 1,300 in FY2005. Limiting acoustics, limited comfort/amenities and lack of support space. Costly temporary set-ups. Two additional meeting rooms often used for rehearsals - less than ideal. Rehearsals now moved to other spaces with Council meetings in Herb Young.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Local Programs/Facilities – Applause at Cary Elementary Successful and growing program based at old Cary Elementary. From 482 participants in FY2004 to estimated 600 in FY 2006. Attendance from 2,293 to 3,390 in same years. Constrained by size and quality of facilities. Severe need for scene shop and dance studios Could use 6 classrooms instead of current 3.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Local Programs/Facilities – Festivals Lazy Daze – draws 50,000 for fine arts, crafts and entertainment. 19-25 performers on temporary stages covering “arts district area.” Well-known and respected nationally. Challenge is relationships with downtown merchants. “Spring Daze,” started 10 years ago in local park, has more of an orientation to local artists.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Local Programs/Facilities – Koka Booth 7,000-capacity amphitheater opened in 2001 and operated by SMG on behalf of the Town. Cost to sustain (including capital projects) down from $600K in FY2004 to $480K budgeted for 2006. Summer home for NC Symphony, other rentals and a series of presented programs booked through House of Blues Concerts. 2005 attendance of 30,000 at seven presented national acts. Ten such acts budgeted for 2006. Total attendance was 108,000 in 2005. It is an expensive facility from the perspective of users. Additional opportunity for co-presenting with Symphony. Important venue for ethnic and other festivals, as well as film presentations. Positive relationship with SMG and is gaining confidence as co-presenter.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Local Facilities - Libraries West Regional Library is to open in Cary in June 2006. Academy St. Library is to be re-purposed as a branch library. A branch library means: –Services not as broad and deep as regional library. –Focus on homework support for Grades 4-8. –A more popular reading collection. –A collection of 60,000 volumes as compared to regional goal of 200,000 volumes. –Will continue children’s programs, but more at regional library. –No plans for PC lab, video or equipment loans.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Local Facilities- Churches First Baptist –Does not rent to arts groups –Cannot see need for larger performance venue; would rather build on to their own space First Methodist –Current facilities used rent-free by Scouts and others. –Possibility of occasional need for larger space for speakers, concerts; has not used larger space to date –Have approached the Town with ideas and plans to develop the site on which Waldo Rood house now standing. Plans include a new building with fellowship hall, gymnasium and multi-purpose room. –Likely to continue informal rent-free access to community organizations, though less probable for local arts groups.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Local Facilities - Summary
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Regional Facilities Summary
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Regional Facilities Map
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Regional Facilities Issues There is a gap in the regional inventory for a high-quality, mid-size hall. Depends on the idea that Raleigh/Cary is distinct from Chapel Hill/Durham for a set of users and audiences.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY User Demand Town of Cary program demand Local and regional arts organization demand Presenter/promoter demand
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Uses & Users
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Uses & Users Local Cultural Organizations Carolina Ballet interested in having new home in Cary. Need for mid-size, high-quality venue. Would bring teaching and support functions also to Cary.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY
Uses & Users - Presenting Arts and Entertainment Presenting in the Triangle Duke – Very active in a range of facilities with different sponsors UNC Chapel Hill – Carolina Union PA Series NC State – Center Stage Series and concerts for students Progress Energy Center – Broadway and very little else Alltel Pavilion – Clear Channel rock and pop outdoors Carolina Theater Durham – Some lower-risk programs and film The Arts Center in Carrboro – active and somewhat ambitious NCMA – Outdoor summer concert series
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Benefits & Impacts What is the role of the arts in the future of Cary? What is the role of the downtown in the future of Cary?
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Benefits & Impacts Direct impacts –New operations and new spending by arts patrons Indirect Impacts –Attract young professionals who want to live and work near cultural programs and activities, enhancing the workforce and productivity of existing businesses and industries. –Provide opportunities for new and expanding businesses near cultural activities, enhancing retail and commercial activity and improving attractiveness to other new businesses and industries. Source: National Endowment for the Arts
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Benefits & Impacts Community Development –Cultivating demand over building supply – building individual appreciation as the foundation for public community benefits, including increased activity and ancillary economic impact. Cultural Tourism –Presence of high quality arts activities is an important part of an area’s marketing appeal to cultural tourists – will diversify penetration of the tourist market and further develop Cary’s potential as a year-round destination. Education –Quality of primary education important to attract prospective residents as well as businesses and workers – growing national trend toward collaborative partnerships to provide increased opportunities with limited resources.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Conclusions 1.Propensity and capacity in the market for more activity 2.Local facilities lacking 3.Extensive regional facility inventory, with gaps 4.Some community arts organization demand 5.Some market capacity for additional touring activity 6.Town of Cary program demand 7.A range of potential impacts and benefits 8.Call for range of facilities serving different constituents, including residents, youth and visitors 9.Competing for audiences, programs and funding depends on a strong case, unique attributes and a high probability of success
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Recommendation #1: Community Arts Facilities More and better community arts facilities to serve local organizations and Town programs Includes both visual and performing arts spaces. Strong emphasis on teaching. Opportunity to also include office and support space for local nonprofit organizations.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Arvada Center for Arts and Humanities Arvada, CO Population 102,562; outside of Denver Began as community center for Arvada in 1976, now serves broader Denver area 700-seat theater, 2 galleries, 11 studio/classrooms, 3 dance studios, banquet and meeting facilities Produces theater, education classes, gallery exhibits Success of Center evident in plans to expand— wants to add 19,000 sf for $6 million
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Richmond Arts Center Richmond, CA Population 102,318; outside Bay Area Built as part of City bond initiative in the 1930s 5 galleries, 5 classrooms, children’s studio No theater Creative programming –Exhibitions of local artists –Adult and youth classes –Classes appeal to diverse surrounding community (“music gig posters,” “octopus cape making,” “crochet wire jewelry”)
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Sangre de Cristo Arts & Conference Center Pueblo, CO Population 103,621 Built in 1972 500-seat and 50-seat theaters, 6 galleries, classrooms, dance school, conference spaces Presents both local “resident” companies and touring groups Extensive education program –Over 100 classes offered per quarter –Resident School of Dance –Both art classes and lifestyle classes
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Roseville Arts! Roseville, CA Population 103,609 In process of building new 5500 sf facility (former facility 2000 sf) Gallery space with moveable walls, flexible classroom/studio/exhibit space Adjacent to local theater Given ground floor of new parking facility adjacent to theater as part of $6 million development deal—cost to Roseville Arts! is $500,000 in tenant improvement fees Hopes to have touring exhibits in new space Free after-school programs for area students
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Comparable Projects
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Recommendation #2: Cary Elementary as Community Arts Center An existing and well-loved building that is ideally suited for this purpose is terms of its size, configuration, condition, ownership, level of investment required, recent history and national precedents. Other options were evaluated, as follows: –Children’s center: A good use and potential need, but better approached as entrepreneurial venture. –Housing: Higher level of risk and investment required to achieve a financial gain without community benefits. –Commercial development: Similarly higher cost and impacts without potential for community gain. Fundamentally, we are likely able to find the needed space for a CAC in the existing building and bring it to an operating form at a reasonable expense.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts Annapolis, MD Founded in 1979 by local arts groups without homes 850-seat theater, 8 multidisciplinary studio spaces, 3 galleries, outdoor sculpture garden Four main tenant organizations (Annapolis Chorale, Annapolis Opera, Annapolis Symphony Orchestra and the Ballet Theatre of Maryland.) Also present other programs (touring groups, community groups) Extensive class offerings for children and adults $2.5 million budget, only $500,000 from contributions
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Sierra 2 Sacramento, CA Old School renovated by neighborhood association 300-seat theater houses resident theater company; also rent to other users 20 classrooms rented out to local artists to teach classes, other community groups Building owned by school district, rented to neighborhood association for $1 per year Room tenants incur costs of renovations/improvements Center is open to all, but is operated by the Neighborhood Association
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Chesapeake Art Center Brooklyn Park, MD Opened in 2001; renovated high school $35 million to renovate/adapt Building also houses middle school and senior center; organizations have no affiliation and separate entrances 900-seat and 120-seat theater, dance studio, classrooms Both produce and present performances Classes in Dance, Theater, Music, Literary Arts
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Recommendation #3: New mid-size hall High-quality regional facility for an array of cultural and entertainment activity, ranging from symphonic presentations to dance. Venue should support un-amplified symphonic music with concert hall acoustics in a full fly tower. Accommodate local, large-ensemble producing organizations in a quality facility with capacity to support growing audiences. Allow for significant expansion in both adult and youth oriented entertainment concerts. Potential home for the Carolina Ballet.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Christopher Cohan Center at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, CA 91,500 sf performing arts center, seats 1,302 Used by local performing arts groups (music, dance, opera, theater) and touring groups $30 million to build, opened in 1997 –Funding partnership between the University, City and Foundation for the Performing Arts Center
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Walton Arts Center Fayetteville, AR Facilities include a 1,201-seat Baum Walker Hall, 220-seat thrust stage theater, and 100-seat studio $16 million to build, opened in 1992 3 halls used for over 700 events per year –classes –performances by both local and touring groups: music, Broadway, dance, comedy shows
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY McCallum Theater Palm Desert, CA 1,127 seats in an intimate, European opera house-style space $22 million to build in 1988 Project funded entirely by private money and a donation of land from the state Majority of events are McCallum-presented events; some local rentals to educational and local nonprofits
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Living Arts Centre Mississauga, ON 225,000 sf multi-use facility –1,315-seat Hammerson Hall, 300-seat studio Theatre, 110-seat lab space –Classroom space and studio space Has 3 resident companies (local arts organizations), presents touring groups and offers classes US$50 million to build, opened in 1997
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Eisemann Center Richardson, TX 1,563-seat performance hall and 350-seat theater Used for performing arts and corporate presentations—facility is outfitted for broadcast Home to eight resident companies in addition to presenting touring groups $50 million to build, opened in 2002
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Recommendation #4: Sculpture Gardens Opportunity for concentration of local, regional and national sculpture in a park setting or distributed in a district. Low impact development that supports open- space retention and cultural investment. A means to pursue public arts goals of the Town. Implementation of Town Center Park Plan. Consistent with character goals of Town Center Area Plan. Distinctive in the region. Acquisition of public art as an investment strategy.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Arvada Center Large Sculpture garden features –accessible playground designed for disabled and non-disabled adults and children –12 pieces by 15 different artists –Both permanent and temporary pieces –One public art piece –Sound art—talking trashcans!
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Sangre de Cristo Arts & Conference Center Smaller sculpture garden is available to rent for events Adjacent to Buell Children’s Museum and cafe Site of the annual Festival Fridays outdoor summer concert series Part of recent expansion of the Center, which included the Jackson Sculpture Garden and Buell Children’s Museum
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Walker Art Center, Minneapolis In 1988, Walker Art Center and Minneapolis Parks collaborated to turn field adjacent to Walker into sculpture garden Over 40 works on permanent display; continual rotation of temporary installations Includes arbor and flower garden and indoor conservatory 11 acres in total, plan on expanding to 15 acres
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Nasher Sculpture Center Dallas 1.5 acre outdoor sculpture garden is adjacent to 55,000 sf sculpture center Opened in 2003 Features a rotating display of 25-30 pieces from the Nasher Collection of modern and contemporary sculpture Includes walkways, pools, fountains and 170 installed trees Situated next to Dallas Museum of Art in downtown Dallas, though not formally affiliated
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Recommendation #5: Community Media Center Next generation community arts center focused on electronic media. Potentially connected to existing, other proposed facilities or a new stand-alone facility. Consider option of development in partnership with branch library on Academy. Can be started with minimal space and resource requirements and grow over time. Potential means to attract and support local and regional youth. High probability of corporate support given Research Triangle character.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Community Media Center Grand Rapids, Michigan Started as a public access television station in 1981 and became role model for the transformation into to a multi-disciplinary Community Media Center Access to tools, training and transmission for individuals and groups Organized as a cooperative of public access and nonprofit media affiliates; each responsible for generating their own funding. Completion of $1.2 million capital campaign in 1997, now housed in a creatively renovated 6,600 square foot space in a historic 1920’s library Annual budget: $1.2 million
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY 911 Media Arts Center Seattle, Washington 20 year history in Seattle Washington State's premier Media Arts Center Nonprofit arts center offers low cost production equipment, workshops and a screening room for indie media. Various programs in partnership with the City of Seattle, arts centers and high schools “Young Producers Project” dedicated to teaching young people critical viewing skills with a program budget of $90,000
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Zeum at Yerba Buena Gardens San Francisco, CA Founded in 1992 as part of SF’s plan to develop a city block as an urban destination for youth Theater (120 seats), a carousel, galleries, rooftop terraces and several studios now located on the rooftop of the Moscone Convention Center Production studios include animation lab, video, digital imagery, sound and high tech class rooms for children for multimedia experimentation Operated and owned by a nonprofit Total revenue in 2003: $1.8 million ($1 million government grants)
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Appalshop Whitesburg, Kentucky Multipurpose media arts center including audio/radio equipment, a darkroom, film editing, 150-seat theater, exhibition gallery, screening room and class/meeting spaces Summer training program for high school students focusing on teaching radio and video production skills for the past 12 years Programs managed with assistance of Appalshop’s artists Program budget: $95,000-$110,000. Grants fund the core of the programs Operating budget: $1.2 million
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Recommendation #6: Re-purposing of Existing arts facilities Page-Walker should return to its original focus as an exhibit space and archive, with continuing programs such as walking tours. Jordan Hall as a visual arts program space, perhaps with greater focus on a specific area. –Insufficient space to act as satellite facility. –Consider as home for specific programs such as ceramics, electronic media or photography. Herb Young: for rehearsal and performance for only as long as necessary.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Part Two: Creating an Arts District How the combination of components in a geographic area makes a district What else it needs to truly become a district What is the theme/feeling/idea of this district How commercial development is attracted and integrated
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Chattanooga, TN Bluff View Arts District Population 153,154 Private endeavor: Husband and wife turned historic building into museum, bought other surrounding properties Two museums, Art gallery, sculpture garden, glass studio Restaurants, B&Bs, restored historic houses
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Comparable Districts Peekskill, NY Population 22,441 Arts district plan began in early ‘ 90s Artists ’ studios, galleries integral part of Mayor ’ s plan Captured interest of artists fleeing NYC rents Arrival of artists filled empty downtown spaces; coffee shops, restaurants and boutiques followed Paramount Center for the Arts –Renovated movie theater –Films, concerts and a visual art gallery –City’s arts “center”
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Comparable Districts Syracuse, NY Population 160,000 Leaders and activists spearheaded effort to revitalize downtown area and connect local arts organizations Strategic plan still in progress, but success is beginning to show: –Downtown residences 100% occupied –new residences planned –local businesses opening up in downtown area –large businesses staying in area Syracuse Jazz Fest
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Comparable Districts Lowell, MA Population 105,000 Former mill town Plan centered around individual artists; converted old mills into live/work space Marketed aggressively to artists being priced- out of Boston Successful partnerships between government, businesses and arts organizations
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Commercial Development Stories Theme across all stories: Intangible feeling of adding arts organizations to a district is of the greatest value ( “ excitement, ” “ energy ” ) –this attracts both people and businesses Chattanooga –Commercial development with an eye for aesthetic value was initial focus of the two developers –Businesses are renovated historic houses, many decorated with antiques and original art –Most buildings in district owned by original developers, so idea stays intact
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Syracuse –Conducted stakeholders’ meetings with existing businesses to create a strategic plan for integrating commerce and arts Lowell –Plan: if we put people downtown, businesses will follow –Goal was to fill vacant storefronts with anything and everything –Spaces not filled with artists are filled with businesses; many service-oriented like restaurants, banks—also some retail Commercial Development Stories
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Peekskill –Plan similar to Lowell’s: bring in artists to fill spaces first, attracting both people and businesses –Arrival of artists has brought a dozen coffee shops, restaurants and boutiques to the downtown –Initial success of revitalization efforts attracted wealthier artists who have established organizations (Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, several galleries) Commercial Development Stories
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Start with what you have: –A set of existing and proposed facilities and open space along a spine already known as Lazy Daze site Streetscaping, signage and identity programs to retain village character Programming, promotion and extension of festival opportunities Formal relations and representation for business owners Add businesses and related development that benefits from proximity and association with cultural activity and audiences District Development Strategies
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY District Development Strategies Core Cultural Components Cultural Enterprises Commercial Beneficiaries
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOWN Of CARY Work with Chesapeake Group Master Plan to define industry segment targets Confirm Town goals for timing, density and development impacts Test support for arts-themed development strategy Advance broad strategy to communications plan Develop district business plan District Development Strategies
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