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1. Transform the traditional classroom into an innovative learning experience that meets the needs of the individual learner 1.1 Design and implement.

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6 1. Transform the traditional classroom into an innovative learning experience that meets the needs of the individual learner 1.1 Design and implement flexible systems of learning at all grade levels - FOCUS A: Career & Technology Education 1.1A Plan 2 Develop a Strategic Plan for Career & Technology Education Specific Result:Create a Five-Year Vision of Career & Technology Education to expand the comprehensive programs of study, scope of curriculum & course offerings, student opportunities for work-based experiences, industry certifications, college dual credit and college preparatory outcomes to serve a broader range of students.  Assignment:Maroba Zoeller, Year 1, Continued Year 2

7  The Specific Result of completed development of a Strategic Plan that offers a basis for long-range planning for comprehensive program expansion, revision and future growth including staffing, reassigning teachers, focusing training and professional development as well as facilities renovation/redesign needs is now ongoing. Please consider this plan Complete.

8 1.1 Transform the traditional classroom into an innovative learning experience that meets the needs of the individual learner ◦ Design and implement flexible systems of learning at all grade levels -  FOCUS B: On-Line Classes  1.1B Provide opportunities for students to register and earn credits toward graduation in online classes that allow access at home with facilitation opportunities at school  Specific Result: Provide access to a learning management system to facilitate online education.  Assignment:Lisa Casto, Year 1, Continuing. To be completed 2014- 15.

9  Because Canvas will be available to all Secondary teachers/students in Fall of 2015, it has become an ongoing process within the district.  This Specific Result has been met. Please consider this Action Plan Complete.

10  1.Transform the traditional classroom into an innovative learning experience that meets the needs of the individual learner  1.1Design and implement flexible systems of learning at all grade levels -  FOCUS D: Alternative Education  1.1D Plan 1Create a non-traditional learning center to facilitate credit recovery, credit acceleration and alternative methods of instruction and learning so that students who are not successful in traditional classrooms can thrive in an alternative setting.  Specific Result: Provide computer-based learning opportunities for credit recovery/acceleration in a self-paced environment and remediation to prepare for state assessments allowing students to attain a high school diploma.  Assignment:Lisa Casto/Eric Pacheco, Year 2, to be completed 2015- 16, with Plan 2.

11 1. Transform the traditional classroom into an innovative learning experience that meets the needs of the individual learner ◦ Design and implement flexible systems of learning at all grade levels -  FOCUS D: Alternative Education  1.1D Plan 2Redesign the district alternative education instructional delivery methodology to include: electronic transmission of the classroom at school or origin; online learning modules that allow self-paced learning;  Specific Result: Provide effective educational opportunities through the use of available technologies such as video streaming, video archives, and online instruction.  Assignment:Lisa Casto/Eric Pacheco, Year 3, to be completed 2015-16 with Plan 1.

12  Superintendent Cabinet decision based on committee recommendation in Fall 2015.  Project Kids Recommendations to Board included repurposing front portion of Lowery Freshman Center to allow for expansion of alternative education programs, including online classes, and other technology-based instructional delivery, video streaming, video archives and self-paced environments.  With Specific Results of providing computer based learning opportunities for credit/recovery /acceleration through the use of available technologies, please consider these two plans Complete.

13 1.2 Transform the traditional classroom into an innovative learning experience that meets the needs of the individual learner  1.2Design and implement a one to one initiative with personal electronic devices.  Specific Result: Provide students access to a personal electronic device to enhance and expand their learning environment.  Assignment:Patrick Tanner, Year 2. To be completed 2015-16.

14  Every grade level at every elementary campus has 8 carts of devices to provide access to either I-Pads or laptops in addition classroom devices.  At middle and high school, we leverage the Bring Your Own Device philosophy – we have increased wireless access and capacity to enable more usage of personal devices.  A full 1-to-1 initiative presents increased financial and technical support challenges.  Continue a strategy that provides access to both mobile and PC devices.  A refresh model that increases number of devices per school based on enrollment, leveraging BYOD, and a consistent replacement cycle   This Action Plan should be considered Complete as the Specific Result of providing students access to personal electronic devices has been met.


16 2. Transform the learning environment by increasing rigor and encouraging innovation so that students become effective problem- solvers. 2.1 Develop a system where all are inspired and supported to share leading-edge learning  Specific Result: Provide differentiated time, training, and technical support, along with accountability, to make the sharing of strategies for rigor and innovation an integral part of the learning environment.  Assignment:Barb Lecheler, Year 1 Continuing, to be completed 2015-16.

17  Based on Specific Result of providing differentiated time, training, and technical support, along with accountability, to make the sharing of strategies for rigor and innovation an integral part of the learning environment, please consider this Action Plan Complete.

18 4. Foster sustainable opportunities for everyone to become a responsible and engaged citizen. 4.2 Implement and align service leadership district-wide (K-12)  Specific Result:Create a framework for service leadership opportunities at each AISD campus.  Assignment:Amy Plate, Year 2, to be completed 2014-15.

19  Nurtures a commitment to community involvement/support;  Creates a mindset to be a benefit to society;  Maintains a feeling of unity/community “oneness” ;  Involves business/community members.


21  Online Resource Page Live  August 2015 – Back to School Administrative Retreat. Principals to select sponsor.  Sponsor a service leadership week at each campus 2015-16  Complete summer 2015 – PPT Training Guide for campus sponsors  Create and communicate guidelines for organizations to post service opportunities on the service leadership website. Completed January 2015.  Held two community meetings to introduce the community resource page and explain the process.  Showcases student/community involvement, contacts for student organizations and community organizations, list volunteer opportunities and calendar.

22  Based on accomplishment of the Specific Result to create a framework for service leadership opportunities at each AISD campus, please consider this plan Complete.


24 1. Transform the traditional classroom into an innovative learning experience that meets the needs of the individual learner ◦ Design and implement flexible systems of learning at all grade levels -  FOCUS D: Alternative Education  1.1D Plan 2Redesign the district alternative education instructional delivery methodology to include: electronic transmission of the classroom at school or origin; online learning modules that allow self-paced learning;  Specific Result:Provide effective educational opportunities through the use of available technologies such as video streaming, video archives, and online instruction.  Assignment:Lisa Casto/Eric Pacheco, Year 3, to be completed 2015-16 with Plan 1. (Consider this plan an extension of 1.1D Plan 1) Completed with Plan 1 Report

25 2. Transform the learning environment by increasing rigor and encouraging innovation so that students become effective problem- solvers. 2.2 Focus professional development on supporting instructional strategies that embrace a new culture of learning  Specific Result:Provide ongoing professional development in a variety of levels and models that includes strategies for technology integration and instruction to meet the needs of all students.  Assignment:Lisa Casto, Year 3, to be completed 2015-16.

26  A focus on rigor and Depth of Knowledge has been integrated into Collaborative Planning for the last two years.  Project Kids included repurposing of the Dillard Center to provide expanded Professional Development facilities.  With Year Three Implementation, this plan is ongoing.

27 3. Integrate effective communication through advancing technologies and develop interpersonal skills throughout the learning environment. 3.1 Develop a system for students and teachers to use advancing technologies for successful communication  Specific Result:Create a repository of current and emerging technology to support teacher and student communication.  Assignment:Barb Lecheler, Year 3

28  Although assigned for Year Three implementation, current status of resources specifically developed for technology, meets the Specific Result of creating a repository of current and emerging technology to support teacher and student communication. Please consider this Action Plan complete.

29 3. Integrate effective communication through advancing technologies and develop interpersonal skills throughout the learning environment. 3.2 Develop a system for students and teachers to effectively apply appropriate interpersonal communication skills  Specific Result: Increase opportunities for application of communication skills through meaningful real-world experiences.  Assignment:Patrick Tanner, Year 3, to be completed 2015-16.

30  Because the specific result of increasing opportunities for application of communication skills has been met and is ongoing, please consider this plan Complete.

31  3 Year One Action Plans Continued to Year 2 Completed;  3 Year Two Action Plans Completed;  2 Year Three Action Plans Completed;  1 Year Three Action Plan to be implemented as ongoing Year Three.  Committee agreed to consider 2013 & Beyond Strategic Plan Complete.

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