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The Vitae programme – realising the potential of researchers Dr. Tony Bromley, University of Leeds Co-ordinator Yorkshire and North East Hub Dr. Vicky.

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Presentation on theme: "The Vitae programme – realising the potential of researchers Dr. Tony Bromley, University of Leeds Co-ordinator Yorkshire and North East Hub Dr. Vicky."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Vitae programme – realising the potential of researchers Dr. Tony Bromley, University of Leeds Co-ordinator Yorkshire and North East Hub Dr. Vicky Willett, Hub Manager An RCUK funded programme

2 What is Vitae? Vitae is the first national organisation to champion the professional and career development of both doctoral researchers and research staff in higher education institutions and research institutes. Activity focuses on Policy, Practice, Resources, Building the evidence base

3 Organisation - Regional Hubs Scotland & N Ireland Wales & SW SE London ENW Yorkshire & NE Midland s ~90 000 PGR and 40 000 RS in UK

4 Researcher Development Framework (RDF)

5 RDF – previously… 2001 – RCUK Joint Statement of Skills(JSS) developed Targeted at PhD only Seven skills areas, 36 skills (A) Research Skills and Techniques, (B) Research Environment, (C) Research Management, (D) Personal Effectiveness, (E) Communication Skills, (F) Networking and Teamworking, (G) Career Management

6 RDF – now… Researcher Development Framework developed that covers the research career (postgraduate researcher through to academic) Joints Skills Statement incorporated in RDF

7 The Researcher Development Framework is… ‘…a tool for planning, promoting and supporting the personal, professional and career development of researchers in higher education.’ ‘It describes the knowledge, skills, behaviours and personal qualities of researchers and encourages them to aspire to excellence through achieving higher levels of development.’

8 Researcher Development Framework - Who is it for? Researchers Managers/supervisors Trainers, developers, human resources specialists & Careers advisors Institutions


10 Key Descriptors Phase 1 – Phase 2 – Phase 3 – Phase 4 – Phase 5 Career ‘phases’


12 Key Descriptor number 5. Information literacy and management Domain A: Knowledge and intellectual abilities This domain contains the knowledge and intellectual abilities needed to be able to carry out excellent research. Sub-domain A1 – Knowledge base Researcher development ‘phases’ 1 - 5

13 Phase 1 – Phase 2 – Phase 3 – Phase 4 – Phase 5 Designs and executes systems for the acquisition and collation of information using information technology (e.g. word processing, spreadsheets, simulation systems, databases) appropriately. (C2, C4) Develops awareness of information/data security and longevity issues. Knows where to obtain expert advice – i.e. information/data managers, archivists and librarians.

14 Phase 1 – Phase 2 – Phase 3 – Phase 4 – Phase 5 Develops a sustained awareness of the creation, organisation, validation, sharing, storing and curation of information/data and associated risks. Understands legal, ethical and security requirements involved in information/data management, especially over time. Has knowledge of purpose of metadata.

15 Phase 1 – Phase 2 – Phase 3 – Phase 4 – Phase 5 Advises and educates peers, less experienced researchers, students and staff in discipline/research area-specific information/data management techniques, data security, legal and ethical requirements.

16 Phase 1 – Phase 2 – Phase 3 – Phase 4 – Phase 5 Develops new techniques for information management. Keeps abreast of and anticipates trends in the design and use of information/data collection, analysis and preservation.

17 Researcher Development STATEMENT (RDS) ‘Bite-size’ RDF!

18 Researcher Development Framework RCUK QAA

19 Changing funding climate Roberts funding mechanism has provided ~ £800/head for each RCUK funded researcher Current Roberts funding system ends 31 st March 2011 Postgraduate researchers - RCUK has advised Universities to increase annual fees by £200/head Research staff – Recoup £200 via indirect costs in research grants Universities currently developing their plans

20 Challenges Targets to increase research income and performance in the research intensive universities Downward pressure on funding (everywhere!) E-thesis – increased volumes of PhD thesis online, support on copyright, searching PhD theses Potential increase in online journals, developed independently and outside of recognised publishers Online researcher development provision

21 Opportunities The UK is seen as the world leader in researcher development What is world leading library support for researchers?

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