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MODULE ONE Objectives: Students will learn traffic laws, licensing procedures, and driving responsibilities in North Carolina Topics covered: –Level I.

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Presentation on theme: "MODULE ONE Objectives: Students will learn traffic laws, licensing procedures, and driving responsibilities in North Carolina Topics covered: –Level I."— Presentation transcript:

1 MODULE ONE Objectives: Students will learn traffic laws, licensing procedures, and driving responsibilities in North Carolina Topics covered: –Level I Limited Learners Permit, a driver’s license, inspection and registration process, and being a responsible driver –Road signs, signals & pavement markings –Rules and regulations for right-away concepts and consequences for violating the right-of way procedures

2 Graduated License-Level I Level I Limited Learners Permit — You must be at least 15, but less than 18 years old—you must pass a sign test, a 25 question written test, and a vision test –The first six months, the driving hours are 5 am—9 pm—must have a supervising driver (parent, grandparent or guardian) with a valid drivers license with at least 5 years driving experience – Six months from getting your Level I Learners Permit — you are allowed to drive anytime with your supervising driver –Before graduating to Level II—you must keep this permit at least 12 months with no motor vehicle convictions, seat belt, or cell phone infractions

3 Level II--Provisional License To obtain a drivers license, you must be 16 years old, but less than 18, and a resident of North Carolina –Drivers licenses are issued by DMV when you’ve successfully met all requirements You may drive without supervision from 5 am until 9 pm and any time when driving directly to or from work, or if your are a member of fire, rescue or EMS No more than 1 passenger under 21 years when not accompanied by a supervising driver No cell phone usage or texting law in North Carolina bans the use of technology while driving for all drivers

4 Level III--Full Provisional License To graduate to Level III—must be under age 18 and keep your Level 2 Provisional License for 6 months without vehicle, seat belt, or mobile phone violation Time of driving, supervision, and passenger restrictions do not apply for full provisional licensees As a provisional licensee—you may have your license revoked or suspended by: –missing more than ten consecutive school days – being assigned to alternative schools; or –failing to pass minimal required courses 30 days, after a 2 nd moving violation within a 12- month period 90 days after a 3 rd moving violation with a 12-month period

5 Commercial Licenses CDLs Allows a person to drive a large truck, a van designed for 16 or more passengers, or transporting hazardous materials To operate a motorcycle on a public road—you must have –Level III Class C- (Full provisional license) with a motorcycle endorsement learners permit To operate a school bus—you must have –Class B or C (CDL) with an S certification or Class A, B, or C CDL with a P endorsement

6 Licensing Restrictions Vision Screening—determines adequate vision to operate vehicles safely –If glasses or contact lenses are required to drive, you will be required to wear them and your license will indicate restriction Restricted license—you must only drive within the limits of the restriction Hearing-drivers who are hearing impaired may request a “hearing impaired” indicator on driver’s license to identify disability Mental or Physical—individuals with mental or physical conditions must provide DMV with a medical statement –DMV—will evaluate the medical information to determine if a learner’s permit or driver’s license may be issued or restricted

7 Financial Responsibilities Vehicle owners are responsible for maintenance costs to operate vehicle safety –North Carolina requires all motor vehicles to be in good working order (brakes, safety belts, horn, lights, turn signals, mirrors, and speedometer) –All motor vehicles registered in North Carolina must have a valid safety inspection sticker, license plate, and vehicle registration card Automobile Liability Insurance Coverage-- the minimum amount required in North Carolina is –Bodily injury/death of one person is $30,000 –Bodily injury/death of two or more $60,000 –Property damage is $25,000 30,000/60,000/25,000 –With a learner’s permit—you are covered by your parents’ policy while driving

8 Financial Responsibilities (continued) Uninsured motor vehicle fee—every person registering an uninsured vehicle will pay a $500.00 fee –The fee pays when you are the victim of a crash involving an uninsured vehicle –The fee does not provide the motorist with any insurance coverage—if involved in an accident, the uninsured motorist remains personally liable All registered vehicles in North Carolina, including motor cycles/scooters, and mopeds must be inspected each year by an official motor vehicle inspection station

9 Traffic Violations If you accumulate 7-points on your license—you will be assigned to a Driver Improvement Clinic— once completion, 3 points will be deducted from your record If you accumulate 8-points within 3 years after reinstatement—your license can result in a second suspension If your drivers license is suspended by the point system, it may be taken for –1 st offense--60 days –2 nd offense-- 6 months –3 rd offense--12 months

10 License—Suspension/Revoked Driving privilege will be revoked for at least— – 30 days if convicted of: Driving more than 15 mph over the speed limit, while the speed limit is at least 55 mph –60 days if convicted of: A second charge of speeding over 55 mph and more than 15 mph above the speed limit within one year Speeding plus reckless driving on the same occasion Driving privilege will be suspended for: –Two convictions of speeding over 55 mph in the same year –One conviction of speeding over 55 and one conviction of reckless driving in the same year –A conviction of speeding over 75 mph –A suspended court sentence mandating that you must not operate a motor vehicle for a specified period of time –**ANY OUT OF STATE CONVICTIONS MAY RESULT IN LICENSE REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION**

11 Traffic Offenses Penalty points are assigned for the following: –5 points—Passing a stopped school bus loading or unloading children –5 points—Aggressive Driving –4 points—Reckless Driving, hit and run, and property damage only –3 points—Failure to yield right-of-way to pedestrians, bicyclist, or motor scooters –3 points—Running through stop sign, speeding through a school zone, failure to yield the right of way, running a red light, no driver’s license or license expired more than one year, and failure to stop for a siren

12 Traffic Offenses—Commercial Motor Vehicle Penalty points are assigned for the following: –8 points—Passing a stopped school bus –6 points—Careless and reckless driving violation, aggressive and reckless driving –5 points—Hit and run property damage only, following too close, driving on the wrong side of road, failure to yield right-of-way to pedestrians, bicyclist, and motor scooter riders –4 points—Running through a stop sign, speeding in excess of 55 mph, speeding through a school zone, running through a red light, no driver license or expired for more than one year, failure to stop for a siren, and driving through safety zones

13 Alcohol and the Law One drink can impair a persons driving ability At.08 percent blood/alcohol concentration (BAC), everyone’s driving ability is impaired, and the risk of causing a fatal crash is high –Safe Roads Act: drivers younger than 21 will lose their driving privileges for one year if they have any amount of BAC. “Implied Consent” – You MUST submit to a chemical test for alcohol and other drugs if requested when driving on North Carolina’s public roadways; if you refuse, your license is automatically taken for a minimum of 30 days –The penalty for a provisional license holder who is convicted of consuming or having consumed alcohol or drugs is loss of license for one year

14 Alcohol and the Law It is against the law for any person who is younger than 21 to purchase or attempt to purchase alcohol –When young drivers less than 21 are convicted of driving with any amount of alcohol or drugs, their licenses will be revoked for one year

15 Road Signs Steep grade Regulatory signs Railroad Crossings Warning Signs School crossing signs are fluorescent optic yellow optic yellow

16 Road Signs -- page 2 Constructions Signs (orange) –the fine for speeding in a work zone may be up to 250.00 A green arrow indicates a protected turn lane a protected turn lane A flashing amber light means to proceed with caution Stop and remain stopped on red light on red light

17 Road Signs – page 3 A cross buck is the same as a yield sign –Trains have the right of way—they cannot stop Keep right No Passing (double yellow lines) Broken yellow lines indicate two way traffic, passing with caution

18 Road Signs – page 4 Broken white line means to pass with caution and one way traffic Bike or bus lane and HOV lane Left turn only (reserved lane) Yield Rules—when two cars reach the intersections at the same time, the car on the left must yield to the driver on the right

19 Road Sign Colors Red—stop, yield, do not enter, or wrong way signs Red—stop, yield, do not enter, or wrong way signs Blue—motorist services signs (including police Blue—motorist services signs (including police services and rest areas services and rest areas Yellow—general warning of what is ahead signs Yellow—general warning of what is ahead signs Orange—construction and maintenance work area Orange—construction and maintenance work area signs signs Green—guide information, such as direction or Green—guide information, such as direction or guidance signs guidance signs White—regulatory signs that display speed limits White—regulatory signs that display speed limits and other regulations and other regulations

20 School Buses, Emergency Vehicles, Pedestrians School bus--the maximum speed limit is 45 mph You must STOP when a school bus is loading or discharging passengers –You may pass a stopped school bus only if there is a median between you and bus When an emergency vehicle approaches you using its siren, you must pull over to allow a clear path –Do not park within 100 feet of an emergency vehicle

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