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 We got a new clicker box  Better range  Faster.

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Presentation on theme: " We got a new clicker box  Better range  Faster."— Presentation transcript:

1  We got a new clicker box  Better range  Faster

2  If you were going to get a puppy, which one of these would you take home? A B C D E

3  Login to D2L frequently. There are quizzes, announcements, HW solutions, grades, clicker points, etc.  Be sure you have set up an email in D2L that you check frequently because I am sending you emails from D2L  SVLS tomorrow - Jenny Ming – COE Charlotte Russe – trendy clothes store headquartered in San Diego

4 Engineering 10, SJSU 4 Review Question Y = deflection = FL 3 / 3 EI F = force L = length Given the deflection at the end of the beam shown above when a load F is applied, what is the stiffness (k) of this beam? A)FL 3 /3EI B)3EI/FL 3 C)L 3 /3EI D)3EI/ L 3 Fixed end Support

5 Engineering 10, SJSU 5 Review Question Deflection (inch) Load (lbs) C B A The plot shows load versus deflection for three structures. Which is stiffest? A.A B.B C.C

6 Review Question Engineering 10, SJSU 6 You design a structure and then decide to change to a material with a larger Modulus of Elasticity (E). This design decision decreases the stiffness of the structure. A. True B. False

7 Engineering Success & Teamwork EGR 101 Introduction to Engineering

8 Think for a minute... What does success mean to you? Success?

9 Success means something different to each of us What kind of success are we talking about today? To be successful professionally. To become a successful engineer. To have a successful engineering career. Success: Achievement of a Goal

10 What makes a Successful Engineer? Form groups of 3 or 4 (you may have to turn around in your seat) One of you will be asked to report out Answer these two questions: – What are the attributes of a successful engineer? – If you asked a company CEO the same question, what would he or she say?

11 1. Master technical knowledge 2. Develop soft skills --- communication, teamwork, leadership, social skills, interpersonal skills, professionalism, sense of responsibility, dependability, maturity, confidence, positive attitude….. How do I become a successful engineer?

12 Technical knowledge vs. Soft skills Which one is more important ? Soft Skills!! * Technical knowledge is a minimum requirement.

13 JKA_ 200913 Engineering Success Teamwork Communication Ethics Creativity Organization Responsibility Technical Pride in Work Always Learning Listening Persistence Leadership Cooperation

14 What People Say About Teamwork “Getting” good players is easy. Gettin' 'em” to play together is the hard part.” Casey Stengel (former NY Yankees manager) “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress Working together is success.” Henry Ford “Everyone has to work together; if we can’t get everybody working toward common goals, nothing is going to happen Harold K. Sperlich (Former President, Chrysler Corporation)

15 What is teamwork …. A team is a small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals and approach, for which they hold themselves accountable

16 Benefits of Working in Teams - overview 1. Accomplish more in: Quantity Complexity 2. Generate more solutions/brainstorming ideas. 3. Gain exposure to various points of view. 4. Develop/use “critical thinking” and “evaluation” skills. 5. Improve conflict resolution skills 6. Improve communication skills

17 Benefits – more detail Accomplish projects an individual cannot do – Most engineering projects are too large or too complex for one individual to complete alone. Imagine trying to build the Golden Gate Bridge all by yourself! Brainstorm More Solution Options - Different people looking at the same problem will find different solutions. Detect Flaws in Solutions - A team looking at different proposed solutions may find pitfalls that an individual might miss. Build Community - Members of effective teams can form personal bonds which are good for individual and workplace morale. In the university setting, students on teams often form bonds that extend beyond the classroom.

18 Benefits – more detail Exposure to different points of view - You learn different ways of approaching a problem when you are exposed to methods and ideas that other people have. Critical Thinking and Evaluation Skills – You must use these skills to evaluate the complex issues of team project goals and to formulate appropriate solutions and plans.

19 Conflict Resolution Skills - Yes, teams have conflicts, but you can develop the skills to facilitate solutions to conflicts so that the team remains functional. Students may do more academic work - Some students may accomplish more in order to keep up with the rest of the team. Benefits – more detail

20 Communication Skills - A team relies on communication among members. – Actively and effectively listen to their team members to understand their ideas and concerns. – Effectively articulate their ideas or their concerns to others. – Provide genuinely constructive feedback to team members Benefits – more detail

21 Teamwork Enhances Learning Teamwork provides the opportunity for collaborative learning. Teamwork keeps members motivated. People (students, engineering colleagues) are the best motivators of other people. Teaching others is the deepest form of learning. Teamwork helps speed up the solution process. IT IS how engineering professionals work and learn.

22 Has teamwork worked for you? Has your EGR 101 teamwork experience so far been good or not too good? Why? Turn to your small group and discuss this

23 Team Skills Persuade Respect Help Share Question Listen Participate Let’s take a closer look…

24 Team Skills 1. Listen: Listen to other people's ideas. When people are allowed to freely express their ideas, these initial ideas will produce other ideas. 2. Question: Ask questions, interact, and discuss the objectives of the team. 3. Persuade : Individuals are encouraged to exchange, defend, and then to ultimately rethink their ideas. 4. Respect : Treat others with respect and support their ideas. 5. Help : Help one's coworkers, which is the general theme of teamwork. 6. Share : Share with the team to create an environment of teamwork. 7. Participate : All members of the team are encouraged to participate in the team. (OSU)

25 Scenario: Anthony worked in an engineering firm before he started at ERAU and knows a bit about design and construction. In his efforts to ensure a good project he appoints himself as team leader and tells all the others what to do. What do you think will happen? A.The team will build the best turbine structure in the lab B.Team members will appreciate Anthony taking charge C.Team members will resent his controlling attitude D.Anthony will end up doing all of the work himself E.C&D

26 What do I expect to get out of EGR101 teamwork experience? Complete a project and earn a top grade Develop/practice/improve teamwork skills Satisfaction of achievement Networking and friendships Peer performance evaluation

27 Teamwork Evaluation on Projects Teamwork SkillPerformance Level (1 to 5) 1) open and honest communication among members 2) each individual carried his/her own weight 3) collaboration in decision making 4) team set goals and milestones 5) people listened to each other 6) leadership was shared among the members 5 = we did this all of the time 1 = we did no do this at all

28 Team Organization Define a common goal for the project. List tasks to be completed. Assign responsibility for all tasks. Develop a timeline. Develop and post a checklist. Maintain a central archive for all communications. (Drawings, Photos, Report, Presentation) Communicate all team meetings. Send reminders when deadlines approach. Send confirmation when tasks are completed.

29 What are the EGR101 Teamwork Basics? 1. Team Formation – Team members: 3 to 4 per team – Team Name – Team Roster: Name, phone, e-mail Copy to all members 2. Member introduction (“getting to know you” ) 3. Set Ground Rules-Operational

30 EGR101 Teamwork Basics - Ground rules Assign a Group Leader – (Project manager, Project Leader, Facilitator, etc.) – (why)? Do we need a boss??????? Distribute the work among members Equivalency-Fairness-Balance Ability-Training-Experience Time and Effort Communicate - FREQUENTLY Do what you promise to do... Be accountable On time Your best quality work

31 Resolving Conflict Acknowledge the conflict – don’t ignore it Stick to the facts – don’t get personal Analyze the situation – encourage different points of view Focus on a solution – don’t get stuck on things you can’t change Once you decide on a solution – move forward

32 Scenario: On the first project day, the team divided up project duties. Cynthia designed the robot arm, Juan designed the robot chassis, Tri and Robert started the computer programming, and Calvin volunteered to write the report and make the PowerPoint presentation. On testing day their robot still could not complete the specified tasks reliably and the group’s oral report was disjointed and incomplete. What is the most likely cause? A.A couple of people are not very smart and they dragged the team down. B.The wrong people chose the wrong tasks C.The members worked individually without much communication D.They didn’t have a strong enough boss who could tell each person what to do E.They were basically not working hard enough

33 Team Dynamics - Communication** Listen actively. Don't interrupt. Ask questions. Be aware of body language and tone. Use appropriate humor. Be patient. Don't express an opinion as a fact. Explain your reasons. Compliment each other's ideas. Evaluate - Do not criticize. Restate the original idea to be sure it is understood. Respond, don't react. Critique the idea, not the person. Be courteous. Avoid jargon.

34 Tip - Running a Good Meeting Plan the meeting – objectives & agenda Inform the team – when, where, information they need, what they need to prepare Conduct effectively – follow agenda, one item at a time, manage discussion, maintain focus and pace Summarize meeting – summarize decisions and action items, send notes out to team

35 Scenario: A bunch of things have come up and you aren’t going to be able to complete the task you were assigned before tomorrow’s team meeting. What should you do? A.Skip the team meeting because you have nothing to present B.Send an email to everyone and tell them you won’t meet the deadline C.Go to the meeting and pretend you have it done but left it at home D.Figure out when you will be able to complete it and discuss this with group E.B & D

36 Team Dynamics Full Participation – All team members contribute their time and energy to the project. More importantly, all team members participate in the decision making process. – Having a dominant leader may work for the very short term, but will eventually lead to morale problems.

37 Team Dynamics Trust – Members trust that each member will add value to the project – Members work to ensure that everybody does contribute and that appreciation is expressed for different contributions.

38 Scenario: One of your team members is not good about answering email. He has missed a meeting and you are waiting for a product from him. What should you do? A.Discuss team operations at a team meeting. Reiterate/create the team operating rules. B.Go tell the professor. You want him off the team! C.Send him a nasty email telling him he is spoiling it for everyone. D.Call him and find out what is going on E.A &D

39 Team Dynamics While equal contribution from each member is ideal, a true equal division of work may not be always possible. Doing more than your ‘fair’ share of the work is an opportunity to demonstrate your ability and commitment. A team’s success is measured by the achievement of the team as a whole. -- Nothing can justify an intentional act that negatively impact the achievement of the team. Examples: – I don’t want to share that information because I spent a lot of time to find it. – I don’t want to do that because that is his job.

40 Finally - Keep in mind that: Working in a team does NOT mean that you work as a team. Teamwork does NOT just happen. Team skills need practice and development. A team’s success is measured by the achievement of the team as a whole. Industry values teamwork more than an individual’s ability to contribute.

41 Acknowledgement This presentation is adopted in part from the following web pages: Student success: http://www.discovery- Team Dynamics:

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