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1 CONCLUSIONS Intuitively, based solely on their INTENDED use, supps offer the clearest incremental volume potential. But as has been the case historically,

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Presentation on theme: "1 CONCLUSIONS Intuitively, based solely on their INTENDED use, supps offer the clearest incremental volume potential. But as has been the case historically,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CONCLUSIONS Intuitively, based solely on their INTENDED use, supps offer the clearest incremental volume potential. But as has been the case historically, a significant proportion of those who express interest in supps claim that they would use them IN PLACE of rather than IN ADDITION to their CMV’s. So we cannot assume their volume would be totally incremental. Consumers are expressing interest in both CMV’s AND in Supps – it seems that the combinations of benefits and forms are having a greater in determining interest than the fact that a product is a cmv or a supp. In fact, the segmentation suggests that acceptance of the use of supps versus cmv’s is not a driver of preference at all -- we could not identify any segment that wholeheartedly accepts OR rejects supplements as a group. Rather their patterns of interest are based on OTHER criteria. One of the potential new forms (chews, in contrast to chew-ABLES) does seem to stimulate some consumer interest. Although it is not enough to drive an introduction on its own, it might be considered to differentiate a new entry. It was the only one of the new forms that seemed to resonate with consumers. The following specific product recommendation suggest the products that yield the single largest incremental penetration. In all cases these are the strongest candidates within the set context – but there are alternatives that would be ALMOST as good as the listed ones should a replacement need to be identified due to developmental issues. So that where a product containing Calcium and K2 is suggested, it could probably be replaced with a Calcium and K combination without a significant impact on line appeal.

2 CONCLUSIONS When faced with selecting a multivitamin there is a strong tendency for category users to select lower priced gummy products.  Flintstones chewables tend to be virtually as compelling as gummies  New forms have limited potential when not coupled with a compelling reason for being While complete multivitamins are the most compelling types of products explored, there is certainly room for targeted CMV’s AND for some supplements  CMV’s for Bone, Flintstones Vitamin C Fruit Snacks, Bone supplements and Brain supplements, none of which currently exist, appear to have significant levels of consumer potential  And a majority of consumers plan to use supplements as intended – in addition to CMV’s, suggesting the opportunity for increased volume with the introduction of Supplements. 2

3 CONCLUSIONS Overall, there does seem to be an opportunity to expand Flintstones presence in CMV’s with new products. A segmentation conducted on concept preference patterns suggested groups that might differentially benefit from targeted entries. Two consumer segments tended to be more positive than most to ALL of the new Flintstones CMV’s ─One is a group “Partial to Flintstones,” which represents limited potential. New CMV’s would most likely cannibalize the base brand. ─The other one are the consumers who are currently involved in the category with branded gummy products – which would suggest that any new Flintstones CMV’s designed to maximize potential among these consumers should be gummy. The other group displaying interest in the new Flintstones CMV’s are the relatively small group (under 10%) who gravitate towards chewable products. This group represents the largest share of Flintstones Chewables users. They are only interested in new CHEWABLE CMV’s, and there are some potential product improvements that might appeal to them. 3

4 CONCLUSIONS Notably, the same groups of consumers are interested in the new Flintstones Supplements. “Partial to Flintstones” are a key target for these supplements as their use represents increased business. “Branded Gummies” are also interested in these new items and along with the CMV’s might solidify their association with Flintstones. “Chewable Loyalists” do not express much interest in these offerings. 4

5 5 PRODUCT RECOMMENDATIONS A number of areas continually emerge as representing fairly high levels of consumer appeal – brain products, real fruit or fruit and vegetable products and bone products among them. Probiotics consistently fall towards the bottom of the list in terms of appeal. It’s important to point out that they were priced at a significant premium versus other products, and their premium pricing probably played a large role in their relatively weak showing. There are several products that offer some additional penetration. The following appear to be the strongest contenders. If only one additional product can be developed and all things being equal: CMV Gummy Ca/K2 – additional reach for all groups OR CMV Layer Chew – strongest option among “Branded Gummies” segment, the group you would like to convert away from competition If two additional products can be developed, then a combination of BOTH the Calcium plus K2 from AND the Vitamin C Fruit Snack Supplement represents broad incremental appeal and include a supplement to be used in addition to other FS products: Finally, if three additional products can be developed, then the following two CMV’s combined with one supplement represents the broadest opportunity: CMV - Layer Chews CMV – Gum Ca/K Brain Support Chewable - S

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