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CGSIC Manchester 7 May 2006 Presented by John Wilde for Keith McPherson Manager GNSS Presented by John Wilde for Keith McPherson Manager GNSS Beta GBAS.

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Presentation on theme: "CGSIC Manchester 7 May 2006 Presented by John Wilde for Keith McPherson Manager GNSS Presented by John Wilde for Keith McPherson Manager GNSS Beta GBAS."— Presentation transcript:

1 CGSIC Manchester 7 May 2006 Presented by John Wilde for Keith McPherson Manager GNSS Presented by John Wilde for Keith McPherson Manager GNSS Beta GBAS Cat-1 Sydney GBAS CAT-I GRAS GBAS and GRAS for Up Over From Down Under

2 Presentation GBAS Working Group Meeting #4 GBAS Sydney GBAS Cat-1 Certification GRAS

3 By looking at the problem from a different perspective, Australians could see the problems and issues with other augmentation systems Problem Solving

4 GBAS Working Group Meeting #4 Eurocontrol and FAA meeting Normally held in Europe and USA Held in Sydney in February 2006 76 delegates, 22 countries Aim is to harmonise GBAS Cat-1 in Europe and USA Airservices Australia now attending as it is taking the lead role in GBAS Cat-1 certification Next meeting in Brussels – date TBA

5 GBAS Cat-1 Sydney

6 The “Hook” at Sydney airport extending into Botany Bay GLS Facility Shelter VHF Data Link Antenna GPS Reference Receiver Antennas

7 GNSS Operational Benefits Angled Approach Straight Approach Sectored Approach Parallel Approach Curved Approach Runways Terrain Restrictions Guided Departures Community Noise Concerns GRAS and GBAS provide Vertical Guidance and Flexible approaches

8 World’s first flight inspection of an ICAO GBAS Cat-1 signal in space for use by revenue earning aircraft, using a State’s accredited flight inspection aircraft Engineering Readiness Review completed Operational Readiness Review completed Procedures Designs finished in accordance with SARPs World’s first revenue earning flights by Qantas in May All Qantas B-737-800 pilots trained and ready to go System is not certifiable as the software is not built to DO-178B or equivalent World’s first flight inspection of an ICAO GBAS Cat-1 signal in space for use by revenue earning aircraft, using a State’s accredited flight inspection aircraft Engineering Readiness Review completed Operational Readiness Review completed Procedures Designs finished in accordance with SARPs World’s first revenue earning flights by Qantas in May All Qantas B-737-800 pilots trained and ready to go System is not certifiable as the software is not built to DO-178B or equivalent What’s New in Sydney?

9 Flight Inspection Results

10 Phase 1: Hazard Analysis completed Aircraft allowed to fly to Minimum Vectoring Altitude Allows pilots and controllers to settle into the new technology Further Phases: Evaluate if we are happy to lower the minima with experience on a non certifiable system Phase 1: Hazard Analysis completed Aircraft allowed to fly to Minimum Vectoring Altitude Allows pilots and controllers to settle into the new technology Further Phases: Evaluate if we are happy to lower the minima with experience on a non certifiable system Beta GBAS Cat-1 Sydney

11 Sydney skyline during a “go-around“ Opera House Sydney Harbor Bridge

12 ICAO Compliant GBAS Cat-I in Australia Airservices Australia has partnered with Honeywell International Inc to bring an ICAO compliant GBAS Cat-I to completion Started 10 April 2006 Approximately 22 months to complete RTCA DO-178B/278 compliant software –Approximately 6 months of certification Regulator (Civil Aviation Safety Authority) involved from Day 1 Aim is to have CASA approve Part 171 change to allow operation of completed system by mid 2008 Technical Cooperation Agreement signed with the FAA to share information, staff and procedures

13 ICAO Compliant GBAS Cat-I in Australia Will build and certify to FAA Doc 2937A, which will qualify the systems as ICAO GBAS SARPs compliant FAA will issue Type Approval for the ground station only as a “Non- Fed” system Once Type Approval achieved, system migrates to Australia for the full certification program System will be built to enable elliptical or horizontal polarised broadcasts Certification involves ground station, site surveys, maintenance plans, logistics plans, flight inspection plans, pilot training, pilot licensing, ATC training

14 GRAS APV-I (0.999 availability) will be achieved in low density areas APV-I (0.9999 availability) will be achieved in high density areas APV-II was assessed and the benefit gained was considered not worth the additional investment USA found the same, that APV-II was a significant cost increase over APV-I for minimal benefit ICAO only requires APV-I

15 What we are trying to avoid Typical Flight Profile of a CFI Distance from Runway (n miles) 4 6 8 10 12 14 Altitude (Kft) above touchdown 2 4 6 8 10 12 Desired Vertical Flight Path Actual Vertical Flight Path Runway 14 Baucau Accident Site Extended Centre Line Baucau, Timor-Leste 31 January, 2003 30% GA fatal accidents were controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) Source: ATSB, Dec 2005 Vertical guidance provides a 7.7 times reduction in CFIT Source: Flight Safety Foundation, June 2003 Every 10 days, a pilot declares an emergency due to weather Source: CASA Oct 2005 30% GA fatal accidents were controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) Source: ATSB, Dec 2005 Vertical guidance provides a 7.7 times reduction in CFIT Source: Flight Safety Foundation, June 2003 Every 10 days, a pilot declares an emergency due to weather Source: CASA Oct 2005 Statistics

16 GRAS Phase 1 System Definition was completed in March 2006 Phase 2 commenced 10 April 2006 ICAO Council approved GRAS SARPs in February 2006 GRAS SARPs to be issued as Annex 10 Amendment 81 on 23 November 2006

17 GRAS RTCA GRAS MOPS (Avionics) now in penultimate draft To commence Final Review and Comments (FRAC) mid year MOPS cater for high end aircraft, regional, charter and general aviation Queensland University of Technology PhD students are building a General Aviation aircraft GRAS receiver

18 GRAS CERTIFICATION 8 GRAS Reference Stations in Australia 4 GRAS VHF Stations in Far North Queensland Cairns and Cape York Peninsula 2 Master Control Stations Test in worst ionospheric conditions available in Australia Test in worst weather conditions - tropical rain storms Test continuity and maintenance in inaccessible areas, where repair teams can take 3 days to get to site.

19 2 nd Last Message Airservices Australia and Honeywell are forging ahead with GBAS Cat-1 and GRAS development and certification The synergy between GBAS and GRAS avionics is so close that the combination provides a cost effective solution to augmentation

20 Final Message: No single augmentation system provides a global answer – There is a synergy between, and a need for, all four ICAO augmentation systems

21 Thank you from Down Under

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