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NFP sustainability: why doing good work is no longer good enough! Good Beginnings – Innovation Forum David Crosbie Community Council for Australia April.

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Presentation on theme: "NFP sustainability: why doing good work is no longer good enough! Good Beginnings – Innovation Forum David Crosbie Community Council for Australia April."— Presentation transcript:

1 NFP sustainability: why doing good work is no longer good enough! Good Beginnings – Innovation Forum David Crosbie Community Council for Australia April 2014

2 Community Council for Australia independent, non-political member-based organisation dedicated to building flourishing communities primarily by enhancing the extraordinary work and effort undertaken within the not-for-profit sector in Australia seeks to change the way governments, communities and the not-for-profit sector relate to one another this includes establishing a regulatory environment that works for community organisations - not against them

3 CCA Board Benevolent Society – Anne Hollonds (Director) Drug Arm Australia – Dennis Young (Director) Good Beginnings Australia – Jayne Meyer Tucker (Director) HammondCare – Stephen Judd (Director) Lifeline – Jane Hayden Mission Australia – Toby Hall (Director) Musica Viva Australia – Mary Jo Capps (Director) RSPCA Australia – Heather Neil (Director) The Big Issue – Steven Persson (Director) The Smith Family – Lisa O’Brien (Director) Wesley Mission – Keith Garner (Director) World Vision Australia – Tim Costello (Chair)

4 CCA current work 1. ACNC s m p 2. Charity definition s m p 3. Govt funding uncertainty m p 4. Financial System Inquiry s 5. Centre of Excellence s p 6. Commission of Audit s s = submission m = media p = parliamentary hearing or representations

5 CCA current work (cont) 7.PMs Community Business Partnership s p 8.Better Targeting of Tax Concessions - UBIT s m p 9.In Australia s p 10. Federal Budget s m p 11. Charitable Trusts s m p 12. Act on reports – PC, NFPTCWG, CAMAC, etc. s = submission m = media p = parliamentary hearing or representations

6 NFP trends in Australia growth in income over last 7 years consistently around 5% employing around 1 million Australians total income around $100 billion 30% government funded 30% service provision (not govt.) 30% philanthropy and fund raising

7 government trends demand for services increasing while GST and stamp duty income stalling increasingly seeking to leverage investment in social issues Social Investment Bonds (NSW) Social Development Enterprise Investment Funds taking success to scale place based, sustainable, outcome driven, ‘return on investment’ approaches increasing

8 values


10 strength of NFPs = values dignity respect couragepride meaning communityopportunity change honesty care love hope responsibility

11 loss of values in NFPs? sales organisations competing for funding lobbyists seeking government money profit(surplus) making entities driven by bottom line semi-skilled managers of other people’s programs they have contracted to deliver disconnected from their communities disconnected from their clients outcome blind feel good stand and deliver services

12 moving ourselves forward?

13 critical issues CCA consultations about the future of the sector have highlighted five critical issues: 1.Changing the way we invest in the sector 2.Access to capital 3.Measurement 4.Collaboration / mergers 5.Capacity – leadership, staffing, etc.

14 the need to challenge we have a responsibility, a professional responsibility, a responsibility to our clients, their families, our peers, our organisations, our community accepting this responsibility means striving to fully achieve our purpose rather than accepting imposed limitations and what we often know to be inadequate responses to our clients and our community accepting this responsibility means measuring and validating your experiences, the experiences of your clients, their families, their community, your organisation

15 purpose and values We need to sway and dance with the winds of change, but not let go of the purpose or the values that make us strong and effective the most important struggle is to: 1.retain a commitment to purpose and the fundamental values of human experience, e.g. hope, community, and meaningful relationships 2.strengthen your clients, yourself and your organisation = measure and share how you achieve your purpose = be valued 3.BE AN ADVOCATE / SUPPORT ADVOCACY

16 Community Council for Australia Twitter: @ComCouncil, @DavidCrosbie2 David Crosbie

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