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Importance of Skills Recording National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education concluded: “ employers want graduates with a range of skills” “those.

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Presentation on theme: "Importance of Skills Recording National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education concluded: “ employers want graduates with a range of skills” “those."— Presentation transcript:

1 Importance of Skills Recording National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education concluded: “ employers want graduates with a range of skills” “those leaving higher education need to understand how to learn and how to manage their own learning, recognising the process continues throughout life”

2 Importance of Skills Recording Chemistry in the UK, will it survive? Communication, team working capabilities, problem solving and organisation are becoming increasingly important in order to succeed in the rapidly changing and increasingly competitive world of industry

3 Progress Files National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education for HEIs recommended: a transcript recording student achievement which should follow a common format devised by institutions collectively through their representative bodies a means by which students can monitor, build and reflect upon their personal development.

4 What is the Undergraduate Skills Record (USR)? l Framework for self-assessment of skills acquired during undergraduate study l Encourages you to record, assess and develop scientific, interpersonal and transferable skills l The framework enables you to: l Identify areas which require development and actively seek development opportunities

5 Sections in the USR Sections Induction Personal Information Skills Audit + feedback Project Work Skills Profile + feedback Career Planning

6 Auditing your Skills Skills Audit Series of statements associated with each specific skill Rate yourself against each statement according to the scale given Provide evidence to support your rating, and identify development targets for each skill Repeat for each phase, reflecting on past achievements and development targets/plans

7 Cycle of Skills Recording Where am I now? What have I achieved? Where am I going? Where am I going? Where am I now? What have I achieved? Evaluate and Review Record achievements Determine skills required Plan development goals Reflect on current position

8 Summarising your Development Skills Profile A ‘summary’ of skills achievements and development throughout your undergraduate course

9 The Skills Specific Skills Planning & Organisation Handling Information Communication Skills Working with Others Scientific & Practical Improving Learning & Performance ICT Skills Problem Solving Reflect Record Plan Study Skills

10 Why is it Important? l On graduation you will have a full range of subject specific and transferable skills that employers look for. l Communication, team working, problem solving and organisation and management are essential in all forms of employment l It will help with completing application forms and compiling your CV l It serves as a launch pad into CPD, which is essential in order to fulfil your full potential l You will have the advantage over fellow students who have not set about this essential preparation

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