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1 Title ECI: Anatomy of a Cyber Investigation Who Are the Actors.

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1 1 Title ECI: Anatomy of a Cyber Investigation Who Are the Actors

2 2 Title Who is Doing it?  70% of breaches involved External agents  48% of breaches involved Internalagents  11% of breaches involved Partner agents  Any breach can involve multiple individuals  E.g. An employee of a subcontractors steals Credit Card numbers and delivers the Credit Card Numbers to an external 3 rd party

3 3 Title Who is Doing it?  External Agents (70% breaches, 98% of lost data)  24%Organized Criminal Group  21%Unaffiliated Person(s)  3%External Systems or Sites  5%Others (Former Employee, Partner, Competitor, Customer)  45% Unknown

4 4 Title Who is Doing it? Internal Agents (48% of Breaches, 3% of records) Demographics (90% Deliberate )  51% Regular Employees / end user  12% Finance / Accounting  12% System Admin  7%Upper management  8%Other ( Help desk, Software Dev, Auditor)  9% Unknown

5 5 Title Who is Doing it?  Partner Agent (11% of Breaches, 1% of records)  3 rd party “hijack” Partner,  Deliberate act of Partner “Organization that outsource their IT management and support also outsource a great deal of trust to these partners. … poor governance, lax security, and too much trust is often the rule “ Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report (p. 19)

6 6 Title How Are They Doing it?

7 7 Title How did insiders do it?  Inter-connected factors and events  48% of breaches included Misuse of privilege  40% of breaches were by Hackers  38% of breaches used of Malware  28% of breaches used Social Engineering  15% of breaches were Physical attacks A single attack can may combine multiple vulnerabilities.

8 8 Title How did Outsiders do it?  Hackers methods  Web Applications 54%  Remote Access 34%  Backdoors 23%  Network file sharing 4%  Others (physical access, Wireless Network, unk)

9 9 Title Top 5 Methods of Attack  Webpage Access  Un / Improperly Secured Access  Trusted network connections  Trojans / Malware / Spyware  Employee Malfeasance

10 10 Title Top 5 Methods of Attack  Web Pages Unsecured web pages access SQL Injection Improperly designed website Oops - errors

11 11 Title Top 5 Methods of Attack  Un / Improperly Secured Access  Abandoned / Unguarded computers.  Computers with too many connections  Brute Force  Backdoors

12 12 Title Top 5 Methods of Attack  Trusted network connections  Sub contractor / Sister company or agency

13 13 Title Top 5 Methods of Attack  Trojans / Malware / Spyware  E-mail of a Trojan  Social Engineering Telephone Contact Email Contact Internet contact (Chat, IM, etc)  Customized Malware (Largest attacks)  Back doors

14 14 Title Top 5 Methods of Attack  Employee Malfeasance  Abuse of system access  Use of un-approved hardware / device Rogue networks  Improperly handled data

15 15 Title Timelines facts  How long To Compromise Data  Most took days to months  31% took only Minutes  Time to Discovery  Most took weeks or months  5% took minutes  Time to Containment  Most took days to weeks *some even months

16 16 Title Some thoughts  98% came from servers (duh)  85% an not very difficult  61% Discovered by a 3 rd party  86% had evidence in log files about attack

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