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Edward de Courcy-Ireland Regional Manager - Securities

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1 Edward de Courcy-Ireland Regional Manager - Securities
Central Securities Depositories, ISO Standards and SWIFT Automation today and for the future Edward de Courcy-Ireland Regional Manager - Securities 4th November 2006 _AECSD

2 Agenda SWIFT update Securities Market Infrastructures using SWIFT
ISO Standards _AECSD

3 SWIFT - September 2006 2.5 billion messages per year 7,940 customers
208 countries Average daily traffic 11.2 million messages Peak day of 13.1 million messages, 29 Sep 2006 Availability of SWIFTNet % _AECSD

4 FIN Messaging Traffic Growth
FIN Growth by Market – August 2006 YTD (Millions of messages) FIN Category 2005 YTD Actual 2006 YTD Actual Growth from 2005 Payments 641 692 7.2% Securities 555 689 23.2% Treasury 106 120 12.7% Trade Finance 31 1.8% System 8 -3.4% Category 9 301 337 11.3% TOTAL 1,641 1,877 13.6% _AECSD

5 Pricing and traffic Harnessing economies of scale
Price (EURcent/msg) Traffic (Millions of messages) 50 2500 45 Traffic 2000 40 35 1500 30 25 1000 20 Price 15 500 10 5 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 _AECSD

6 Agenda SWIFT update Securities Market Infrastructures using SWIFT
ISO Standards _AECSD

7 Securities strategic priorities (set by the industry)
Market space Strategic priorities Equity and fixed income Pre-trade / Trade Succeed in Pre trade /Trade messaging Be the messaging platform of choice for market infrastructures Drive Industry towards Standards convergence Post Trade / Pre-settlement Platform of choice for Post-trade / Pre-set. Clearing and Settlement Grow traffic in Clearing and Settlement and Custody services Custody Services Investment funds Become messaging platform of choice for the Funds industry _AECSD

8 A world without SWIFT Different Standards, Messaging & Connectivity
User Market Infrastructures _AECSD

9 Single Window from SWIFT Reusing Standards, Messaging and Connectivity
User Market Infrastructures _AECSD

10 Securities Market Infrastructures Outsource Messaging & Network
has full vertical implementation Messaging Mechanisms Network Vendor Infrastructure outsources Physical network Messaging Mechanisms Network Messaging& Vendor Infrastructure outsources & network Focusing on core values Outsourcing connectivity to specialist Messaging Mechanisms Physical Network _AECSD

11 SWIFT’s messaging services
Financial institutions Infrastructures and service providers SWIFTNet FIN SWIFTNet InterAct SWIFTNet FileAct 1. SWIFT has provided the financial industry with a value-added financial messaging service (FIN) since The initial focus of FIN was to enable banks to automate the exchange payment instructions in a highly secure, reliable and standard way. 2. Over the years, SWIFT made FIN evolve to answer requirements from Market infrastructures such as real-time gross settlement systems (RGGS). FIN evolved with FIN Copy enabling to link banks and central payment systems. Later in the 90’s, RTGS systems requested SWIFT to provide real-time messaging in order for them to provide their participants with an interactive access to their central systems. SWIFTNet was initially developed for that purpose. 3. SWIFTNet complements FIN with additional messaging services. Thanks to SWIFTNet, SWIFT is now capable of supporting content-transparent interactive messaging and file transfer between financial institutions. RTGS systems are implementing SWIFTNet to enable real-time account enquiries and transaction input through InterAct (eg, managing payment queues), reporting through FileAct and browser-based monitoring through Browse. SWIFTNet Browse _AECSD

12 Securities Market Infrastructures – SWIFTNet FIN
Argentina Caja de Valores Australia Australian Stock Exchange SFE – Austraclear Austria OeKB Belgium CIK Euroclear Bank MTS National Bank of Belgium Brazil CBLC Canada CDS Croatia Sredisnja Depositarrna Agencija Denmark OMX VP Dubai DIFX Estonia Estonian Securities Depository OMX Finland NCSD Finland – APK OMX France Euroclear France Euronext Paris – MATIF MTS Germany Eurex Clearing Clearstream Banking AG MTS Greece Central Securities Depository Bank of Greece Hong Kong HK Futures Exchange Hong Kong Monetary Authority SEHK Options Clearing House Hungary Keler Israel Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Italy CCG Monte Titoli Japan JSCC Tokyo Stock Exchange Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Stock Exchange Korea Securities Depository Latvia Bank of Latvia Central Depository OMX Lebanon Midclear Lithuania OMX Luxemburg Clearstream Banking SA Mexico S.D. Indeval Netherlands Euroclear Nederland MTS Norway VPS Poland National Depository for Securities – KDPW Portugal Banco de Portugal – SITEME MTS Russian Federation Depository Clearing Company The National Depository Center Singapore Central Depository Singapore Exchange Slovakia Bank of Slovakia Slovenia Central Securities Clearing Corporation – KDD South Africa STRATE JSE Securities Exchange Spain Iberclear MEFF MTS Sweden NCSD Sweden – VPC OMX Switzerland SIS SIS x-clear Taiwan Securities Central Depository Thailand Thailand Securities Depository UK (& Ireland) CREST LCH.Clearnet London Stock Exchange USA Chicago Mercantile Exchange Clearing Corporation DTCC Omgeo Options Clearing Corporation _AECSD

13 Banking Market Infrastructures
Albania Algeria Angola Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Barbados Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile CLS Croatia Denmark East Caribbean Egypt EBA (EURO1/STEP1) ECB (TARGET) Eurosystem (TARGET2) Fiji Finland France Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Guatemala Hong Kong Hungary Ireland Italy Jordan Kenya Kuwait Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Luxemburg Malta Mauritius Namibia Netherlands New Zealand Norway Oman Pakistan Palestine Philippines Romania Russian Federation Singapore Slovenia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Tanzania Thailand Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Uganda United Kingdom United States Venezuela Zambia Zimbabwe Central African States West African States High-Value Payments Countries Live 67 Implementation 8 Planning 8 _AECSD

14 Agenda SWIFT update Securities Market Infrastructures using SWIFT
ISO Standards _AECSD

15 SWIFTNet FIN: Settlement & Reconciliation Process
CSD Trade Date Settlement Date MT 540-3 Settlement Instruction MT 548 Status of Instruction MT 537 Pending Transactions MT 544-7 Confirmation of Settlement MT 535 Statement of Holdings MT 536 Statement of Transactions CSD participant _AECSD

16 SWIFTNet FIN: CA Message flow - non elective event
Stock Exchange/CSD Ex Date Record Date Payment Date Announcement MT 564 Notification of Announcement MT 564 Notification of Entitled Position MT 566 Confirmation of account activity CSD participant _AECSD

17 SWIFTNet FIN: CA Message flow - elective event
Stock Exchange/CSD Ex/ Record Date Announcement of offer Deadline Date Receipt of new shares Response period MT 565 Instruction MT 567 Status of Instruction MT 564 Notification of Offer MT 564 Notification of Ex date Entitlement MT 566 Confirm of account activity MT 564 Notification Entitlement Calculation CSD participant _AECSD

18 SWIFTNet FIN: Post-trade pre-settlement matching (model I)
CSD MT 540-3 Settlement Instruction MT 540-3 Settlement Instruction Matching utility MT 515 Trade confirmation MT 515 Trade confirmation MT 509 Trade status Receiver Deliverer _AECSD

19 SWIFTNet FIN: Post-trade pre-settlement matching (model II)
CSD Matching engine MT 540-3 Settlement Instruction MT 540-3 Settlement Instruction MT 548 Status of instruction Receiver Deliverer _AECSD

20 Typical usage by Securities Market Infrastructures of all SWIFTNet Messaging services
FIN FileAct InterAct Browse Putting legacy (domestic standards) on file transfer on SWIFTNet (proprietary formats or ISO or ISO 20022) Putting legacy screen-based access on SWIFTNet Putting legacy messaging on SWIFTNet (proprietary formats or ISO or ISO 20022) Proxy Voting Instructions Confirmations Status Statements CA reporting CA confirms Coll Mgmt ISO 15022 _AECSD

21 Securities market infrastructures – SWIFTNet InterAct, FileAct and Browse
Belgium Euroclear Bank EUCLID File Transfer EUCLID PC / Server France Euroclear France E2A Italy Monte Titoli Express II Luxemburg Clearstream International Creation Direct Netherlands Euroclear Nederland Direkte Verbinding Spain Iberclear Ventana Unificada de Communicaciones (VUC) United Kingdom CRESTCo SWIFTNet CREST USA DTCC Deriv/SERV _AECSD

22 Who is listening? ECSDA (EU) ACSDA (Americas) ACG (APAC) AECSD (CIS)
and you, the AMEDA and a date for your diaries Boston October 1-5, 2007 _AECSD

23 Accessing CSDs through SWIFT: Market needs
UNDER DISCUSSION One standardised solution Interfaces Messaging Security Giovannini compliant and EU integration future proof Complete range of communication channels ISO compliant standards (15022 and 20022) Uniform service (support, liability,…) Value-added services _AECSD

24 Thank you for your attention

25 Central Securities Depositories, ISO Standards and SWIFT Automation today and for the future
John Falk 19 October 2006 _AECSD

26 Back-up _AECSD

27 New SWIFTSolution: SWIFTNet CSDAccess
UNDER DISCUSSION CSD participants CSDs 1-by-1 messaging channel File transfer channel Operator-based access ISO 15022 ISO 20022 Potential added value: Notary function Copy function to regulators MT/MX translation … ... Global solution – Giovannini compliant and EU Harmonisation aligned ... _AECSD

28 Agenda SWIFT update Securities MIs using SWIFT EU C&S harmonisation
New SWIFTSolution: SWIFTNet CSDAccess SN Kits: Connectivity for small users _AECSD

29 SWIFT usage for local intermediaries
Local CSD, Central Bank & settlement agents International Cash Correspondents Global Custodians International B/Ds _AECSD

30 Making SWIFT cost-effective
Services Security Messaging soft Special SN Kits for specific solutions Complete set-up Connectivity soft Network _AECSD

31 Market Infrastructure CUGs: A closed community of users on SWIFT
Service participant SWIFT user SWIFT user “Service Participants within a Closed User Group” Service participant Market infrastructure SWIFT member SWIFT user If we combine the 2 previous models (hub-and-spoke, and many-to-many), we get to the above model. In effect, a Closed User Group extends the scope of SWIFT services for SWIFT Members that they can offer to their clients, which may or not be financial institutions. The benefits of this include re-using investments extending the SWIFT service levels & ‘outsourcing’ service management of the messaging platform extending the security right out to the Service Participant. etc Service participant SWIFT user SWIFT user Through Closed User Groups, the administrator takes full control: which messaging options, which billing option, who has access, … _AECSD

32 The SWIFT community banks found SWIFT - broker/dealers
- central depositories & clearing institutions - exchanges securities market data providers 1973 1987 2004 travellers cheque issuers fund administrators 2002 1988 money brokers MA-CUGs 1989 2001 - registrars & transfer agents - custody providers - trust or fiduciary services companies 2000 1990 securities MIs 1999 1992 - treasury counterparties - treasury ETC service providers investment managers 1998 1995 1996 - payments MIs proxy voting agencies non-shareholding financial institutions trading institutions treasury securities ETC service providers _AECSD

33 Using SWIFT to communicate with securities market infrastructures
IM B/D SC SA Order GC MU / ETCP Exchange CH / CCP (I)CSD CM Trade Benefits for system owner Mission critical levels of > reliability, security and support Time to market is > short Low entrance barriers for > remote members Access to all types of domestic and international players > increased internationalisation of client activities Global standards ISO 15022, XML, FIX for > trading > clearing > settlement > custody _AECSD

34 Using SWIFT to communicate with securities market infrastructures
IM B/D SC SA Order GC MU / ETCP Exchange CH / CCP (I)CSD CM Trade Benefits for system member Technical standardisation: single window access to domestic and international systems through one interface > cost efficiency Mission critical levels of > reliability, security and support Business standardisation: ISO 15022, XML, FIX > Market Practice standardisation > straight-through processing > Real-time DVP > shorter settlement cycles > risk reduction _AECSD

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