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Kenton S. Klinefelter syndrome.

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1 Kenton S. Klinefelter syndrome

2 It only comes in men There is a flip to it and it is named turner syndrome .reducing the levels of testosterone the male hormone .Klinefelter syndrome is the presence of an extra X chromosome in a male.

3 support groups Australia   Australian Klinefelter Support Group 4 Victoria Rd Acquire Fields NEW AUSTRALIA   Victoria Support Group 41 Jesmond Rd Cordon, Victoria AUSTRALIA Klinefelter Syndrome Support Group P.O.Box 3 Glendenning Mail Center NEW 2761 AUSTRALIA Canada Canada Klinefelter Support Group Apt. 3, 2867 Young St. Toronto, ON. Canada M4N 2J

4 Symptoms Abnormal body proportions (long legs, short trunk, shoulder equal to hip size) Enlarged breasts (gynecomastia) Sexual problems Less than normal amount of pubic, armpit, and facial hair Small, firm testicles Small penis Tall height

5 Sex linked You get it from birth
 .In the course of puberty, a lot of changes happen to boys. They get muscular, grow body hair, their voice deepens, their emotions go crazy, they get more aggressive, and their genitals mature. In the course of my puberty, I got breasts and fat, had no body hair, had a high voice, stayed fairly calm, and my genitals stayed as minimally hairless and small as they ever had been. .The major problem faced by me, and by every other Klinefelter's Syndrome victim, is that maturity and learning go from normal to very, very slow after puberty kicks into action. It takes energy to learn, and I didn't have any.

6 pics www.prism.gatech.e... 272 x 258 · 3 kb
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