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Botts English 2 September 29-30 I can make inferences. I can use semicolons correctly. I can demonstrate my knowledge of denotation of words. I can use.

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Presentation on theme: "Botts English 2 September 29-30 I can make inferences. I can use semicolons correctly. I can demonstrate my knowledge of denotation of words. I can use."— Presentation transcript:

1 Botts English 2 September 29-30 I can make inferences. I can use semicolons correctly. I can demonstrate my knowledge of denotation of words. I can use context clues. I can analyze and synthesize literary devices. I can practice test taking strategies. Reteach and remediate

2 ▪ Eli went to the matinee with Jae, Kerry, and Sung but Josh Taylor and I preferred to go hiking. ▪ I bought my sister several gifts, including a book a skirt and a tennis racket but unfortunately I couldn’t find a present for my mother who wants an antique desk. ▪ On our backpacking trip to Eastern Europe we hope to visit Prague Czech Republic Budapest Hungary Bucharest Romania and Krakow Poland. ▪ We admired the atrium’s flowering vines rock formations and fountains and then we stepped out into the courtyard followed the flagstone path and crossed the bridge over the goldfish pond. ▪ Elizabeth Blackwell who was a determined courageous believer in womens rights overcame alot of obstacles to become the first woman doctor in America. A Block You may need to use a semicolon (rather than a comma) before a coordinating conjunction (FANBOY) to join two independent clauses that contain commas AND in a series if the items in the series contain commas.

3 B block You may need to use a semicolon (rather than a comma) in a series if the items in the series contain commas.  You may turn in your book reports on Thursday September 14 Friday September 15 Monday September 18 or Tuesday September 19.  The winners of the regional science fair were Anya Garcia who came in first Jeff Ford who came in second and Alberto Robinson who came in third.  On our backpacking trip to Eastern Europe we hope to visit Prague Czech Republic Budapest Hungary Bucharest Romania and Krakow Poland.  Elizabeth Blackwell who was a determined courageous believer in womens rights overcame alot of obstacles to become the first woman doctor in America. ▪ Confusing:In 1990, the three largest cities in the United States were New York, New York, Los Angeles, California, and Chicago, Illinois. ▪ Clear:In 1990, the three largest cities in the United States were New York, New York; Los Angeles, California; and Chicago, Illinois.

4  We will be spending the next two class days completing station activities that readdress the standards on Unit Test 1.  This is your opportunity to gain additional practice and show that you can master a particular standard.  On the given target sheet, write your answer from the test.  As we go over the answers, note which ones you get correct and which ones you get wrong.  Assess whether or not you mastered the targets on the test. Wrong Answer Analysis and Standards Mastery

5 Whodunit? Inferencing  You will be divided into groups of 4.  Although you will work in groups, each person is responsible for his/her own work.  We will be conducting a “Whodunit? Mystery”, and you will need to figure out whodunit.

6 1. Cheyenne, Michael C., Richard, Jordan 2. Johnathan, January, David, Tianna 3. Michelle, Jackson, Haley, Michael M. 4. Angelia, Brian, Tasha, Shelly L. 5. Ashley, Isaiah, Terry, Katie B. 6. Denissa, Kaleb, Marissa, Shelly S. 7. Kaitlyn, Freddy, Elizabeth, Faith While you may work in a group and discuss your answers, each member must write his or her own answers. A Block Groups

7 1. Callie, Caleb, Logan 2. Bethanie, Justin, Alex, Hannah 3. Katelyn, Ben, Hailey, Nathan 4. Jessica, Jennie, Dustyn 5. Kevin, Devon, Abbie, Savannah 6. Kollin, Stacy, Mackenzie, Noah 7. Brendan, Rebecca, Austin While you may work in a group and discuss your answers, each member must write his or her own answers. B Block Groups

8 Clue #1  A man is lying dead in the hospital morgue. The cause of his death is a mystery. Here’s what the police know to be fact:  The victim once worked for his government as a spy  In recent years, he publicly criticized the government he once served.  He became violently ill and was hospitalized.  Medical personnel were unable to identify the cause of his illness.  On the day he became ill, he:  Met with another former spy at a hotel where they drank tea.  Ate lunch at a restaurant with a person who claimed to have proof of crimes committed by this same government.  Three weeks later, the victim died in the hospital.

9 Discuss and Answer You will have 7 minutes to discuss the clue and write your response to question 1. 1. What do you think caused this man’s death? Explain your answer. Share answers.

10 Clue #2 It is several weeks later. The police have additional facts. They now know the following:  The victim died from a rare form of radiation poisoning (polonium -210).  Thirteen other people including eight hotel employees and two hotel guests tested positive for polonium-210 exposure.  A teapot at the hotel tested positive for polonium-210 exposure.  Traces of radiation were found at the victim’s home, the restaurant, the hotel and in other locations, including airplanes.

11 You will have 7 minutes to discuss with your group and answer question #2. 2.Review your first response. Does the additional information change your thinking? Now what do you think caused this man’s death? Explain your answer. Share answers. Fewer solutions are possible at this point, but the mystery is still not solved… Discuss and Answer

12 A final clue has surfaced. The source of the polonium- 210 has been traced to a nuclear facility in the homeland of the victim and the former spy he met for tea. Final Clue  This time you have 5 minutes to discuss with your group and answer the question. 3.Review your second response. Does the additional information change your thinking? What do you think caused this man’s death? Explain your answer. Share answers.

13  It seems clear that the former spy definitely played a part in the victim’s poisoning. inferences  How do we know…we made inferences at each clue and with each piece of new evidence. Likely Solution revealed

14 Stations  You will complete 3 stations today and 3 stations next class period.  This means you will have 15 minutes at each station. You are responsible for completing the assigned task!  Each station will have directions on how to complete the given task.  You will need to complete each station on your own paper.  Write the station number at the top of each section of your paper. This way we know what station work you completed.

15  Finish reading chapter 6 in Of Mice and Men Homework

16 Questions & Discussion

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