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Real-time and Embedded Systems Forum Spotlight 22 September 2010 Joseph I Bergmann Director, Real-time and Embedded Systems 630.

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Presentation on theme: "Real-time and Embedded Systems Forum Spotlight 22 September 2010 Joseph I Bergmann Director, Real-time and Embedded Systems 630."— Presentation transcript:

1 Real-time and Embedded Systems Forum Spotlight 22 September 2010 Joseph I Bergmann Director, Real-time and Embedded Systems 630 W Leslie St Allentown, PA 18103 USA Tel +1 610-506-1455

2 The Open Group Infrastructure The Open Group Membership The Open Group Platinum Gold Silver Managed Consortia Jericho DirecNet QLM By invitation only By entitlement 3 rd Party Consortia Independently incorporated NASPL HTNG NFC Forum Sponsored Projects OpenPegasus EC Funded Projects CHESS, etc. US Government Projects TEAMS StandardCustom As of 21 September 2010 FACE 2 (C) The Open Group 2010

3 Internet “ The Boundaryless Enterprise ” Software with Real-time and QoS features will make the Boundaryless RT Enterprise deterministic, integrated and flexible.

4 4  RTES Vision  Employ widely supported and open real-time standards and enabling technologies to deliver testable and certifiable, cost-effective, mission-capable systems.  RTES Mission  Improve the time and cost to market adoption of real-time and embedded solutions by providing a forum where we can share knowledge and integrate open initiatives, and certify approved products and processes. Real-time & Embedded Systems Forum

5 Safety Reliability Performance Security Network Platform Applications Defense Weapon Systems Medical Medical Devices ORF Transportation Avionics ITS Energy Smart Grid Banking/ Finance Critical Infrastructure Manufacturing SCADA SMA Real-time & Embedded Systems Forum “Dependability through Assuredness™”

6 Dependability through Assuredness ™ Predictable Execution Real-Time & Embedded Systems Work Areas RT (Security & Safety) Critical Systems Safety Critical RT Java/ JSR302 Open Architecture for RTES IEEE POSIX® RT Standards, Profiles & Certification Secure Mobile Architecture Real-time & Embedded Systems Forum Coverage

7  Forum Chairs  Chair - Glen Logan, US Army  Vice Chair – Edwin Lee, Raytheon  Working Groups/Chairs  Open Architecture for RTES – Glen Logan/Edwin Lee  Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) for Architecture–Glen Logan/Ed Roberts  Architecting to the Edge ™ – Edwin Lee/Ed Roberts  TOGAF to the Platform – Ed Roberts/Edwin Lee  IEEE POSIX RT Standards, Profiles, & Certification - Joe Gwinn, Raytheon  IEEE POSIX 1003.13 – Joe Gwinn et al.  IEEE POSIX 1003.26 – Joe Gwinn et al.  RT (Security & Safety) - Critical Systems - Michael McEvilley, MITRE/ Rance DeLong, LynuxWorks/ Edwin Lee, Raytheon  MILS Demos – Carolyn Boettcher, Raytheon Ben Calloni, Lockheed Martin  MILS Business Case – Ben Calloni/Glen Logan  Lexicon – Michael McEvilley et al.  MILS API Standardization – Rance Delong/Joe Wlad  Protection Profiles – Joe Wlad/Michael McEvilley  MILS Integration – Rance DeLong/john Rushby. SRI  Compositional Certification – John Rushby/Rance DeLong  Cyber-Physical Systems – Rance DeLong/Joe Bergmann  Commercial approach to Evaluation, and Certification – Rance DeLong  International Mutual Recognition – Joe Bergmann/Rance DeLong  Safety Critical RT Java/JSR 302 – Doug Locke, LLC  Specification Release, Pending JSP legal Approval  Secure Mobile Architecture - Steve Venema, Boeing  SCADA/Medical Devices /Intelligent Transportation Systems Real-time & Embedded Systems Forum Structure &Leadership

8  The Object Management Group / Software Assurance Working Group  IEEE Portable Applications Standards Committee (PASC) SSWG RT  Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) AADL Working Group  National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)  Process Control Systems Cyber Security Forum  NATO Research Task Group on Validation, Verification and Certification of Embedded Systems  ARINC 653 APEX Working Group  Association for Enterprise Integrators (AFEI)  Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium (NCOIC)  High Confidence Medical Device Software and Systems Workshop  DHS Software Assurance Working Group  American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Digital Avionics Technical Committee (DATC) Real-time & Embedded Systems Forum Liaison & Affiliations 8 (C) The Open Group 2010

9 9 RTES Forum Members  Atego (Aonix)  Apogee Software Inc  Architecting-the-Enterprise  Capgemini S A  Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute  City University (London)  Danish Ministry of Science Technology & Innovation  DDC-I, Inc  Defense Information Systems Agency  eFlow  eValley Inc  Finite State Machine Labs  Florida State University  Fujitsu Limited  Forschungszentrum Informatik  Georgia Institute of Technology  Green Hills  HSBC Bank plc  IBM Corporation  Information-Technology Promotion Agency (IPA)-Japan  Japanese Space Agency (JAXA)  Kestrel Technology  Lockheed Martin Corp.  LynuxWorks Inc.  MIT, Embedded Systems Lab  NASA Goddard Space Flight Center  NEC Corporation  Objective Interface Systems  OUSD/AST&L  Ohio University  QNX  PrismTech  Raytheon  Rockwell Collins  ReGIS Inc  Real-time Innovations  Rolls Royce plc  SYSGO AG  Teamcall Ltd.  The Boeing Company  The Mitre Corp.  Toyota Info Technology Center, Co., Ltd.  Universidad de Cantabria (Spain)  University of Idaho  University of York (UK)  Verocel, Inc  Wind River Membership List Current as of 22 August 2010 (C) The Open Group 2010

10 10 Item Munich San DiegoLondon Toronto Hong Kong Washington POC 20082009 2010 Work In-process Standards for the MILS Architecture Rance DeLong Requirements ReviewFinalizeCarolyn Boettcher APIs InitialReview FinalizeJoe Wlad Certification Program InitialReview Finalize Composability business scenario FinalizeJohn Rushby Component level specification InitialReview FinalizeRance DeLong High Assurance Procurement Managers Guide – what it is, how to use itInitialReview FinalizeMichael McEvilley Edwin Lee Procurement Guide – what should be in RFI InitialReview FinalizeGlen Logan Dependability through Assuredness Requirements FinalizeEdwin Lee Glen Logan Dependability Guide InitialReview Finalize Architecting to the Edge OSA Guide – Requirements InitialFinalize Edwin Lee Glen Logan OSA Pocket Guide InitialReview Finalize Edwin Lee Safety Critical Java – JSR 302 SpecificationOn-going FinalizeDoug Locke

11 Dependability through Assuredness™ Summary of Boston Sessions presented by the RTES Forum  20 July Tuesday –  1) Dependability through Assuredness featuring two committee members, Dr. Daniel Jackson from MIT and Dr. John Rushby from SRI for the National Academy of Science publication “Software for Dependable Systems: Sufficient Evidence?”  2) High Assurance Security, Standardization of MILS APIs, chaired by Rance DeLong from LynuxWorks and Joe Wlad from Wind River,  3) MILS Architecture Requirement for UAVs, Rob Hoffman from High Assurance Systems,  4) Evaluation and Certification of High Assurance Commercial off the Shelf Products (COTS) and International Mutual Recognition of the Certified Security Products. Rance Delong/Joe Bergmann 11

12 Dependability through Assuredness™ Summary of Boston Sessions presented by the RTES Forum  21 July Wednesday –  1) Mission Assurance featuring Harriet G. Goldman, Director of Cyber Mission Assurance, serving as the MITRE focal point for Mission Assurance in support of the Department of Defense and Intelligence customers, responsible for raising awareness of the advanced cyber threat across government and industry and developing strategies, technologies and processes to address customer cyber security and mission assurance needs.  2) A Mission Assurance Business Scenario workshop, conducted by Terry Blevins, Chief Architect and Associate Department Head, MITRE, will follow Ms. Goldman’s presentation,  3) SYSML Tutorial by Ed Roberts from Elparazim,  4) The Open Systems Architecture Guidebook, Edwin Lee from Raytheon,  5) A Joint Session with the Security Forum on “Architecting for Uncertainty”, Steve Venema from Boeing  6) Update on the JSR 302 Expert Group Specification for Safety Critical Java. Doug Locke Expert Group Lead 12

13 Dependability through Assuredness™ Summary of Boston Sessions presented by the RTES Forum  22 July Thursday –  1) An update on the AFRL HAMES Project by Carolyn Boettcher, Raytheon/Rance DeLong/John Rushby  2) High Assurance Security Requirements: for the US Government and Critical Infrastructure by Dr. Ron Ross from NIST and Rickey Hampton for the Medical Field from Partners HealthCare System. Immediately following the presentations there will be a Workshop/Discussion on High Assurance Requirements facilitated by Rance DeLong,  3) Developing an Approach to Evaluation and Certification for High Assurance Security Commercial Products. Race DeLong  4) A joint session with the Security Forum to progress Secure Mobile Architecture (SMA) including a presentation on a series of use cases, Steve Venema  5) A wrap-up on the activities of the RTES Forum going forward. Sally Long/Joe Bergmann 13

14 Dependability through Assuredness™ Amsterdam Track Agenda sponsored by the RTES Forum 19-21 October, 2010 Tuesday 19 October 0900-1700  0900 – 0930 Introduction to the RTES Forum and Activities  0930 – 1000 Dependability through Assuredness - a perspective from Japan  1000 – 1030 AADL – Overview  1030 – 1100 Break  1130 – 1230 AADL Implementation  1230 – 1400 Lunch  1400 – 1445 AADL Tools  1445 – 1530 Extending The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) for High Assurance Environments at the Platform Level (ADL and AADL)  1530 – 1600 Break  1600 – 1700 Draft TOGAF-RTES/High Assurance Reference Model  1700 – 1730 Open Systems Architecture Handbook 14

15 Dependability through Assuredness™ Amsterdam Track Agenda sponsored by the RTES Forum 19-21 October, 2010 Wednesday 20 October 0900-1700  0900 – 0945 European High Assurance Requirements for Medical Systems  0945 – 1030 European High Assurance Requirements for Smart Grid  1030 – 1100 Break  1100 – 1145 European High Assurance Requirements for SCADA  1145 – 1230 European High Assurance Requirements Automotive/ITS  1230 – 1400 Lunch  1400 – 1445 European High Assurance Wrap-Up  1445 – 1700 Via Teleconference RTES Forum Members Meeting 15

16 Dependability through Assuredness™ Amsterdam Track Agenda sponsored by the RTES Forum 19-21 October, 2010 Thursday 21 October 0900-1700  0900 – 0945 Report from CC International  0945 – 1030 High Assurance Architecture using a Separation Kernel  1030 – 1100 Break  1100 – 1145 MILS API Standardization Overview/Roadmap  1145 – 1230 MILS API Standardization Discussion  1230 – 1400 Lunch  1400 – 1530 SMA Joint Session with Security Forum  1530 – 1600 Break  1600 – 1645 Commercial Approach to Evaluation and Certification of High Robustness Commercial Security Components/Systems  1645 – 1730 International Mutual Recognition  1730 – 1800 Wrap up and the way forward 16

17 QUESTIONS? 17 Next conference/meeting – Amsterdam, Netherlands 18 -22 October 2010

18 Back-Up Slides 18

19 The Open Group An Introduction Joseph I Bergmann Director, Real-time and Embedded Systems 630 W Leslie St Allentown, PA 18103 USA Tel +1 610-506-1455 eFax +1 703-997-4025

20 20 What is The Open Group  A global consortium of more than 300 enterprises  A consortium is an association of two or more individuals, companies, organizations or governments (or any combination of these entities) with the objective of participating in a common activity or pooling their resources for achieving a common goal.  Any net income is used to further the organization's goal (whether that be paying for programs or investing for security), rather than being distributed to share-holders, partners or owners.  The Open Group is the combination of its members and staff Definitions courtesy of Wikipedia

21 21 Quick Facts  Consortium > 26 years  X/Open Company Ltd. was founded in 1984  The Open Group was created through a merger with the Open Software Foundation in 1996  Over 20,000 participants from 332 member enterprises  Vendor neutral 1 member – 1 vote  Technology neutral  A trusted partnership between end user enterprises (Customers) and suppliers of IT products and services (Suppliers)  Driven by what members want to work on (C) The Open Group 2010

22 22 Members – sample (C) The Open Group 2010

23 23 Membership by country Note: Excludes Direcnet and ICSC (C) The Open Group 2010

24 24 Membership by industry sector Note: Excludes Direcnet and ICSC (C) The Open Group 2010

25 2528 August 201525 What does The Open Group do?  Customers  Articulate current and emerging requirements, establish policies, and share best practices  Provide feedback on deliverables  Suppliers  Develop consensus to evolve and integrate specifications and open source technologies and deliver open standards consortiastandardsbodies  Other consortia and standards bodies  Collaborate openly when it is in the best interest of their and our members or the industry generally, and share information freely  Staff  Support the work of the members  Offer a comprehensive set of services to enhance the operational efficiency of other consortia; and  Develop and operate the industry's premier certification service and encouraging the market adoption of certified products and people (C) The Open Group 2010

26 26 Buy Space Internal Space Sell Space Procuring Manufacturing Legal Finance Assembling Customer Support Selling Procurement Systems Design Systems Online Systems ERP Systems Requirements Systems A common problem The cause: multiple systems, conceived and developed individually Compounding the problem: cross-functional teams continuously forming, new business partners, stove-piped information Partner 1 Partner 2 Partner 3000 Appl 1 Appl 2 Appl 50 Appl 1 Appl 2 Appl 50 Appl 1 Appl 2 Appl 50 (C) The Open Group 2010

27 27 A Shared Vision Vision Boundaryless Information Flow™  achieved through global interoperability  in a secure, reliable and timely manner Boundaryless does not mean there are no boundaries – it means that boundaries are permeable to enable business. (C) The Open Group 2010

28 28 How Important…  Not having Boundaryless Information Flow where systems interoperate, i.e. easily exchange information and use that information to improve operations, is causing organizations real pain *  100s of millions in lost opportunities  Billions spent to make systems interoperate or to recover from mistakes  The risks are not only financial but deal with lost lives  Hospitals, 911/999 systems, Critical infrastructure, Air Traffic Control… * respondents to survey taken at conference

29 29 The Open Group Scorecard Software Standards Perspective Interoperability Security MILS Methodology Standards Perspective Enterprise Architecture SOA Security MILS Professional Standards Perspective IT Specialist Skills Architecture Knowledge IT Architect Skills Professional Association Dependability through Assuredness Portability Manageability

30 30 Business Areas  Membership & Events  Forums and Work Groups  International Conferences  Regional Conferences  Certification  People, products and services (eg ITAC, ITSC, TOGAF, UNIX, NASPL,WAP, POSIX)  Collaboration Services  Services to other consortia and collaborative groups

31 31 28 August 201531 Forums and Work Groups  Forums  ArchiMate®  Architecture  Enterprise Management  Identity Management  Platform  Real-time and Embedded Systems  Trusted Technology (TBA)  Security  Council Work Groups  Business Architecture  Service Oriented Architectures  Semantic Interoperability (inc UDEF)  Cloud Computing

32 32 28 August 201532 The Open Group Member Entitlements  Silver Member Entitlement  Forums – One only  Council Work Groups - All  Gold Member Entitlement  Silver Member Entitlement plus …  Forums - All  Jericho Forum (by invitation)

33 33 The Open Group Member Entitlements  Platinum Member Entitlement  Gold Member Entitlement plus  Board Initiatives  IT Architecture Certification  IT Specialist Certification  Business Analysis Method (new)  The Open Group Strategy Review  Operating Plan Approval  Governance oversight  Board Committees – by appointment – minimum 1  Executive  Finance and audit  Compensation  Marketing  Outreach

34 34 The Open Group Conferences in 2011 The Open Group Conference and Member Meetings 7-11 February San Diego, USA The Open Group Conference and Member Meetings 9-13 May London, England The Open Group Conference and Member Meetings 18-22 July Austin, Texas The Open Group Conference and Member Meetings 24-28 October TBD (C) The Open Group 2010

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