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7/18/15 The Open Performance Grid (OPG) Announced at San Francisco 7/15 | Singapore 9/15 | Chicago 10/15 | London 11/15.

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Presentation on theme: "7/18/15 The Open Performance Grid (OPG) Announced at San Francisco 7/15 | Singapore 9/15 | Chicago 10/15 | London 11/15."— Presentation transcript:

1 7/18/15 The Open Performance Grid (OPG) Announced at San Francisco 7/15 | Singapore 9/15 | Chicago 10/15 | London 11/15

2 7/18/15 Advisory Panel The Open Performance Grid (OPG) measures openness, performance, and leadership of hardware, software, and designs for modern data centers.

3 The OPG is a joint effort

4 The OPG is also a community effort with input from: – Technology Users & Buyers – Technology Analysts & Researchers – Technology Provider Self-assessments

5 Why Open Matters * Community development fosters innovation * Security and support options increase * Open architecture prevents single vendor lock-in * Open, competitive markets benefit buyers * Open standards enable market hypergrowth

6 7/18/15 Open Orgs & Stuff

7 7/18/15 And Now It's Time to Measure All This

8 ■ Company A ■ Company D ■ Company K ■ Company F ■ Company B ■ Company G ■ Company J ■ Company C ■ Company L ■ Company O ■ Company L ■ Company I ■ Company H ■ Company M ■ Company N Sample Grig Open Not Open Developing Emerging Leading

9 7/18/15 Measures of openness Sample Measures of Openness – Is the product in open-source form – Is there a foundation? – Are there one or a few dominant members? – Size/activity of community

10 7/18/15 Leadership Sample Leadership Measures – Measured by community – Discussed by analyst panel – Market share – Global presence – Benchmarking/Performance – Innovation curve

11 Software Categories Operating Systems Virtualization Containers PaaS IaaS services and stacks Monitoring/Analytics Management Consoles Software-defined networking Software-defined storage

12 Hardware Categories Chips Boards Blades Storage Connectivity Data Center Designs

13 Worldwide Data Growth


15 Meanwhile...back at the data center Current data center usage 11.7 gigawatts ~2% of total US usage But remember our chart? 2.6 ZB to 5.2ZB in three years

16 By 2040 = 2^8 = 256X today's data flow! Announcing... The Yottabyte Age


18 Global Economy - 2015 Population 7.3 billion GDP $74 trillion Electricity Use 2.3 Terawatts RegionPopUsage Developed18%47% Developing63%28% China19%25%

19 Global Economy - 2040 Population 9 billion (~0.9% annual growth rate – total growth 23%)) GDP $150 trillion+ (inc. population growth & 3% annual per capita growth) Electricity Use 4.6 Terawatts = 2.3 terawatts or 2,300 gigawatts new power = 2,300 new plants of 1,000 megawatts @$4 billion per plant = $9.2 trillion in new investment

20 Global Economy - 2040 Population 9 billion (~0.9% annual growth rate – total growth 23%) Let's assume * Developed world population grows 0.5% annually & consumption flat * China population growth flat & consumption doubles * Developing world population grows 1.1% annually & consumption triples Electricity use = 4.8 terawatts

21 But 2.3 terawatts must be supplied to developing world Will the world devote $9.2 trillion to the developing world for electricity development alone? Even so, that would only bring it to 10-15% of developed world per capita usage Year20152040 RegionPopUsagePopUsage Developed18%47%16%25% Developing63%28%68%48% China19%25%16%27%

22 * Precise calculations of what percentage of global power consumption data centers will demand – and what percentage of global economics data centers and the data they handle will drive – are complex. * The widely divergent state of existing national IT infrastructures illustrate the point...

23 Plot of National IT Infrastructures

24 1. Members of the global technology community must seriously address the issues of power consumption and overall efficiency. 2. Open technology is the way to address these issues. 3. The OPG is a way to assess, measure, and encourage progress with respect to these issues. 4. Community input is encouraged and essential. Summary Statement

25 Next Steps – Input from Users & Buyers – December 2015 – Create Analyst Panel – December 2015 – Complete the Evaluation Methodology - January 2016 – Release Initial Results – March 2016 Ongoing - Develop list of community members and contributors - Work with technology companies on private self-assessments - Support Stacking IT worldwide

26 r Cole Crawford Bruce Taylor DataCenterDynamics OPG Leadership Group i Roger Strukhoff Tau institute Rebecca Wanta PCIG Julius Akinyemi MIT Media Lab

27 Contact Info Join Our List! Email Roger Strukhoff Cole Crawford Bruce Taylor

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