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Haematological Examination. General appearance Pt. lies flat, one pillow under head. Race, gender: Mediterranan descent (thalassemia). – African descent.

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Presentation on theme: "Haematological Examination. General appearance Pt. lies flat, one pillow under head. Race, gender: Mediterranan descent (thalassemia). – African descent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Haematological Examination

2 General appearance Pt. lies flat, one pillow under head. Race, gender: Mediterranan descent (thalassemia). – African descent (sickle-cell anemia, SLE). – Northern European descent, blue eyes, premature grey hair (autoimmune disease: pernicious anemia). Colours: pale (anaemia), jaundice (haemolytic anaemia), bruising (thrombocytopoenia) Dyspnoea (anaemia, enlarged hylar lymph nodes)

3 Nails Nicotine stains. Koilonychia (iron deficiency). Pale nails (anemia). Splinter haemorrages (haemotological neoplasm)

4 Hands Pallor of palmar creases (anemia 2° to blood loss). Tophi (Gout 2° to myeloproliferative dz). Pulse: rate (anaemia has tachycardia), rhythm, character.

5 Arms Blood pressure. Scratch marks (lymphatic CA, myeloproliferative dz).

6 Trochlear Nodes Cup R hand below pt's R elbow. While holding pt's elbow, thumb reaches over pt's cubital fossa to palpate a spot anterior and proximal to pt's medial epicondyle. Palpate enlargement (drains the forearm)

7 Axillary Nodes Perform initially on both sides to compare If abnormality is found, perform separate examination noting (SHARP mnemonic) – Size: Pathologic nodes are generally greater than 1 cm – Hard: Firmness indicates malignancy – Amount: The greater the number of nodes felt, the more likely pathology exists – Relation to other nodes and surrounding tissue: Nodes fixed to each other or adjacent structures are worrisome for malignancy – Pain: Often associated with inflammation (e.g. infection)

8 Examine Waldeyer’s Ring Looking for enlargement and possible NH lymphoma Pharyngeal tonsil Tubal tonsil Palatine tonsils Lingual tonsils

9 Cervical and supraclavicular nodes

10 Particularly interested in the supraclavicular nodes Dx is Virchow's node, usually L one: Classically, stomach CA GI CA Pelvic CA Other CAs

11 Chest Trachea for deviation from nodes Assess bone pain (bone CA): Compress sternum with hands. Compress clavicle with hands. Tap spine with fist.

12 Abdomen Palpate along the abdominal aorta for grossly enlarged para-aortic nodes

13 Inguinal Nodes Palpate: Superficial inguinal and femoral nodes Deep inguinal Inguinal Node Examination

14 Popliteal Nodes

15 Legs examination Legs showing same symptoms as arms Ulcers. Peripheral neuropathy (Wernicke's encephalopathy 2° to B12 deficiency). Toenails and foot showing same symptoms as fingernails and hands

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