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EUREKA! 2014. GIRLS INCORPORATED OF ORANGE COUNTY As the oldest girl-centered organization in the U.S., Girls Inc. has been transforming girls' views.

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Presentation on theme: "EUREKA! 2014. GIRLS INCORPORATED OF ORANGE COUNTY As the oldest girl-centered organization in the U.S., Girls Inc. has been transforming girls' views."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUREKA! 2014

2 GIRLS INCORPORATED OF ORANGE COUNTY As the oldest girl-centered organization in the U.S., Girls Inc. has been transforming girls' views of themselves and their opportunities for generations. Girls Incorporated of Orange County is much more than an afterschool program – We are the place and have the people that help girls succeed.

3  Out of 102 affiliates, there are only 10 Eureka! programs in the nation  2014 marks the 16 th summer that Girls Inc. of Orange County has implemented the program  Began in 1999 serving 30 girls, to this year serving more girls than ever – 500 girls! EUREKA!

4 WHAT IS EUREKA!? Eureka! encourages girls to:  Become self-sufficient and improve their self-esteem and grades  Plan for their futures and prepare for higher education  Become active in their communities  Explore science, math and technology  Learn skills to avoid such dangerous behaviors as substance abuse, gang involvement, teen pregnancy and dropping out of school

5 EUREKA! STAFF Golden West College  Joanna Moore, Eureka! Coordinator  Arezoo Shahbazi, Eureka! Associate & Friendly Peer  Christie Pearce, STEM Coordinator  Catherine Ryan, STEM Coordinator  Tanya Garcia, My Life & STEM  Jessica Aquino, My Life  Julieth F. Zapata, College Bound  Mariah Murga, Art  Natalie Burtenshaw, Overall Support  DeAnna Carpenter, Empowerment Specialist Santa Ana College  Martha Rangel, Eureka! Coordinator  Kathya Torrejon, Eureka! Associate  Christie Pearce, STEM Coordinator  Meredith Casalino, STEM Coordinator  Beth Payne, Art & STEM  Elizabeth Carrillo, Friendly Peer  Nataly Alvarado, College Bound  Mitzi Hermann, Overall Support  DeAnna Carpenter, Empowerment Specialist

6 Santa Ana College is located in Santa Ana off of Bristol and 17 th Street. Drop off and Pick up are located in Lot 6 off of Bristol. Drop off 7:30 - 8:30am Pick up 5:15 – 5:45pm

7 Parking Lot D Golden West College is located in Huntington Beach Drop off and Pick up in lot D off Golden West Street Drop off 7:30 - 8:30am Pick up 4:30 – 5:30pm

8 Youth and Family Center is located in Costa Mesa Drop off and Pick up under the red awning Drop off 7:30 – 7:55am BUSSES WILL LEAVE AT 8:00am SHARP Pick up 5:00pm (Pending Traffic) NO LATER THAN 5:30pm Provided Transportation to Golden West

9 SCHEDULE SANTA ANA COLLEGE MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:00am Drop off Field Trip 8:15am- 8:30 am15Walk 8:30am- 9:30 am60 Monday Meeting (8:30-9:00) Energizer 9:30-12:00 pm150STEM (9:00-11:30)STEM 12:00-12:45 pm45Lunch (11:30-12:00)Lunch 12:45-1:0015Clean up and walk time 1:00-2:30 60 PD Workshops 12:00-1:30) Speakers/ElectivesSTEM ActivityChallenge 30 2:30-4:00 60 GIOC ClassesGIOC Class 30 4:00-5:00 30 Pool 30 5:15 AM525Pick up Fitness & Nutrition STEM Personal Development

10 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:00am Drop off Field Trip 8:15am- 8:30 am15Walk 8:30am- 9:30 am60Monday Meeting (8:30-9:00)Energizer 9:30-12:00 pm150STEM (9:00-11:30)STEM 12:00-12:45 pm45Lunch ( 11:30-12:00)Lunch 12:45-1:00 pm15Clean up and walk time 1:00-2:00 pm60 STEM Activity (12:00-1:00) Pool GIOC Class Pool 2:00-2:30 pm30 Dress and walk time 2:30-3:00pm30 Challenge (1:15-2:45) Round-up Snack Incrediflix Round-up Snack 3:00-3:30pm30 GIOC Class 3:30-4:00pm30 GIOC Classes ( 3:00-4:30) Empowerment Workshop 4:00-4:30pm30 4:30 PM495Pick up GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE Fitness & Nutrition STEM Personal Development

11 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT College Bound  What is college?  How do I get there?  What can I do now to ensure future success? My Life as a Girl  Values & Goals  Decision making skills  Sisterhood Friendly PEER-suasion  Communication Skills  Awareness  Leadership Skills Art  Leadership  Creativity  Teamwork

12 SAMPLE- MY LIFE Don’t worry if you’re in a relationship with someone who is hurtful, because that’s part of a healthy relationship. It’s easier to just go with “whatever” and not stand up for myself. It’s necessary to be loud and aggressive to get my way. I can easily say “no” to my friends who want me to do something that I don’t want to do. I have personal boundaries when it comes to dating. I know what is important to me in making decisions about dating. A COMPREHENSIVE INTERACTIVE PROGRAM THAT FOCUSES ON ASSERTIVENESS TRAINING WITH THE SPECIFIC GOAL OF ENCOURAGING EARLY ADOLESCENT GIRLS TO MAKE HEALTHY CHOICES Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagree Strongly Disagree

13 STEM- SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING & MATH SANTA ANA COLLEGE: Week 1: Circuits Week 2: Robotics Week 3: Guest Professor week Week 4: CSI GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE: Week 1: Robotics Week 2: Circuits Week 3: Engineering design Week 4: CSI

14 SWIMMING & FITNESS  Girls must bring their swimsuits on swim days and swim for the time designated  *PLEASE MAKE SURE TO CHECK THE SCHEDULE TO SEE WHEN YOU SWIM FITNESS  Boot Camp  Swimming  Teambuilding  Dance/Self Defense


16 CONTACT INFORMATION Joanna Moore, Golden West College  Eureka! Coordinator  949-542-9977 Arezoo Shahbazi, Golden West College  Eureka! Associate  949-285-9647 Martha Rangel, Santa Ana College  Eureka! Coordinator  714-927-6364 Kathya Torrejon, Golden West College  Eureka! Associate  714-336-8699

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