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Published byJosephine Stewart Modified over 9 years ago
PRACTICAL GUIDEBOOK Methods, Assessment and Producing Lessonware
“The limits of my language are the limits of my world.” Ludwig Wittgenstein “Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus”, 1922
Goals Two training pathways: A series of steps that lead to the individual being able to reproduce knowledge or action. Experiences leading to the re-shaping of future behaviour.
Life skills The traditional view of teaching and learning is a linear, deterministic and procedural: New view is non-linear and takes into account what the real world requires: Life skills are developed along with subject knowledge. Input + exercise + study + test = learning Participation + interaction + collaboration + reflection = learning
Collaboration, interaction, communication Complex problems can’t be solved by individuals. Innovations or inventions come about through collective knowledge and team-based problem solving.
7 POSTINTERACTION Teacher Students PREINTERACTIONINTERACTION PLANSGUIDES THE PROCESSASSESSES Procures materials, makes arrangements. Organizes the environment and learning situations. ENABLES Directs goal setting and creation of rules, instructs Reflects the process, goal achievement and his / her own part. Challenges, controls, expands,organizes,regula tes intervenes. Guides the students. Teaches. Gives feedback. Persuades. Helps Leads the assessment of goals Studies. Teaches. Helps. Produces a product. Progresses, experiences, guides own learning. Participates in goal setting and creating the rules. Participates in goals assessment. Learns Ignites Gets ignited Ponders ahead of time. Completes preparatory tasks. Brings necessary materials. Works alone and in groups. Thinks. Gets practice. Shares. Takes responsibility. Listens. Comprehends. Builds. Makes mistakes Tries. Applies new knowledge and skills. Completes tasks requiring application. Withdraws and orients towards the new. KNOWS, UNDERSTANDS, ASSESSESACTS, SUCCEEDS PREPARES Joint planning Joint teaching Joint assessment
TRADITIONAL LEARNER21ST CENTURY LEARNER Sit and getMove and experiment Learner as receptorLearner as initiator Expectations same for allStudent navigates choices Product orientedProcess and product oriented Teacher tellsStudent constructs meaning Paper and pencil drivenTechnology enhanced, multimedia driven Explicit directionsNo limits Isolated learning in privateCollaborative, shared even globally CompliantProblem solver Answers are primaryQuestions are primary Closed systemOpen system Stays the sameChanges, develops, evolves constantly Knows factsInquirer
To be a 21st century teacher, you do not have to be an expert in technology, but you need the right attitude and the right habits of mind. “Teachers need to be lifelong learners themselves. You can’t inculcate a love of learning unless you live it.” Paul Cappon, former President of the Canadian Council on Learning
Methods: Student & competencies at the center Reduce the teacher talking time Assessment: Formative, continuous assessment Self- and peer assessment Inclusion: Personalized learning Inclusion Producing materials: Digital and non-digital Designing learning processes Topics
Using new methods Stages of adopting new classroom practice: What to expect: The beginningChallenging It feels difficult and complicated. Trying out new methodsChaotic Expect making a lot of mistakes. Expanding their useAnxiety provoking Using new methodsRewarding Enjoy using them, develop more.
Introduction 1. Gallery walk. Groups of 4. Peer teaching and activities Assessment Art Media Drama ICT Infor- mation acqui- sition. ideas. stimu- lus. Infor- mation acqui- sition. ideas. stimu- lus. Infor- mation proces sing and appli- cation Pre- sen- tation 2. Group discussions 4 4 DAY 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3.Group presentations 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. Reflection of learning 5. Exit poll 1) Thinking together- conversation model 2) Choose 2 methods / tools the group most likely used in the classroom 3) Peer assessment of group work
HOMEWORK 1.Re-design an existing lesson plan Include student centered, competency building activities Take into account different learners Build in formative assessment Include use of an ICT tool 2. Practice using at least of one of the ICT tools. Plan how you would use it in the classroom Prepare a short presentation about your ICT tool. 3. Write about the process in a learning diary (notebook / Word or digital version e.g. blog / website / wiki)
DAY 2 Introduction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 In pairs: 2. Teach someone else a new method you learned and used. 3. Read and assess your partner’s lesson plan. Discuss Peer teaching and Peer assess- ment. Peer teaching and Peer assess- ment. 1. Time to work on own lesson plans. Check with others. Improve. Presentations of lesson plans and assessment 4. Presentations of ICT tools: Pecha Kucha / Demo slams 5. Sharing of lesson plans using various platforms and ICT tools ICT tools Demo Slams ICT tools Demo Slams Sharing Reflec- tion Sharing Reflec- tion
Setting expectations The aims of the workshop: 1) To offer examples of good practice, methods and materials for development and assessment of competencies. 2) To provide input, stimulus, ideas and practical tools and 3) To develop skills for classroom practice that supports the development of competencies.
Learning materials The learning materials: The course material addresses the Curriculum Area of Languages and Communication as a whole. It is aimed at Mother tongue and foreign language teachers. The course materials are examples only and should be tailored by teachers for their own use, topics, and grade levels. Some have to be adapted to suit the Albanian language. You have time and possibility to develop your own variations of the materials and methods during the course.
Interviews discussions experiments group work presentations plays drama role plays portfolios projects exhibitions types of performance- based assessment
Curriculum area Concepts of the curriculum area taken from the CC. Curriculum area learning outcomes taken from the CC. Teaching and learning topics to be dealt during the school year for each curriculum area Topics divided per months Key stage/ competency learning outcomes taken from the CC Sept –Oct Nov – Dec Jan- Feb Mar - Apr May – Jun Language and communication Arts Mathematics.......
Communication skills and CEFR Verbal and non verbal communication Receiving information Producing information Common European Framework of Reference for languages. The six levels of language proficiency make it possible to compare tests and examinations across languages and national borders. CEFR is increasingly used in teacher education, the reform of foreign language curricula and the development of teaching materials Albanian version: Kuadri europian i përbashkët i referencës për gjuhët: Të mësuarit, të nxënët, vlerësimi, Ministria e Arsimit dhe e Shkences, TiranaKuadri europian i përbashkët i referencës për gjuhët: Të mësuarit, të nxënët, vlerësimi
KCF Kosovo Curriculum Framework: Development of a range of competencies and the development of personal growth, citizenship and preparing students for the world of work.
Languages Aims: Skills and interest for life long learning Linguistic competence Cultural competence Strategic competencies in communication, media and learning strategies. Skill and confidence in all new language experiences in and outside school. skill subjects means of communication cultural subjects
Using ICT Technology is not a magic wand that transforms bad teaching into good teaching by itself. It necessitates a transformation in teaching and learning practices. –Learners are active knowledge creators –Enables collaborative processes to produce knowledge –Operational culture that emphasizes collaboration and sharing –Openness towards the community, society and the world
Internet safety Age limits: Google user 13 years Facebook 13 years WhatsApp 16 years Instagram 13 years 13 years Twitter 13 years WordPress 13 years Tumblr 13 years Second life 13 years LinkedIn 13 years NB: Written permit must be obtained from parents of minors if the school uses commercial social media services in teaching
Copyright and Creative commons licenses What do the licenses mean? Choosing a license for your work
A “Share something”- day! Share resources, ideas, tools and practices to improve educational access and effectiveness. Choose a platform and invite your colleagues to post their learning resources on the site.
Media skills Key skills: Evaluating and assessing various types of Internet media: What is news and what is not news? Separating facts from opinions. What is ‘clickbait’ and what are its effects? Understanding online advertising / advertorials etc Understanding your Internet footprint.
What happens next? A break! After the break: A very brief presentation of the stations.
After the break Presentation of the stations
Unlikely or maybe later Can use, needs some modification Can use directly
Gallery walk instructions In groups of 4: Visit all the stations. Your task: Examine and evaluate the materials on the tables. Decide which ones you could use in your classroom. Think and solve: –How to use them? –How do you solve the problems of implementation? Take notes: 1) Personal form 2) Group form (Time: until lunch)
Learning about “Thinking together” collaborative conversations What is it? “Thinking together” is qualitatively different from a superficial and uncritical acceptance of the others’ ideas or from highly competitive disagreements. Instructions: Read the material provided on your tables. Start the discussion. Try to follow the structure for “thinking together” discussion.
Discussion & preparing a short presentation Task for your groups: Conduct a discussion using the “Thinking together” structure Your task: –As a group choose two methods / ideas the group members are most likely to use in the classroom. –Prepare a short presentation per method. Focus on: A variation of a method / tool What learners do? What it does to learners? What competencies it develops? Context where it is used? Negative and positive sides? Suggestions on how to solve the problems with implementing it.
A short break
Presentations 1.Present the method and possibly the app / ICT tool and give a short description of how you would use it i.e. your own activity using it. 2.Demonstrate your own variation of the method, what learners do, what it does for the learner and what competencies it builds. (If possible provide a PP slide with pictures.) 3.Describe the context where you would use the method. 4.Briefly discuss the positive and negative issues arising from the use of this method. 5.Share the presentation with participants and attach any resource you have. A task sheet and an example of a presentation is provided on your tables.
Presentations of own variations of ideas / methods
Homework Your task before the next training day: 1) Re-design: Include one of the methods / activities in an exisiting lesson plan and re-think the learning process: the students are at the center and you are in the role of a facilitator. 2) Try the method or activity (or several) in your classroom. 3) Make notes of your experience (the good and the bad). –Describe the experience and analyze why it succeeded or why it failed. –What would you change and why? Bring your lesson plan and your experiences to DAY 2 of this training in March. Be prepared to discuss it with a peer.
Self and Peer assessment Your task: 1.Evaluate your own contribution to the group work today. Use the provided form. 2.Evaluate one of your peers’ contribution to the group work today. Use the provided form
Reflection Your task: Start a small learning diary and reflect on your learning: Write in a notebook or in wiki / blog other online space your thoughts about: –What you learned today? –How you learned it? What was difficult? What was easy?
Exit poll Your task: On the note in front of you, write three things you learned today 1. 2. 3. Pass the note to the person on your left. Read the note you got from the person on your right. Leave the notes in the bowl by the door.
THANK YOU! Well done! You have worked very hard today!
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