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Nichelle K. Norris IS 373: World Wide Web Standards.

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1 Nichelle K. Norris IS 373: World Wide Web Standards

2 Everyone uses databases for many different reasons, and each database has many different sources of information. City #City Name 1Boston 2London 3New York 4Los Angeles

3  A Database is simply a set of related information.  Example: Phonebook  Relational Databases were developed in the 1970s by Edgar F. Codd (IBM)  Relational Databases are multiple sets of tables that hold specific information for one record.  This was developed in order to properly organize the data into a system that was easier to gather the information for one instance.


5  A query is a request for specific information from a database.

6  Codd’s definition of the relational model, he proposed a language called DSL/Alpha for manipulating the data in relational tables.  IBM commissioned a group to build a prototype language based on Codd’s ideas.  Originally called SQUARE but after some refinements it was changed to SEQUEL.  The acronym SEQUEL was later changed to SQL because "SEQUEL" was a trademark of the UK-based aircraft company.

7  SQL is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard and there are many different versions of the SQL Versions.  There Are 4 Version of SQL

8  It is Divided into two segments  SQL DDL (Database Definition Language)  SQL DML (Database Manipulation Language)  Some databases require a semicolon at the end of each statement.  SQL DML  Consists of the commands for query requests. SELECT UPDATE DELETE INSERT INTO

9  SQL DDL  Consists of the commands for tables to be created or deleted. CREATE DATABASE ALTER DATABASE CREATE TABLE ALTER TABLE CREATE INDEX DROP INDEX  Not CaSe SeNsItIvE

10 SELECT * FROM Persons SELECT * FROM Book WHERE price > 100.00 ORDER BY title;

11  SQL is used in a variety programs that people use everyday…  Websites (facebook, shopping websites)  Oracle  Microsoft Access  Microsoft SQL Servers  MySQL

12  SQL seems to have a strong community backing with hundreds of forums.  SQL is a reliable standard because the main commands are still the same despite the version that is in use.

13  Security?  No Security Issues  Privacy?  There are no privacy issues since this is strictly for database manipulation

14  SQL is a reliable standard  It’s simple enough for anyone to use.  Universal amongst relational database design.  Used in countless ways all over the world.  SQL structure has been the same since it’s conception over 40 years and probably won’t be changed for at least another 30-40 years.

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