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© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialPresentation_ID 1 Roman Janovic, CCIE #6805 Cisco Corporate Overview.

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1 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialPresentation_ID 1 Roman Janovic, CCIE #6805 Cisco Corporate Overview

2 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialPresentation_ID 2 Cisco Systems: Worldwide Leader in Networking for the Internet Cisco Products Power the Internet Cisco Runs Its Business on the Internet

3 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialPresentation_ID 3 Enable disparate campus networks to talk … multi-protocol router born Atherton, CA Sandy Lerner and Len Bosack Cisco’s Beginning… 1984

4 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialPresentation_ID 4 Innovation Milestones Started at Stanford Shipped Multiport Communications Interface (MCI) Entered service provider market; released Gigabit Switch Router (GSR) IPO; 192 employees Released Catalyst switch Shipped first router; developed IGRP protocol Released wireless LAN products 2006 19921984198619881990199419961998 20002002 20042005 First acquisition— Crescendo; released 3000, 4000 & 7000 series routers Developed CRS-1 Carrier Routing System Shipped first IP telephone; developed optical strategy Acquired Andiamo through spin-in; acquired Linksys Introduced integrated services router; acquired Scientific Atlanta Catalyst 6500 >$20B sales Shipped 8 millionth IP phone Surpassed 3M wireless access points installed 2007 Acquired WebEx Cisco TelePresence Shipped

5 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialPresentation_ID 5 Cisco Globally San Jose, CA Herndon, VA Lowell/ Chelmsford Ottawa, Canada Raleigh, NC Richardson, TX London Brussels Tel Aviv Bangalore Shanghai Singapore Sydney  63,000+ employees in 70 countries  300+ office locations  1/3 Engineering/IT, 1/3 Sales, 1/3 all others

6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialPresentation_ID 6 Cisco—The Technology Innovator  $4 billion R&D investment annually  17,000 engineers working in more than 10 major labs worldwide  #1 in most markets in which we compete  Over 120 companies acquired  More than 2,300 patents issued to Cisco inventors in last 10 years  Multi-Protocol Routing and Switching  Voice over IP  CRS-1  Telepresence  Multi-Protocol Routing and Switching  Voice over IP  CRS-1  Telepresence MAJOR INNOVATIONS Development Acquisitions

7 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialPresentation_ID 7 Acquisitions : 1993 - 2000 1995 1996-971993-94200019981999

8 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialPresentation_ID 8 Acquisitions : 2001 - 2007 2003 2004 2001-0220072005 2006

9 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialPresentation_ID 9 R&D Commitment R&D as % of Revenue $4.49B R&D SPEND Source: Yahoo Finance, Company Financial Statements * *Total FY’07

10 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialPresentation_ID 10 R&D Spending vs. S&P 500 $ Millions % of Revenue

11 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialPresentation_ID 11 INTELLIGENT INFORMATION NETWORK IP NGN SERVICE PROVIDER The Connected Home CONSUMER Service Oriented Network Architecture ENTERPRISE FOUNDATION TECHNOLOGIES EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES COMMERCIAL Smart Business Communications Architecture Architectures Across All Customer Segments

12 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialPresentation_ID 12 Cisco’s 3–5 Year Technology Vision: The Intelligent Information Network Time Network Intelligence The Intelligent Movement of Data / Voice / Video Across a System of Networks INTEGRATED TRANSPORT INTEGRATED SERVICES Virtualized Networking Resources INTEGRATED APPLICATIONS Application- Enhancing Services PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3

13 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialPresentation_ID 13 Converging All Forms of IT and Communications in the Network The Network as a Platform Mobility Video Voice IP Data InformationCommunicationsEntertainment Freedom IP ConsumerCommercial Service Provider Enterprise PriorityTranscoding Personalization Location OptimizationAcceleration Security

14 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialPresentation_ID 14 AON, IP Telephony, Wireless Develop New Technology Different Types of Innovation Network Admission Control (Microsoft, Symantec, others) Partner w/ Other Companies Design New Products CRS-1, IOS XR, Integrated Services Router Start New Business Models Linksys, Meeting Place, NetSolve Pursue Acquisitions 120+ Acquisitions Andiamo Spin in Investments


16 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialPresentation_ID 16

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