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Going with the Data Flow Mrs. Staniec. Objectives: 1. Identify the role of the central processing unit. 2. Identify concepts related to computer memory.

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Presentation on theme: "Going with the Data Flow Mrs. Staniec. Objectives: 1. Identify the role of the central processing unit. 2. Identify concepts related to computer memory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Going with the Data Flow Mrs. Staniec

2 Objectives: 1. Identify the role of the central processing unit. 2. Identify concepts related to computer memory. 3. Identify the features and benefits of different storage media. 4. Identify the types and purposes of standard input and output devices on desktop and laptop computers. 5. Identify the types and purposes of specialized input and output devices. 6. Identify how hardware devices are connected to and installed on a computer system. 7. Identify how hardware and software interact.

3 Phase One: Start Me Up! Power-on  CPU  ROM-BIOS (read-only memory – basic input/output system) Hardware Test Load OS

4 Data Flow Interplay among CPU, RAM, Storage Load from storage RAM as CPU’s short-term memory

5 Operating System Load CPU loads OS files from hard drive to RAM Creates a user interface

6 Phase Two: The Process InputProcessOutput

7 Input Devices Keyboard Mouse Trackball Touchpad Microphone Game Devices

8 Installing Input Devices Physical connections  DIN ports (keyboard and mouse)  USB  FireWire Software support  Plug and play  Drivers

9 Internal Processing Opening programs  Start menu  Double-click Transfers files from hard drive to RAM

10 Internal Processing CPU to video card Video card to monitor

11 Output Devices Feedback devices  Monitor  Projectors  Speakers  Voice synthesizers Hardcopy  Printer

12 Output Devices Storage Devices  RAM is temporary storage  Need some other device for long-term storage

13 Magnetic Storage Devices Magnetic  Hard drive  Floppy disk

14 Optical Storage Devices CD-media  CD-ROM  CD-R  CD-RW DVD-media  DVD-ROM  DVD-R  DVD±RW Blu-ray Discs  BD-R  BD-RE

15 Flash Memory Solid state (stores without electricity) Rewritable Multiple formats  USB thumb drives  Compact Flash (CF)  Secure Digital (SD)

16 Connecting Output Devices Physical connections (color-coded) Install support software (drivers)

17 Closing Programs and Shutting Down Do it the right way: 1. Save and close documents 2. Close applications 3. Log out 4. Power down Avoid corrupting files Maintain security

18 In-class Activity Complete Chapter 2 Review Questions

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