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The Wrestling Match There is a daily wrestling match; either mental, verbal physical or spiritual. Why is there so much striving and wrestling? Are other.

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Presentation on theme: "The Wrestling Match There is a daily wrestling match; either mental, verbal physical or spiritual. Why is there so much striving and wrestling? Are other."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Wrestling Match There is a daily wrestling match; either mental, verbal physical or spiritual. Why is there so much striving and wrestling? Are other people the problem? Are we the problem or both? Is there another factor of influence?

2 The Multi-Dimensional Realm 1.The Third Heaven: 2 Corinthians 12:1-4. This is the throne of God, the ultimate authority. Anything below this realm of the third heaven must submit to it. 2.The Second Heaven: Ephesians 6:12. In between earth, and Third Heaven – the dwelling place of the fallen angels. From this realm they exert their influence over mankind.

3 Continuation: The Multi-Dimensional Realm 3.The First Heaven: From the sky above our heads to the farthest end of space. 4.Outer Darkness: Jude 1:6. Darkness and blackness of the nether world. 5.Sheol: Luke 16:19-31. It is divided into Abraham’s Bosom and Hell.

4 Wrestling for the Soul and Mind Ephesians 6:12. Wrestling is a contest between two in which each endeavors to throw the other, and which is decided when the victor is able to hold his opponent down with his hand upon his neck. (Strong’s Enhanced Lexicon) The Fallen Angels are: Wrestling for the Lost. 2 Corinthians 4:3-4

5 Continuation: The Fallen Angels are: 2. Wrestling for the Saved. John 3:19-20. 3. Wrestling for Believers. That is why Jesus, Paul and the other Apostles continually remind us to watch and pray, to be alert in the spirit, to keep walking in God’s ways and to be faithful to the end.

6 4 Levels of Influence from the 2 nd Heaven 2 Corinthians 10:4-6. Strongholds – fortified reasoning that exist both internally and externally. Arguments (or Imaginations) – reasoning that is hostile to the Christian faith. High Thing – any idea that lifts and gives you significance outside Christ. Thought – mental perception with an evil purpose.

7 Our Influence as Believers 1.Keeping ourselves free from worldly current fads. 2.Be deep thinkers of God’s word and students of God’s ways. Will we allow the fallen angels of 2 nd heaven to wrestle away our souls and minds? Put self and flesh under the blood of the Lamb so that the fallen angels cannot have a way to influence and wrestle away our souls and minds.

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