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GBI Basics of Grace Summer 2010 An Overview of Systematic Theology.

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1 GBI Basics of Grace Summer 2010 An Overview of Systematic Theology

2 Anthropology: What is Man Like? A Study of the Doctrine of Man

3 The Fall of Man (Gen. 3) The temptation was a corruption of God’s word / command (3:1). The temptation was a corruption of God’s word / command (3:1). The temptation was a question about God’s love. The temptation was a question about God’s love. The temptation was a direct denial of God’s Word (3:4). The temptation was a direct denial of God’s Word (3:4). The temptation was an appeal to idolatry (3:5). The temptation was an appeal to idolatry (3:5). The temptation included a disregard of the consequences of sin (3:5-6). The temptation included a disregard of the consequences of sin (3:5-6). The temptation was a twisting of reality (3:6). The temptation was a twisting of reality (3:6).

4 Hamartiology: Is Sin Really So Bad? A Study of the Doctrine of Sin

5 Hamartiology Defined Hamartia + logos = hamartiology Sin + word = word/study of man

6 “Sin is what you do when you’re not satisfied with God.” [John MacArthur] “Sin is irrational. Consider Satan himself, who knows more about God than most any of us but, nevertheless, seeks to replace God on the throne; an intelligent begin, yet from one perspective incredibly stupid.” [John Frame, Salvation Belongs to the Lord.] What is Sin?

7 Every — and any — sin is worthy of eternal condemnation (Rom. 5:16; 6:23) Every — and any — sin is worthy of eternal condemnation (Rom. 5:16; 6:23) Scripture denotes that some sins are greater or lesser than others (Mt. 5:19; 23:23; Jn. 19:11). Scripture denotes that some sins are greater or lesser than others (Mt. 5:19; 23:23; Jn. 19:11). Some sins are more offensive to God because — Some sins are more offensive to God because — some sins deserve excommunication from the church body some sins deserve excommunication from the church body some sins do not deserve excommunication from the church body some sins do not deserve excommunication from the church body some sins attributed the work of Christ to Satan some sins attributed the work of Christ to Satan some sins remain perpetual, malicious, willful and unconfessed some sins remain perpetual, malicious, willful and unconfessed

8 The Question of Original Sin — Depravity Depravity does not mean — Depravity does not mean — Depravity does mean — Depravity does mean — every individual is as completely corrupt and depraved as he could become every individual is as completely corrupt and depraved as he could become the sinner has no innate knowledge of God the sinner has no innate knowledge of God the sinner cannot admire virtuous and righteous character the sinner cannot admire virtuous and righteous character every unbelieving man will indulge of every form of sin. every unbelieving man will indulge of every form of sin. the inherent sin in man extends to every part of his nature the inherent sin in man extends to every part of his nature there is no spiritual good in relation to God in the sinner at all there is no spiritual good in relation to God in the sinner at all

9 How Was Sin Imputed to all Men from Adam? Imputation of sin means that sin is universal. Imputation of sin means that sin is universal. We sin because we are sinners (born with original sin) and we are sinners because we sin (our own sin condemns us). We sin because we are sinners (born with original sin) and we are sinners because we sin (our own sin condemns us). If there is no imputation of Adam’s sin to us, then neither can there be an imputation of Christ’s righteousness to us (Rom. 5:18). If Adam cannot sin on our behalf, then neither can Christ offer His righteousness on our behalf (1 Cor. 15:22). If there is no imputation of Adam’s sin to us, then neither can there be an imputation of Christ’s righteousness to us (Rom. 5:18). If Adam cannot sin on our behalf, then neither can Christ offer His righteousness on our behalf (1 Cor. 15:22).

10 Why Do Christians Still Sin? Believers have been saved from the power of sin so they no longer have to sin (1 Jn. 2:1). Believers have been saved from the power of sin so they no longer have to sin (1 Jn. 2:1). Believers still have indwelling sin (Rom. 7:17, 18, 20, 21), though they are freed from its power. Believers still have indwelling sin (Rom. 7:17, 18, 20, 21), though they are freed from its power. The sources of conflict for the believer are (1 Jn. 2:16) — The sources of conflict for the believer are (1 Jn. 2:16) — the world — the system that is under the control of Satan which is hostile to God. the world — the system that is under the control of Satan which is hostile to God. the flesh — the old nature and man — indwelling sin the flesh — the old nature and man — indwelling sin the devil — Satan and his angels who seek to devour Christians (1 Pt. 5:8). the devil — Satan and his angels who seek to devour Christians (1 Pt. 5:8).

11 What is the Provision for the Believer? the Word of God (Js. 1:5) the Word of God (Js. 1:5) the intercession of Christ (Heb. 7:25) the intercession of Christ (Heb. 7:25) the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:9; Gal. 5:16ff) the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:9; Gal. 5:16ff) the redemption of sin through confession and forgiveness (1 Jn. 1:9) the redemption of sin through confession and forgiveness (1 Jn. 1:9)

12 What is the Hope for the Christian Who Sins? Our sin does not affect our legal standing with God. Our sin does not affect our legal standing with God. Our sin does disrupt our fellowship with God — Our sin does disrupt our fellowship with God — Our sin is redeemable and is able to be used as an instrument of growth by means of appropriating afresh the truths of the gospel. Our sin is redeemable and is able to be used as an instrument of growth by means of appropriating afresh the truths of the gospel.

13 What About Unbelievers? Unregenerate men remain guilty because of imputed sin. Unregenerate men remain guilty because of imputed sin. Unregenerate men are born with original, in a state of death, separated from God. Unregenerate men are born with original, in a state of death, separated from God. Unregenerate men are guilty because of their own acts of personal sin against God. Unregenerate men are guilty because of their own acts of personal sin against God. Unregenerate men live under sin, with no ability to escape apart from God’s grace. Unregenerate men live under sin, with no ability to escape apart from God’s grace. Unregenerate men remain under the blinding influence and authority of Satan. Unregenerate men remain under the blinding influence and authority of Satan.

14 Soteriology: How Are Men Saved? A Study of the Doctrine of Salvation

15 “Our method of proclaiming salvation is this: to point out to every heart the loving Lamb, who died for us, and although He was the Son of God, offered Himself for our the preaching of His blood, and of His love unto death, even the death of the cross:…to name no virtue except in Him, and from Him and on His account, — to preach no commandment except faith in Him; no other justification but that He atoned for us; no other sanctification but the privilege to sin no more; no other happiness but to be near Him, to think of Him and do His pleasure; no other self denial but to be deprived of Him and His blessings; no other calamity but to displease Him; no other life but in Him.” [Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf (1700-1760).]

16 Soteriology Defined Soteria + logos = soteriology Salvation + word = word/study of salvation

17 An Overview of Salvation Salvation is the result of the past work of God. Salvation is the result of the past work of God. Salvation is the present process of God. Salvation is the present process of God. Salvation is the future goal of God. Salvation is the future goal of God.

18 An Overview of Salvation “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 1:6)

19 The Work of Salvation — Christ’s Death Substitution Substitution Redemption Redemption Reconciliation Reconciliation Propitiation Propitiation Forgiveness Forgiveness God has forgiven and removed sin. God has forgiven and removed sin. There still remains a daily need for cleansing for the purpose of fellowship. There still remains a daily need for cleansing for the purpose of fellowship.

20 The Work of Salvation — Christ’s Death Substitution Substitution Redemption Redemption Reconciliation Reconciliation Propitiation Propitiation Forgiveness Forgiveness Justification Justification

21 The Realization of Salvation — God’s Provision The work of God the Father The work of God the Father Election Election Predestination Predestination Adoption Adoption The work of Christ The work of Christ The work of the Holy Spirit The work of the Holy Spirit Conviction Conviction Regeneration Regeneration Baptism Baptism Indwelling Indwelling

22 The Realization of Salvation — Man’s Responsibility Faith involves the intellect. Faith involves the intellect. Faith involves emotion. Faith involves emotion. Faith involves the will. Faith involves the will. Faith involves a correct object (1 Cor. 15). Faith involves a correct object (1 Cor. 15).

23 The Realization of Salvation — Man’s Responsibility Faith involves a correct object. Faith involves a correct object. The gospel was planned by God beforehand. The gospel was planned by God beforehand. The gospel is an objective physical event in history. The gospel is an objective physical event in history. The gospel is an objective accomplishment. The gospel is an objective accomplishment. The gospel is an offer to be made to all that what Christ accomplished is free and my be had only by faith in him. The gospel is an offer to be made to all that what Christ accomplished is free and my be had only by faith in him. The gospel is an application through faith to specific people of what Christ accomplished. The gospel is an application through faith to specific people of what Christ accomplished. The gospel is an eternal and infinitely happy future destiny. The gospel is an eternal and infinitely happy future destiny.

24 “…to believe the gospel is not only to accept the awesome truths that 1) God is holy, 2) we are hopeless sinners, 3) Christ died and rose again for sinners, and 4) this great salvation is enjoyed by faith in Christ-but believing the gospel is also to treasure Jesus Christ as your unsearchable riches. What makes the gospel Gospel is that it brings a person into the everlasting and ever-increasing joy of Jesus Christ.” [John Piper, “The Gospel in Six Minutes.”]

25 The Realization of Salvation — Man’s Responsibility Faith involves the intellect. Faith involves the intellect. Faith involves emotion. Faith involves emotion. Faith involves the will. Faith involves the will. Faith involves a correct object. Faith involves a correct object. Faith produces transformation. Faith produces transformation.

26 The Realization of Salvation — Man’s Responsibility Faith involves transformation. Faith involves transformation. Not all who profess Christ have been converted by Christ. Not all who profess Christ have been converted by Christ. Those who have been converted by Christ will produce fruit by the power of the Holy Spirit. Those who have been converted by Christ will produce fruit by the power of the Holy Spirit. Believers will produce differing quality and quantity of fruit. Believers will produce differing quality and quantity of fruit. There will be some believers in glory who may give little demonstration of fruit now. There will be some believers in glory who may give little demonstration of fruit now. An individual may be saved, though he gives little evidence of that salvation, but he will have no genuine assurance of that salvation An individual may be saved, though he gives little evidence of that salvation, but he will have no genuine assurance of that salvation

27 The Blessing of Salvation — Security Security is given to accomplish the sovereign purpose of God. Security is given to accomplish the sovereign purpose of God. Security keeps us by the power of God. Security keeps us by the power of God. Security is a demonstration of the love of God. Security is a demonstration of the love of God. Security is produced by the justification in Christ. Security is produced by the justification in Christ. Security gifts us with the intercession of Christ. Security gifts us with the intercession of Christ. Security is guaranteed by the Holy Spirit. Security is guaranteed by the Holy Spirit. Security results in Christ presenting us faultless before Himself. Security results in Christ presenting us faultless before Himself.

28 “The gospel is not only the most important message in all of history; it is the only essential message in all of history. Yet we allow thousands of professing Christians to live their entire lives without clearly understanding it and experiencing the joy of living by it.” [Jerry Bridges, The Discipline of Grace.]

29 Ecclesiology — What in the World Does the Church Do? A Study of the Doctrine of the Church

30 Ecclesiology Defined Ecclesia + logos = ecclesiology Church/ + word = word/study of church Gathering The church is a gathering of people in this age (not OT believers) who have been called by God out of the world (and from sin) to become a chosen people of God to worship Him, by being His servants in spreading the good news of His glory.

31 DEFINITION OF THE CHURCH The church is a gathering of people in this age. The church is a gathering of people in this age. The church is a local assembly of believers The church is a local assembly of believers The church is the universal body of believers The church is the universal body of believers

32 THE FUNCTION OF THE LOCAL CHURCH The church meets for worship The church meets for worship The church practices fellowship The church practices fellowship The church provides instruction The church provides instruction The church has ministry The church has ministry The church has organization The church has organization

33 LEADERS OF THE CHURCH: Elders Elder, pastor, and overseer are synonymous Elder, pastor, and overseer are synonymous Generally, elders serve in a plurality Generally, elders serve in a plurality There are clear qualifications for elders There are clear qualifications for elders Elders care for the flock primarily through preaching and teaching. Elders care for the flock primarily through preaching and teaching. The goal of the elders’ ministry is to equip the church body for ministry. The goal of the elders’ ministry is to equip the church body for ministry. There is an accountability for elders to God. There is an accountability for elders to God.

34 LEADERS OF THE CHURCH: Deacons The origin of the office is in Acts 6:1-7 The origin of the office is in Acts 6:1-7 There are qualifications (1 Tim. 3:8-13) There are qualifications (1 Tim. 3:8-13) What is the difference between elders and deacons? What is the difference between elders and deacons? What about deaconesses (1 Tim. 3:11)? What about deaconesses (1 Tim. 3:11)?

35 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CHURCH Episcopalianism Episcopalianism Presbyterianism Presbyterianism Congregationalism Congregationalism

36 ORDINANCES OF THE CHURCH The Lord’s Supper The Lord’s Supper Transubstantiation Transubstantiation Consubstantiation Consubstantiation Meritorious grace Meritorious grace Memorial Memorial Baptism Baptism

37 THE PURPOSE OF THE CHURCH Gathered, ministering to the Body Gathered, ministering to the Body Scattered, ministering to the world Scattered, ministering to the world

38 LESSONS FOR BELIEVERS There must be a renewed emphasis in the local church on each believer exercising his spiritual gifts.There must be a renewed emphasis in the local church on each believer exercising his spiritual gifts. We must recognize that being part of a church involves much more than simply attending public worship services.We must recognize that being part of a church involves much more than simply attending public worship services. The church requires the involvement of every believer.The church requires the involvement of every believer. We must work hard to cultivate genuine sense of fellowship that is sacrificial and giving.We must work hard to cultivate genuine sense of fellowship that is sacrificial and giving. The church must remain the primary place for the carrying out of our disciplines and gifts.The church must remain the primary place for the carrying out of our disciplines and gifts. We must individually cultivate the godly attributes of humility and love to protect the unity of the body.We must individually cultivate the godly attributes of humility and love to protect the unity of the body.

39 What are the Characteristics of a God-centered church? A God-sensitive, faithful, loving, Word-loyal shepherd who tends/oversees a doctrinally sound, anchored in Scripture (doctrine matters!) loving, compassionate congregation of born-again people, who are growing spiritually and numerically, who together are ministering/laboring for the gospel, being empowered through Spirit-dependency and effectual prayer whose lives/conduct also witness to the power of the gospel (talk is cheap!) who, at times, upset/anger the world (or other religious people) because of these characteristics. P.S. If your church never upsets the world for its faithful adherence to the Word of God and fervent testimony regarding Jesus Christ, you may not have a God-centered (Christ-honoring) congregation!

40 Angelology: Angels Good and Bad — Who Are They? A Study of the Doctrine of Angels

41 THE NATURE AND ATTRIBUTES OF ANGELS Angels are a created body of beings. Angels are a created body of beings. Angels were created simultaneously and innumerable in number. Angels were created simultaneously and innumerable in number. Angels are spirit beings. Angels are spirit beings. Angels are a higher order of being than man. Angels are a higher order of being than man. Angels are swift and powerful. Angels are swift and powerful. The angels were all created in the same state of goodness or holiness. The angels were all created in the same state of goodness or holiness. All holy angels reside in heaven, in God’s presence. All holy angels reside in heaven, in God’s presence.

42 CATEGORIES OF ANGELS Archangels Archangels Chief princes Chief princes Ruling angels Ruling angels Other kinds of angels — Other kinds of angels — Cherubim Cherubim Seraphim Seraphim Living Creatures Living Creatures

43 PROIMINENT INDIVIDUAL ANGELS Lucifer — perhaps the most exalted angel of all Lucifer — perhaps the most exalted angel of all Michael — the chief of angels Michael — the chief of angels Gabriel — the “missionary” angel Gabriel — the “missionary” angel

44 THE MINISTRY OF ANGELS Ministry to God Ministry to God Ministry to Christ Ministry to Christ Ministry to Believers Ministry to Believers Ministry to Unbelievers Ministry to Unbelievers

45 THE CHARACTER OF SATAN REVEALED IN HIS NAMES Satan — adversary or resister Satan — adversary or resister Evil One — He is responsible for evil Evil One — He is responsible for evil Devil — slanderer Devil — slanderer Serpent — referring to his subtlety and craftiness Serpent — referring to his subtlety and craftiness Tempter Tempter Prince of this world Prince of this world God of this age God of this age Deceiver of the whole world Deceiver of the whole world Angel of light Angel of light Accuser of the brethren Accuser of the brethren Head of the house of evil Head of the house of evil

46 SATAN’S HISTORY Satan enjoyed a privileged status with God Satan enjoyed a privileged status with God Satan was a wise and intelligent being, perfect in beauty (Ezk. 28:12). Satan was a wise and intelligent being, perfect in beauty (Ezk. 28:12). Satan sinned and fell from his exalted position. Satan sinned and fell from his exalted position. Pride was the cause of his downfall. Pride was the cause of his downfall. The five “I wills” of Satan are matched and superceded by the six “I wills” of God The five “I wills” of Satan are matched and superceded by the six “I wills” of God “The ultimate moral question of the universe is this: can the creature in fact become equal to the Creator?” “The ultimate moral question of the universe is this: can the creature in fact become equal to the Creator?”

47 WHY THE CROSS OF CHRIST WAS A DEFEAT FOR SATAN Heb. 2:14 — Christ defeated death and thereby stripped Satan of his power and gave hope (confidence!) beyond the grave. Heb. 2:14 — Christ defeated death and thereby stripped Satan of his power and gave hope (confidence!) beyond the grave. Rom. 3:25-26 — God is now both just and the One who justifies; His righteousness is fully validated. Rom. 3:25-26 — God is now both just and the One who justifies; His righteousness is fully validated. 1 Jn. 3:8 — Christ’s death and resurrection made it possible for a people to live a new and righteous life. 1 Jn. 3:8 — Christ’s death and resurrection made it possible for a people to live a new and righteous life.

48 TYPES OF DEMONS Those who still occupy positions in the heavenlies.Those who still occupy positions in the heavenlies. Those who roam the earth.Those who roam the earth. Those who are currently shut up in the abyss, but will be released during the tribulation.Those who are currently shut up in the abyss, but will be released during the tribulation. Those who were bound at the Fall, kept in chains until the final judgment.Those who were bound at the Fall, kept in chains until the final judgment.

49 THE ACTIVITY OF DEMONS They oppose God, His angels, and His people. They oppose God, His angels, and His people. They support the work of Satan. They support the work of Satan. They indwell bodies (both human and animal). They indwell bodies (both human and animal). They influence the mind. They influence the mind. They deceive nations. They deceive nations. They deceive people. They deceive people.

50 LESSONS FOR BELIEVERS Christians cannot be demon possessed. Christians cannot be demon possessed. Christians should put on the whole armor of God. Christians should put on the whole armor of God. Christians should be absorbed with Christ and the Scriptures. Christians should be absorbed with Christ and the Scriptures. Christians should avoid relying on their own power and authority in dealing with demons. Christians should avoid relying on their own power and authority in dealing with demons. Christians should obey the Scriptures. Christians should obey the Scriptures. Christians should recognize the power of Satan, but not be afraid of him or his followers. Christians should recognize the power of Satan, but not be afraid of him or his followers. Christians should not blame everything on the Devil. Christians should not blame everything on the Devil.

51 Eschatology — How Does it All End? A Study of the Doctrine of Last Things

52 Eschatology Defined Eschatos + logos = eschatology Last + word = word/study of end (things) times

53 INTERPRETING PROPHECY Interpret the Bible literally. Interpret the Bible literally. Distinguish between the church and Israel. Distinguish between the church and Israel. Recognize the unconditional covenants. Recognize the unconditional covenants.

54 THE COVENANTS The Abrahamic Covenant The Abrahamic Covenant Unconditional Unconditional Literal Literal Eternal Eternal Content Content  Land  Seed  Blessing

55 THE COVENANTS The Abrahamic Covenant The Abrahamic Covenant The Palestinian Covenant The Palestinian Covenant The Davidic Covenant The Davidic Covenant The New Covenant The New Covenant

56 THE COVENANTS ABRAHAMIC COVENANT (Gen. 12:1-3) S EED Davidic Covenant (2 Sam. 7:12-16) L AND Palestinian Covenant (Deut. 30:1-10) B LESSING New Covenant (Jer. 31:31-34)

57 THE COVENANTS The Abrahamic Covenant The Abrahamic Covenant The Palestinian Covenant The Palestinian Covenant The Davidic Covenant The Davidic Covenant The New Covenant The New Covenant The Mosaic Covenant The Mosaic Covenant

58 SYSTEMS OF INTERPRETATION Premillennialism — This system is based on a literal fulfillment of the Scriptures. Premillennialism — This system is based on a literal fulfillment of the Scriptures. Post-millennialism — The world will become progressively better. Post-millennialism — The world will become progressively better. Amillennialism — Prophetic passages are allegorized and the church replaces Israel in prophecy. Amillennialism — Prophetic passages are allegorized and the church replaces Israel in prophecy.

59 THE RAPTURE The Rapture is before the Tribulation The Rapture is before the Tribulation the Tribulation is the outpouring of God’s wrath the Tribulation is the outpouring of God’s wrath the Church is promised that it will be spared the Tribulation the Church is promised that it will be spared the Tribulation The purpose of the Tribulation is — The purpose of the Tribulation is — to judge unbelievers to judge unbelievers to bring Israel to repentance to bring Israel to repentance The rapture is imminent but the Second Coming is not. The rapture is imminent but the Second Coming is not.

60 THE GREAT TRIBULATION The period of preparation The period of preparation The apostate church (comprised of unbelievers) remains on earth after the rapture. The apostate church (comprised of unbelievers) remains on earth after the rapture. The Roman Empire will be revived. The Roman Empire will be revived. The period of peace. The period of peace. The period of persecution. The period of persecution.

61 THE MILLENNIAL KINGDOM Its character Its character Its government Its government Its spiritual character Its spiritual character Its social justice Its social justice Its termination Its termination

62 THE JUDGMENTS OF THE FUTURE Judgment of believers’ works Judgment of believers’ works Judgment of the Gentiles Judgment of the Gentiles Judgment of the Jews Judgment of the Jews Judgment of the unbelieving dead Judgment of the unbelieving dead Judgment of fallen angels Judgment of fallen angels

63 THE RESURRECTIONS Resurrection of the just Resurrection of the just Resurrection at the rapture Resurrection at the rapture Resurrection after the Tribulation Resurrection after the Tribulation Resurrection of the unjust Resurrection of the unjust

64 HEAVEN Heaven is the dwelling place of God Heaven is the dwelling place of God Heaven is the location of God’s throne and judgment. Heaven is the location of God’s throne and judgment. Heaven is a place of worship. Heaven is a place of worship. Heaven is a place of fellowship (with God) and relationship (with one another). Heaven is a place of fellowship (with God) and relationship (with one another). Heaven is a place of service. Heaven is a place of service. Heaven is a place of unparalleled beauty. Heaven is a place of unparalleled beauty.

65 HELL Sheol Sheol Hades Hades Gehenna Gehenna Tartarus Tartarus Abyss Abyss

66 Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat! But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells. 2 Peter 3:11-13

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