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Eternal Lord; Changing World Part III: Our Future Ministry (Baptized for this moment) Part III: Our Future Ministry (Baptized for this moment)

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Presentation on theme: "Eternal Lord; Changing World Part III: Our Future Ministry (Baptized for this moment) Part III: Our Future Ministry (Baptized for this moment)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eternal Lord; Changing World Part III: Our Future Ministry (Baptized for this moment) Part III: Our Future Ministry (Baptized for this moment)

2 Back to the Future

3 Post-Churched World Three greatest challenges to moving toward missions Moving from teacher/defender to learner Willingness to “unlearn” without compromise Moving from primarily Minister to equipper for and overseer of ministry

4 Post-Churched Context Non-ChristianInsiders Protect Boundaries Missionary Outsiders Permeate Boundaries

5 Post-Churched World permeate The missionary intentionally permeates the boundaries of the the belief system of non- Christians Note I did not say “unbelievers” Non-Christians believe something. It is not the Truth.

6 Post-Churched Context There is no Absolute truth We Christians have the Absolute Truth

7 The Churched World We Assume Significant for LC-MS Congregations 500 years of Confessional Focus Defenders of the true faith in the midst of religious error Sense of permanence Sense of theological and cultural objectivity

8 Post-Churched World Three steps in permeation Learner (Listener) Trader Story Teller (Proclaimer)

9 Post-Churched World 1. Recognize that the non-Christian’s worldview is the reigning paradigm of reality 2. Recognize your personal “insider” elements and diminish as many as possible (1 Corinthians 9) Learn the language and culture of the non- Christian Insider Share life experiences with the Insider: Get to know and be known

10 Post-Churched World 3. Build an integrated understanding of the Insider’s worldview 4. Look for the natural Footprints of God 5. Be open to new phenomena, questions, and different explanations A call for humility (1 Corinthians 13)

11 Who? Where? When? What’s the starting place? Answered by Non-Christians Post-Churched World

12 What are the starting places? First Article BridgesFirst Article Bridges Bridges go two waysBridges go two ways Asking the Gate KeepersAsking the Gate Keepers Partnering with communityPartnering with community

13 Post-Churched World Note: Missionaries might never become cultural insidersNote: Missionaries might never become cultural insiders Get Gospel communication into theGet Gospel communication into the hands of cultural insiders ASAP Missionaries focus on multiplying cultural insiders who speak the GospelMissionaries focus on multiplying cultural insiders who speak the Gospel Focus on Christ centered discipleshipFocus on Christ centered discipleship Life orientedLife oriented Do not depend on the greater culture to carry the load.Do not depend on the greater culture to carry the load.

14 Post-Churched World Early believers of the Gospel play a critical role in its spread Key “evangelists” are new believers (or seekers) who are highly respected (trusted) by others in their culture. Missionaries refer to them as “Gate Keepers” Gate Keepers often own the values, commitments, and well being of the community. Who are Gate Keepers among your young people?

15 Post-Churched World Focus of the Christian community is non- Christians hearing the Good News They intentionally engage non-Christians in the places where nonChristians gather. Gospel stories will continue to be discussed among non-Christians as they meet or gather. Eventually new believers will gather around the Gospel. That is the making of a faith community

16 Post-Churched World Focus on the unchurchedFocus on the unchurched High engagement with the unchurchedHigh engagement with the unchurched Maintain a porous boundary with the unchurchedMaintain a porous boundary with the unchurched Operate with Several Word gifts (Eph. 4)Operate with Several Word gifts (Eph. 4) Unchurched > EvangelistsUnchurched > Evangelists >Churched > Pastor/teacher >Both > apostle, prophet Develop Little structureDevelop Little structure

17 Post-Churched Context Church and culture Assumption: Strong institutional loyalty (cultural value) Reality: Weak institutional loyalty, even among the churched Decreased investment in the institution Increased investment in personal relationships

18 Relationship Distinctives Relationships center in truly loving my neighbor Relationships require genuine commitment Relationships may not translate into congregational membership.

19 Place #1 Place #2 Place #3 RELATIONSHIPS & 3 RD PLACES

20 RELATIONSHIPS & 3 RD PLACES The larger the church, the more 3 rd places need to be created Most “Christian” 3 rd places will increasingly be found outside rather than inside the local church Interest groups Triads The goal is to provide people on opportunity to meet their Savior and learn to follow Him with joy

21 RELATIONSHIPS & 3 RD PLACES Churches grow (multiply) as groups gathered around the Word multiply These churches may become congregations as we understand the word today Many will remain churches in the Biblical/Confessional sense of the word: Faith communities gathered around Jesus in His Word & Sacraments Focus in every case is following Him into a broken world

22 “Nones” on the Rise Importance of Shared Community % saying belonging to a community of people where your value and beliefs is...

23 Church Membership Churched Culture Order Believe>Behave>Belong Post-Churched Order Belong>Behave>Believe Cause>Belong>Behave>Believe

24 Changed World What are our cultural assumptions underlying “Catechetics”? Role of church Role of society Society still “disciples” its children Why are so many young people leaving the church and not coming back?

25 Changed World How does the Christian community acculturate its young people (inside and outside the church) without the symbiotic partnership of the general society? Citizenship Marriage Children/Parenting Why are so many young people leaving the church and not coming back?

26 Eternal LORD Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13)

27 Discussion What are some of the starting places for Gospel conversation that you have identified by interacting with Post-Churched people? What are some of the First Article Bridges that Post-Churched people have identified as important to them? Who are your Village Gate Keepers?

28 Discussion Do we primarily determine who we are and what we are about (vision) in relationship to Other Lutheran churches in the LCMS? Other Christian churches in in our community? Those who do not yet know their Savior?

29 This presentation is shared by permission of Dr. Robert Newton, President of the CNH District of the LCMS. If you have any questions or comments concerning this presentation, please direct them to Dr. Newton at prescnh@cnh- or call 925-245-4000 prescnh@cnh- lcms.orgprescnh@cnh-

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