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Media Literacy Conference About the responsibilities of content providers and users PRAGUE ♦ 18 – 20 March 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Media Literacy Conference About the responsibilities of content providers and users PRAGUE ♦ 18 – 20 March 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Media Literacy Conference About the responsibilities of content providers and users PRAGUE ♦ 18 – 20 March 2009

2 Who are we ? The European Newspaper Publishers’ Association is an international non-profit organization ENPA represents over 5 200 national, regional and local newspaper titles from across the 25 European countries 150 million newspapers are sold and read by over 300 million Europeans every day, in addition to the millions of unique daily visits to online newspapers websites Publishing industries are employing more than 750 000 people in 64 000 companies MEDIA LITERACY CONFERENCE ♦ PRAGUE ♦ 18 -20 MARCH 2009


4 What about Newspapers in Media Literacy in a digital world In the EC communication of November 2007, the written press is featuring only marginally In response, ENPA decides to establish a Media Literacy Working Group ENPA becomes member of the consortia which is in charge of the study about the definition of criteria to assess media literacy levels in the member states MEDIA LITERACY CONFERENCE ♦ PRAGUE ♦ 18 -20 MARCH 2009

5 What about Newspapers in Media Literacy in a digital world In December 2008, during a lunch with European Publishers, Mrs Reding says : «By media literacy, I mean media literacy in relation to the Information Society rather than publishers’ activities to promote children’s reading or newspapers in schools. These activities are better addressed at national level. European policy should focus on empowering children and adults to take responsibility for how they consume media in the global information society, including advertising. » Strange sentence if we consider the digital revolution inside the newspaper companies MEDIA LITERACY CONFERENCE ♦ PRAGUE ♦ 18 -20 MARCH 2009

6 What about Newspapers in Media Literacy in a digital wo rld In 2009, Newspaper publishers have to be considered as journalistic content producers, no matter which distribution platform is used (paper, internet, mobile,…) In 2009, all media companies are blending all types of content (texts, images, sounds, …) and are available on all the digital platforms BUT The newspaper websites remain the most visited and the references for journalistic content on Internet MEDIA LITERACY CONFERENCE ♦ PRAGUE ♦ 18 -20 MARCH 2009

7 7 THE NEWSPAPER WEBSITES : THE MOST VISITED ON THE INTERNET NEWS Newspaper websitesTELCOTelevision websites CIM - november 2008 1.443.535 1.546.612 655.315 318.488 MSN HOTMAIL INTERNATIONALBELGIUM

8 The purpose of Media Literacy in a digital world The report of the European Parliament of November 2008 says : « …the purpose of media literacy is to enable people to use media and their content in skilled and creative ways, critically analyze media products, understand how the media industry works, and produce media content by their own efforts. » Newspaper publishers fully share this goal. That’s why they are and will remain key contributors in the Media Literacy landscape in the digital world. MEDIA LITERACY CONFERENCE ♦ PRAGUE ♦ 18 -20 MARCH 2009

9 The role of the newspapers in a digital world To promote the freedom of expression and the freedom of the press To be the “watchdogs” of democracy To provide professional, reliable journalistic content To empower individual citizens in their efforts to inform themselves about and actively participate in their community To hold authorities accountable for their actions …and much more MEDIA LITERACY CONFERENCE ♦ PRAGUE ♦ 18 -20 MARCH 2009

10 Media Literacy in a digital world Media education also refers to the distinction between advertising and editorial content. ENPA has many concerns regarding product placement ENPA’s position is clearly to oppose any disrespect for the separation between advertising and editorial content MEDIA LITERACY CONFERENCE ♦ PRAGUE ♦ 18 -20 MARCH 2009

11 Media Literacy in a digital world The report of the European Parliament of November 2008 also recommends that : « …media education should shed light on copyright aspects of media use and on the importance of respecting intellectual property rights, in particular regarding Internet… » Piracy is not only a problem for the music or the film industry but also for the Newspaper industry. Except that the pirates are not the same The biggest copyright infringements on newspapers’ content occur on a wider scale (commercial companies, public bodies, news aggregators, …) MEDIA LITERACY CONFERENCE ♦ PRAGUE ♦ 18 -20 MARCH 2009

12 Media Literacy in a digital world Another difference with the music and film industries is that newspaper publishers only have a few hours every day to monetize their content while producing the content for the next day ! How to build a business model, if we remain with the costs and a third party takes the revenues ! MEDIA LITERACY CONFERENCE ♦ PRAGUE ♦ 18 -20 MARCH 2009




16 Le Monde, Jeudi 19 juin 2008

17 World Newspaper Congress Göteborg, Sweden June 3, 2008

18 My most important source for news is…

19 A question of responsibilities So, in addition to the responsibilities of the content providers and the users, the responsibilities of access providers, telecom operators, content aggregators, search engines should also be questioned ! After all, it is a question of diversity! Access, fair share of revenues from value chain. MEDIA LITERACY CONFERENCE ♦ PRAGUE ♦ 18 -20 MARCH 2009

20 To conclude Newspapers on all platforms are at the heart of media literacy objectives -Extensive experience in media education -Reliable sources for citizens -Evolving with society (technologies, challenges). To end this presentation, a few examples of media literacy programs provided by newspaper publishers in Europe……. MEDIA LITERACY CONFERENCE ♦ PRAGUE ♦ 18 -20 MARCH 2009

21 A FEW EXAMPLES GERMANY "News to Use" for young employees NEWSPAPER: Rheinische Post (Düsseldorf, circulation 404,744 daily) WHAT THEY DID: This project targeted a transitional sector of the population often forgotten in editorial outreach. The paper reached out to young trainees (16-25) in companies that wanted them to improve reading comprehension and enhance current affairs knowledge. The project included daily delivery of the newspaper and regular test questions on news coverage to monitor the trainees' knowledge and understanding. MEDIA LITERACY CONFERENCE ♦ PRAGUE ♦ 18 -20 MARCH 2009

22 A FEW EXAMPLES FINLAND A completely renovated Junior Journalist online degree programme has been launched in 2005 (the first one already in 1997). It is a game-like site, which familiarises children with the making of a newspaper and opens their eyes to reading papers in a new way. Junior Journalist requires registration, after which participants can try their hands at various tasks related to the making of a newspaper. Once these have been completed, the junior journalists can start editing their own titles on set layouts that can be printed with their PCs. Junior Journalist is aimed mostly at 8-13-year-olds and its address is: and also in Swedish: / / MEDIA LITERACY CONFERENCE ♦ PRAGUE ♦ 18 -20 MARCH 2009

23 A FEW EXAMPLES POLAND "Campaign: Solidarity with Tibet" "Campaign: Solidarity with Tibet" NEWSPAPER: Gazeta Wyborcza (circulation 448,142 daily) WHAT THEY DID: In this effort, readers, non-governmental organizations and the newspaper came together to move beyond traditional editorial approaches to stand up to injustices taking place in Tibet. The newspaper placed a Tibetan flag on the front page of the paper and encouraged readers to cut it out and post it in a visible place in protestation for Chinese policy in Tibet. 500,000 people bought the edition! Readers then posted more than 1000 photos within the first week on the newspaper's website of them holding the flag. The movement was especially popular among young readers and schools, as seen by the colossal number of photos and collages from youth. MEDIA LITERACY CONFERENCE ♦ PRAGUE ♦ 18 -20 MARCH 2009

24 A FEW EXAMPLES FRANCE 'Envie d'Agir' – French regional press association SPQN and ARPEJ (active from 2003) Description: Envie d'Agir is a project of the French regional press association in partnership with the Youth Ministry whose goal was to engage young people in arenas of social life that they might otherwise consider as belonging only to adults. The young people were encouraged to accomplish projects in four main areas: humanitarian, cultural, sports and economic. Reports on their activities and the organisations they worked with in order to meet their objectives were published in special supplements published across 37 newspaper titles in France.. MEDIA LITERACY CONFERENCE ♦ PRAGUE ♦ 18 -20 MARCH 2009

25 A FEW EXAMPLES GERMANY 'The Saarland Web Award for School Website Design' produced by Saarbrücker Zeitung (newspaper) Description: The Saarland Web Award was a competition that aimed at teaching students how to design a website with high usability and quality. All schools in the area were eligible to submit their school websites for the contest. Audience: Students Age group: Secondary- 13, 14, 15,16, 17, 18 year olds. MEDIA LITERACY CONFERENCE ♦ PRAGUE ♦ 18 -20 MARCH 2009

26 A FEW EXAMPLES DENMARK "Redaktionen""Redaktionen" youth journalism experience NEWSPAPER: Ekstra Bladet (Copenhagen, circulation 95,000 daily) WHAT THEY DID: In this project the multi-step process of creating and distributing a newspaper was brought to Danish classrooms through a unique internet editorial platform. From picking a target audience, selecting and writing content to designing layout and uploading pictures the students were at the forefront of creating a classroom edition of the paper for a larger audience. Upon completion the newspaper printed one thousand copies of their edition for the students to sell or distribute freely. MEDIA LITERACY CONFERENCE ♦ PRAGUE ♦ 18 -20 MARCH 2009

27 Thank you for your attention.

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