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RADIOS TM Instruction Manual. 2 Contents 3 Introduction  Welcome to the RADIOSTM manual which has been designed as a beginners guide to operating the.

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1 RADIOS TM Instruction Manual

2 2 Contents

3 3 Introduction  Welcome to the RADIOSTM manual which has been designed as a beginners guide to operating the RADIOSTM software program. This document will provide an extensive users guide covering all aspects of the program. The appendix of this document explains how to load the RADIOSTM program onto your computer.  On going support is also always available from Research International NZ. Please do not hesitate to call us if you experience any problems with RADIOSTM. Contact details are provided at the rear of this manual.

4 4 RADIOSTM The Program  RADIOS TM was written as a user friendly, easy to master program. Once the fundamental key strokes have been learnt, it is a very simple program to use.  To gain access to the program, first double-click on the RADIOS icon on your computer desktop. If this is the first time you have used the RADIOS program click on ‘New’ and type in your name. By selecting your name every time you enter RADIOS you will be returned to the survey with the same audience definitions, stations etc that were last used by you. Figure ** - Login Screen

5 5 Getting Started...  To open a survey, select ‘File’, ‘Open’. Here select the survey control panel button.  All surveys available to you will be displayed. at this point. Double-click on the survey you require (or single-click on or highlight the survey and press open). Figure ** - Survey Control Panel Figure ** - List of available surveys

6 6 RADIOS TM Basics  The windows display that you will see eight tabs displayed. These are  Station  Times  Audience  Profile  Std (Standard) Reports  1/4 Hr Reports  Stn (Station) Profiles  Rch + Freq (Reach and Frequency).  Each tab will display a screen that allows you to build an audience or time selection, select a radio station or select the parameters of your data analysis.  To run ar RADIOS TM report, you need at least:  One Station selection  One Time selection  One Audience selection Figure ** - The RADIOS TM Program Window

7 7 RADIOS TM Basics - Naming New Definitions  Station Group Definitions  Max 20 Characters for row headers  Max 8 characters per line for column headers  Time Zone Definitions  Max 25 characters for row headers  Max 8 characters per line for column headers  Audience Definitions  Max 25 characters for row headers  Max 8 characters for column headers  Because of these limits on the number of characters, you may have to abbreviate your group title - make sure that the title is relates to what the grouping is defined as - this is particularly important when creating new audience groups. This is the title that will appear in the ROWS of your report This is the title that will appear in the COLUMNS of your report

8 8 RADIOS TM Basics - Naming New Definitions  It is important to realise that definitions in RADIOS TM are accurate only if they are put together correctly - whatever name you give a new definition, it has no bearing on what the time, audience or station group actually comprises - as clever as RADIOS TM is, it doesn’t automatically ‘know’ what definition you are trying to create. Some examples are:  “Oldies Stations” - what you consider to be an ‘oldies’ station might be very different to what other RADIOS TM users or radio networks would define this grouping as. It is better to use abbreviations of the station names for the title of the group - for example “S.Gold&C.Hits Combo”  “Cow Milking Times” - RADIOS TM unfortunately doesn’t know when farmers will be in their sheds milking… just by giving the time zone a title doesn’t automatically pick out the times for you. In this case we might define the time zone as Mon-Sun 5am-8am & Mon-Sun 5pm-8pm  “Speedway Patrons” - a group where we do not have specific questions in RADIOS TM relating to this particular audience. We could probably assume that they would be a certain type of person, but you cannot overly generalise your definition. You would be safer to describe the group using the actual component parts - “Males 18-49 Beer Drinkers” say!

9 9 Making Selections in RADIOS TM  In each window, you will see a list of available parameters for your report - be it either stations, times, audiences etc.  In the stations, times and audience windows, the available list of definitions appears in the left-hand box.  The right hand box of these windows shows the slections that you have made for this analysis  To remove any unwanted definition selections selected in a prior session by clearing the entire list, or by removing them one station at a time.  To clear the entire list click the Clear button.  To remove definition selections one at a time highlight the definition you want to remove in the selection box and click the left pointing arrow in the centre of the screen. You can also double click on the definition or multi-select the definitions you want to remove (see below for how to do this) Figure ** - Making selections in RADIOS TM

10 10 Making Selections in RADIOS TM  To select a definition, click once on the drfinition you need, then click on the right-pointing arrow in the middle of the screen. Your selected definition will appear in the right-hand box. You can also double- click on the definition to select it into the right-hand box.  You can multi-select in these lists by either holding down the shift key and clicking the first definition on the list then clicking the last definition on the list, then click the left or right pointing arrow. To select multiple definitions in the list that are not one after the other, hold down the Ctrl key and click each station you want to select, then click the left pointing arrow. Figure ** - Multi-Selecting using SHIFT key Figure ** - Multi-Selecting using CTRL key

11 11 Station Selections  The ‘Stations’screen has the total list of stations available in this marke in ths left hand white box  Your current station selections are in the right hand white box.  Remove any unwanted stations selected in a prior session by removing the stations as required, or by clicking the Clear button to remove the shole list (See Making Selections in RADIOS TM for instructions)  To add stations to your analysis, select them from the left-hand box and clicking the right-pointing arrow, be double clicking the station you need or by multi- selecting the stations you need (See Making Selections in RADIOS TM for instructions) Figure ** - Station Selections In this example we have selected Newstalk ZB (AM & FM), Mai FM88.6, Channel Z 94.2FM, 91ZM, Classic Hits 97FM, Cool Blue and Easy i98FM for analysis

12 12 Creating a New Station Group  Click on the New button at the bottom left of the Stations window  Type the name of the Station Group you wish to create, making sure that it it sufficiently descriptive that you and other users know what it is.  The box on the left represents the stations and the box on the right are the stations you wish to combine. You must choose the stations and ‘Move’ them over to the right hand box - don’t forget to save your new station group. The new grouping will now appear at the bottom of the ‘Stations’ box.

13 13  Saving a group selected:  If you want to save your station selections, simply click on save, name it and save it to a suitable location. To re-load a saved selection click ‘load’ and select your saved station grouping. This same procedure can be used for saving audience and time selections also. Note: Station groups saved are survey specific. Time and Audience groupings will be available for all surveys.

14 14  (II) Audience  Select this to get to the ‘Audience Categories’ screen.  The box on the left is the ‘Master list’ and this contains all audience definitions that have been created previously and are available for use. The box on the right, labelled Selection, contains the audience categories you wish to work with during this session. If the audience you wish to analyse is not in your audience categories box (be sure to scroll right through the list), then you will have to create it.  To Create A New Audience Category:  Select “New” to create the desired audience category.  In the area labelled ‘Name’, type the name of the audience you wish to create (i.e., All 18-34, or ‘Restaurant users’). Press enter or Tab to move this name into the column header box (edit to fit if necessary).  To define your target audience select the row headed with Q:. If you click on the downward pointing triangle the available options will appear. The scroll bar allows you to move down the list or alternatively press the letters on your keyboard to go directly to your desired option. More than one may be chosen and combinations of filters can be used together. However, it is important to remember that sample sizes will decrease as more filters are used together.

15 15  If the results for the particular item fall within a range of numbers it is possible to specify the outer limits of the range by selecting from the next pull down menu ‘=, or more, or less’.  Highlight the audience characteristic appropriate to your definition. Your audience definition can comprise a number of characteristics such as age, income, intended and past purchasing. Once you have selected the first characteristic (be it age, income etc) click on the A: row to display the internal options available. If it is age you will have a full list of ages in single years for the teens and then in five year blocks thereafter.  If you want to create an audience category titled "16- 34 years select ‘16 years’ and move to the ‘=‘ box. Pull down the options by using the mouse and select "or more". Click the downward pointing arrow to move this selection into the white box. Then select ‘30-34 years’, this time choosing "or less" from the `=' box. Hit the downward arrow again. You have selected `16 years or more; and 30-34 years or less'. To add this selection to memory you must click on ‘Add’, otherwise your definition will be lost.

16 16  If is pressed, a line will be drawn across the white audience definition box. The categories specified before and after this line become mutually exclusive as though they are two separate groups, and a person may belong to either one or the other to qualify for the report. It is important to treat the categories above and below the line as separate groups, remembering that any filter you wish to apply to an audience group must be specified each time is pressed. Example 1:  "Females who shop for groceries between 9am and 5pm"  Does Grocery Shopping 9am-12md and Female -------------OR-------------- Does Grocery Shopping 12md-2pm and Female --------------OR------------- Does Grocery Shopping 2pm-5pm and Female  Respondents who qualify for this group will be females who have shopped between 9am and 12md, OR 12md and 2pm, OR 2pm and 5pm. If wasn't specified the computer would read it as:  Does Grocery Shopping 9am-12md and: Does Grocery Shopping 12md-2pm and: Does Grocery Shopping 2pm-5pm and: Female  To qualify for this group respondents will have shopped in each of the time periods specified, giving a smaller sample.

17 17  NB:The audience filters are listed in alphabetical order. Audience filters further down the list may be selected by typing the letter they start with, i.e. type ‘s’ to get to the sex category, or ‘so’ to get to the socio-economic group category etc. Example 2: Errors that users of this programme do sometimes make involve the usage of the ‘or more’ and ‘or less’ command. When defining a category, for instance income, users wishing to define households with incomes $40,000 or more tend to use the following command Household income over $40,000 to $50,000, or more However the list is not so much based on the quantity of the number concerned but rather the position in the list. Therefore the above command will include all income ranges above $40,000, but it will also include the household category ‘Household income refused’. It is therefore necessary to use the command ‘Household income over $40,000 to $50,000 or more’ and ‘Household income over $80,000 or less’ to omit these non-respondents.  Example 3: If you are interested in people who intend to purchase a new car within six months or recent six month movie goers, the following procedure correctly formulates the audience definition. If the desired time span is six months, select the “Will buy new car - next 6 months” option. You will also need to select the “Will buy new car – next 3 months” option as these people, by definition, also intend to purchase a new car within the next 6 months.

18 18  (III) Time Periods This is found under the ‘’Times’ tab. As with the audience categories, the left hand box represents all the time periods available to you. The box on the right, labelled ‘Selection’ is the time period or periods you have chosen to work with in this session by ‘moving’ them over. If the time period you wish to analyse is not in the time periods box (be sure to scroll through to the end) you have the facility to create it.  To Create A New Time Period: Select "New" which will take you to the ‘NewTime Period Definition’ screen, and type in the name of the time period to be created (up to 30 characters). This heading gives the row label for reports by pressing enter, or Tab, it then goes on to create the column label for reports (3 lines of 8 characters). You may need to abbreviate labels for longer titles. Once you have done this your cursor will be sitting in the first of a series of 4 boxes. These boxes represent day start, day end, time start, and time end. Just type the first letter(s) of the day and enter, i.e. M=Mon, T=Tue, Th =Thu etc, the programme will recognise this and type in the correct abbreviation for the day of the week. Next add time of day by typing 6 for 06:00am, 6pm for 06:00pm etc, 12 will give you 12 midday, 12mn will give you 12 midnight. The program will recognise 24 hour clock therefore you can also use 18 for 6pm. Once the time period has been correctly specified, click the right pointing arrow to move this selection to the large white box. Check this to see that it matches your label. When this is complete click ‘Add’ to save your selection to the audience definition. If you do not click ‘Add’ before exiting the screen your selection will be lost.

19 19  Analyses tabs A survey, and at least one station, time period and audience group must be selected before any analysis may be selected from this menu. Multiple analyses are also available. Multiple analyses can be called up at once - reports will stack on screen and/or print off one at a time for all filters requested.  Standard Reports Standard reports offers six different analysis options. The most used options are Station share and Cumulative audience. However there is the potential to determine the average time spent listening to stations, the cost-efficiency for a station during a particular time period, the percent of exclusive audience and the average audience. The standard reports window allows you to determine whether the results are in thousands, percentages or both, whether the results are in alphabetical order or numerical. The default setting has stations and times selected with audience acting as the filter. However these can be altered as required by ‘clicking’ the time, station or audience buttons for rows and columns thereby setting the filter as the remainder of the three.  With regards to this audience filter, you may wish to have one selected audience analysed or have multiple analysed. The icons under ‘Rows’ and ‘Columns’ relate to Time, Station and Audience. The row and column stated relate to the layout of the output sheet. The icon not selected will act as the filter. The current example shows that an audience characteristic will be the filter (i.e., 10+) with stations being in rows and the selected time zones in columns.

20 20  Below are the definitions of the available analysis functions within ‘Standard Reports’ (i)Station Share A station's share (%) of the total listening done by a particular audience across a specified time period. (ii)Cumulative Audience The number of different people (% or 000's) reached by a station over a specified time period. (iii)Average Audience The average number or percentage of people that can be expected to be listening to a station in any quarter hour over a specified time period. (iv)Exclusive Audience The number or percentage of people who only listen to one station over a specified time period. (v)Average Time Spent Listening A measure of the average time a person in a specified target group spends listening to a radio station over a specified time period. (vi)Cost Efficiency The cost of reaching every thousandth person, where the cost is based on an individual stations 30 second spot rate. If the analysis is run on a percentage basis, the result is a cost per measurement (cost per TARP). To enable an analysis of the cost efficiency of a station you must first define this cost within the ‘Times’ tab. You will see a button labelled ‘Costs’. Here you will be able to enter a unit cost (for a 30-second advert) for a defined time period and for individual radio stations.

21 21  ¼ Hour Reports (i)Average Audience by Quarter Hour A station's average audience (% or 000's) by separate quarter hour time slots over a specified time period. (ii)Ebb and Flow This analysis tracks the audience flow (% or 000's) between two time zones, day parts, or quarter hour time slots. This analysis will provide the cumulative audience of two stations for one day- part and then provide the number of listeners who switch to the other radio station in another day- part. Therefore you can determine which radio stations compete directly with each other during particular day-parts. (iii) Cost Efficiency This is a calculation that determines the cost efficiency of quarter hour day-parts for particular stations. Similar to the other cost efficiency measure you are required to enter the cost per advertisement unit for each station of interest.

22 22  Ebb and Flow  Ebb and flow provides an indication of a stations audience and their station selections between different time periods. This is an example of the ‘Ebb and Flow’ output. You have the selected stations in columns and rows. The column headed ‘TOTAL’ shows the cumulative audience (000) for the first time period (in this case Mon-Fri 6am-9am). The subsequent columns, Station A, Station B etc, show the number of listeners in the second time period (Mon-Fri 9am-12md) who had previously listened to the station indicated in the row. For example, Station C had a cumulative audience of 23,500 during Mon-Fri 6am-9am. Of this 23,500, 2200 people subsequently switched to Station F during the time period Mon-Fri 9am-12md.

23 23  Station Profiles There are four different types of analyse you can do here. Loyalty This provides an indication of the loyalty of a station’s listeners measured as exclusive percentage of the cumulative audience. That is, the percentage of a station’s listeners who only ever listen to that station. Competitor Overlaps This analysis allows the user to profile the repertoire of radio stations that listeners listen to. Therefore you can determine the number of listeners who listen to Station A that also listen to Station B. Station Profile Two stations can be profiled against each other on the range of demographic and behavioural characteristics available (e.g., Internet usage). To enable this command, the user must first select a profile from the ‘Profile’ tab. The row ‘Demographic Question to Profile’ needs to be completed. Key Audience This command profiles two stations against each other on the basic demographic characteristics (i.e., age, occupation). The units displayed can be read as the number of quarter hour listening blocks. For example a figure of 200 means 200 quarter hour units for that particular characteristic.

24 24  Loyalty The loyalty function gives the user the level of exclusive listening, expressed as exclusive % of the cumulative audience, For Station A, 52.7% of their cumulative audience exclusively listen to that radio station during the specified time period. In the example illustrated a profile filter has also been applied. The filter in use is gender, and this indicates that the female audience is slightly more loyal to that station than the male audience (54% vs. 51.3%). Other profiles such as age or takeaway eaters can also be selected. To do this simply go to the Profile tab and select the desired filter. Station Profile The Station profile command simply compares two stations on the profile feature selected (once again the example illustrated uses gender). The current station profile shows that there is a slight slant towards females in all station listening and that station A resembles this. This analysis also indicates that Station B has more male listeners than female.

25 25  Competitor Overlaps This analysis allows the user to determine the station repertoire of listeners. We can see that Station J has a cumulative audience of 12,700 people and that 4700 of them also listen to Station A. Also 2700 listeners also listen to Station C.  The last row indicates the average number of stations that listeners of one station listen to. Therefore Station A listeners listen to an average of 1.63 stations, whereas Station J listeners listen to 1.99 stations.

26 26  Key Audiences The key audience command will look at the differences between two radio stations on key demographic variables. The Variance (%) column indicates the largest differences between the two stations. The values in the Station A and Station B column represent the number of quarter hours listened by people in a certain demographic class. For example, there were 136,500 quarter hours listened to Station A by people 40-44 years.

27 27  Reach and Frequency A reach and frequency analysis will provide the user with information concerning the number of people hearing a commercial and the number of times that they will hear it. You need to enter the day and time period under investigation, place the number of ad spots plus the station you wish to measure. The outcome will provide you with a summary table (and full spot by spot table) of the reach and frequency for the information you entered. The results tell you how many people in the audience potential heard your advert 1+, 2+, 3+ etc times as well as the average number of times an audience member would hear that advertisement during the specified time period.  This analysis calculates:  Reach by Spot Gross Reach Average Frequency TARP Rating (gross and individual spot) for a given schedule of advertising spots.

28 28 The average frequency refers to the average number of times the advertisement will be heard by audience members who listen during the defined period. Underneath the 1+, 2+, 3+ columns is the percentage of the population potential who will have heard the advertisement this number of times. For instance, after 10 spots on this radio station, four percent of the potential audience (283,200) will have heard the advertisement 3 times or more.  Reach and Frequency This table shows the output of a Reach and frequency analysis. It has a spot by spot analysis of the advertising schedule with the bottom line acting as a summary. A summary only can be selected or a spot by spot analysis as shown here. An average cost can be added in the R&F screen if the cost of the ad spot is the same across your entire schedule. However if your schedule runs across a number of different costing levels, enter the costs in the “Times” tab. The gross cost of the media schedule is indicated in the bottom line of the output. Similarly a TARP per spot is shown with the gross amount of TARPS achieved by the schedule shown cumulatively.

29 29  Useful features to remember Save When you are defining a time period, station group or audience that you will be using often, it is possible to save these grouped characteristics. In each of the station, times, and audience windows there is a save button. This works much the same as regular saving procedures. When you wish to re-use that saved grouping simply click on ‘load’ and proceed to the area in which this group has been saved. The mouse and keyboard It is a matter of personal preference whether people use the keyboard or mouse to move around the screen. Radios allows for both options. When selecting certain items the mouse enables you to double-click that item rather than highlighting it and then clicking on an arrow or something similar. Alternatively, the tab keys or arrows can also provide a quick way around the screen using the enter key to select. It is perhaps best to experiment with both to determine what is best for you. Analysis description At the bottom on the report or print out is a description of the characteristics utilised to build that result. It is advisable to check these descriptions to ensure you have created and used the correct definitions. This is especially useful where you achieve a result that is either surprisingly bad or too good to be true. In most cases you can find a definition building error as the cause of the problem.

30 30  Window When you have a number of surveys open or have done a number of analyses, the screen can become cluttered making finding a particular analysis difficult. By going to the ‘Window’ menu you will find a list of reports you have produced in that session. You simply click on the one you wish to view.  Printing  Analyses can be printed one at a time using the printer icon/button. If you have produced a number of reports and now wish to print them all, you are not required to select each individually and press print. Rather go to ‘File’ and a ‘Print all’ command will do this for you.

31 31  Graphics The graphics function produces coloured (and black and white) charts to easily illustrate radios information. The tool buttons for this and other functions are only available once an analysis has been completed. Two functions of great use is the graphing function and the export to excel function. Each icon to enable this is located at the top left of the screen immediately to the right of the print icon when a report is displayed on screen. Once the graphic function has been selected, the programme automatically produces a graph of the information previously calculated. A number of icons are made available above the chart. Each icon takes you to the ‘Graphic Control’ window that has a number of tabs to alter the appearance of the chart. The export to excel function simply does that. It takes the output from RADIOS and directly places it into Excel for further manipulation. This is an alternative method of producing graphed data to using the RADIOS graphics function.

32 32 Contact Details  RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL N.Z. LTD Broadway Centre, 241 Broadway, Newmarket P.O.Box 99-069 AUCKLAND Telephone:(09) 5243 999 Fax:(09) 5243 980

33 33 Appendix –  Preparing Your Computer  The following instructions outline the procedures to follow when installing the RADIOSTM software package onto your personal computer(s). Before you start here are a couple of simple pointers that may help you avoid potential problem areas. If you want to install the software onto more than one p.c., you will need to know whether your system is networked. If this is the case, and you are installing onto the networked drive, you need only follow the installation procedure once. If you do not have a networked system, your computers are what is known as "stand alone", and you must repeat the installation procedure at each site. Loading instructions are provided on the inside cover of the CD that contains the data.  Memory Because you are adding information to your p.c., you will need to have sufficient disk space to store the data. You will also need to leave at least 10 m.b. free on the hard drive as working space, once all the data has been loaded. This room is essential for the creation of new time zones and audience categories, and ultimately in the analysis and reporting of results.  P.C. Requirements for RADIOS TM For Windows There are minimum requirements that your p.c. will need to meet in order for RADIOSTM to function and give you an acceptable performance level. (i)For the Radios version the minimum processing power you will require is a Pentium processor with 32mb of RAM and Windows 95 or NT. (ii)Your p.c. must be IBM PC-DOS or compatible. RADIOSTM for Windows was designed with a Pentium processor, 32 m.b. RAM as a standard configuration. More RAM memory and faster processors will provide optimum performance. 16mb is acceptable but performance will not be as good.

34 34 Installing RADIOSTM  The following instructions provide the necessary information to load the Radios analysis programme either by disk format or CD. Radios 3.0 is the old analysis format while Radios 9.1c is the latest analysis format. DISK FORMAT  To install by disk first go to the DOS level, and decide which drive you wish to install RADIOSTM on to. This may be the C, D, F, G, H, etc drive, depending on your site and if it is networked. If installing onto a network gain access at the supervisor level. To avoid confusion "X" shall be used to signify the drive RADIOSTM is to be installed on. If a directory called RADIOS does not already exist (i.e. this is the first installation of Radios  ), you will need to create it by doing the following: (i)To make a Radios directory X:> MD RADIOS (ii)Now change into that directory X:> CD RADIOS You should now have X:\RADIOS > on screen (the RADIOS prompt) (iii)Put the disk labelled winver into the drive. Type A:LOADFOX A: Follow the instructions on screen. Repeat this step with the Extver disk. (iv)Continuing in DOS put the disk labelled Radwin.exe into the drive. TypeCOPY A:*.* (assuming that the disk is loaded in the A drive)  Steps i, ii, iii and iv are one off tasks you need to undertake when first installing Radios for Windows. The following steps need to be completed every time you receive a new survey and program.

35 35  (v)Put the disk labelled program into the drive. TypeA:LOADFROM A: (assuming that the disk is loaded in the A drive) and follow the instructions. (vi)Now the various surveys can be loaded. Decide how many surveys you plan to load, and set those disks aside. Make sure you have the complete set for each area i.e. Auckland has 2 disks while the other areas have one. Place the first survey disk into the drive (with any others ready) and type: X:\RADIOS>A:DATAFROM A: The computer will prompt you for extra disks if required. Repeat this procedure for all the surveys you wish to install. It is important to load all data disks in sequence, where there is more than one of them. You will now be able to directly access Radios from within windows by clicking on the Radios icon (see page 32 to create this icon).

36 36  CD FORMAT If you have a CD and this is the first installation of the Radios programme on your computer, the first step is to create a new folder called ‘Radios’. You do this by going into Windows Explorer. Once in Explorer, highlight the drive in which you wish to place the Radios programme. To create a new folder, move to ‘File’, ‘New’, ‘Folder’. Name the Radios folder “Radios” to reduce confusion. Once this is complete close all programmes and documents that you may have open. Still within Explorer, open the folder (double-click) on the CD called ‘Disk 1’. Your CD drive will be clearly marked with a CD icon and is usually drive D: or E:. Once Disk 1 is open, double- click on the file ‘Setup.exe’ and follow the instructions on the screen to install the Visual Foxpro software. Once this installation is complete, open the folder on the CD called ‘Radwin files’. Copy these files to your Radios folder. Once these are copied highlight the files once again, but this time in their new destination, and right-click the mouse button once. Select ‘Properties’ and turn off ‘Read only’. At this point you have the Radios software package that enables you to obtain radio listening information. However the data that you need is yet to be loaded. This is the next step. An important point to remember is that the installation of the Radios programme is a one off task. The following steps to load the survey data are required every time you receive new survey data disks. Select the appropriate survey database CD. Contained within the survey CD are the surveys available and a program file. First load the program file. To do this you need to go into MS-DOS. Assuming the e: drive is your cd drive, follow these instructions..Type “e: “.Type “cd program”.Type “c: “ You should now have c:\> on screen. If not type cd.. to get c:\> only..Type “cd radios” (having already created a radios folder in your c: drive)..Now type “e:loadfrom e: “. Follow the on screen instructions to complete. Now go back to the e: e: drive (“e: “ ) Type “cd\auck199 – (or whatever survey you wish to load). Type “c: “ - this should now read “c:\radios” Type “e:datafrom e: “ - follow on screen instructions to complete.

37 37  If you are loading the National Database you can either create an icon specifically for this database or alternatively in the Radios programme there is a ‘Add Nat DB’ button. To do the latter in the Radios programme go to ‘File’, ‘Open’, and click on the Survey Control Panel icon. Here you are prompted to select a survey. Instead click on the bottom right box ‘Add Nat DB’, move to the folder where this is stored and select this database. The National Database will now be one of the databases available for you within Radios. To create a Radios icon like this on your desktop use the following method..In your desktop screen, right click the mouse button and highlight ‘New’. Move the cursor to highlight ‘Shortcut’ and select this. This will take you to a ‘Create Shortcut’ window. Click on ‘Browse’ and move to the folder that contains the Radios.exe file (you have just placed this file in the Radios folder). Click on this file and hit ‘Open’. This information will now be placed in the space below ‘Command line’. Hit ‘Next’ and then finish. An icon now exists for direct access to the Radios programme.

38 38  AUDIENCE GROUPING INFORMATION The following list of audience groupings is available for analysis via RADIOSTM for all Research International NZ radio audience survey databases: AgeSocio-Economic Levels Household Income OccupationPersonal Income Main Household Shopper LifestageMain Income Earner Number of Children in Household aged- 0-4 years - 5-9 years - 10-14 years - 15+ years

39 39  In addition, the following audience groupings are a standard list available for analysis via RADIOS TM (there may be some customisation for each survey region).  Personally intends to purchase a new car Personally purchased any automotive products (e.g. tyres, batteries, spark plugs etc) Personally carried out major home improvements (in/outdoors) Personally intends to carry out major home improvements (in/outdoor) Personally intends to buy or sell a home Personally intends to purchase new home furnishings Personally intends to purchase electronic home appliances Personally intends to purchase any major “white goods” home appliances Personally intends to travel overseas by air Personally intends to travel within New Zealand by air Personally purchased any goods from a garden centre Personally purchased any agricultural supplies Personally been to a movie Personally intends to purchase any type of insurance (e.g. medical, life, home etc) Personally intends to invest in a superannuation scheme Personally purchases take home alcohol Personally listens to the radio while travelling to and from work by car Listens to the radio while at work Personally has or intends opening a savings account Personally participates in sporting activities or purchases sporting equipment Regularly purchase a daily newspaper Daily Newspaper purchasers Grocery shopping by day of week Grocery shopping by time of day Frequency of supermarket shopping in an average week Supermarket mainly shopped at Amount spent on groceries in an average week Location of radio listening by daypart Main TV channel watched by daypart Total number of hours spent watching TV in an average week  Total number of different magazines read in an average month Frequency of pharmacy visits per average month to: buy cosmetics buy pharmacy only medications get a prescription filled Personally interested in gardening as a hobby Frequency of purchasing goods from a garden centre in an average month Personally eaten out at a restaurant in the last month Personally drink wine more than once per week Personally drink beer more than once per week Main bank Amount of deposits currently held Credit card ownership Currently have a bank home mortgage or other bank loan Intend to take out a home mortgage or other bank loan within the next 6 months Intend to purchase a used car within the next 6 months Personally use a cellular telephone Personally purchased one or more records, compact discs or pre- recorded cassettes in the last month Personally intend to purchase a personal computer or computer equipment (hardware/ software) in the next 6 months Personally shopped at a centre or mall in the last month Shopping Centres shopped at in the last month Visited the Auckland Casino since it has been open Visited the Christchurch Casino since it has been open Number of radios owned by household members

40 40 The steps for installing survey data and programs are: Download the RADIOS program files, Radios Program Install.exe Download the survey data you require, eg. Akld1_1999.exe Run Radios Program Install.exe and install to your RADIOS directory. Run the survey installation program, eg. Akld1_1999.exe and install to your RADIOS directory. Run RADIOS and select the new survey for analysis. Downloading RADIOSTM Surveys From The Internet  Overview: Installing RADIOS data and programs  For RADIOS installations to run on your system you first need to have Visual Foxpro 5 installed. If you are already running RADIOS then you will already have this software. If you are new to RADIOS and don't have a Visual Foxpro 5 install CD, please contact Research International NZ to order a copy  We also recommend a minimum of Internet Explorer 4 or Netscape 4. Earlier versions of these browsers will not provide a successful download attempt as the secure site will be unable to correctly authenticate your login and provide you with access to the survey data.  Current versions of these browsers are readily available over the Internet, you can find them here for free download:  Netscape:  Internet Explorer:  Each time you install a survey you will need to also install, from this website or from media provided by Research International, the latest RADIOS program files. Installing survey data without first installing the program files will result in an unsuccessful installation.  IMPORTANT - If for any reason you decide to re- install an already installed survey it is vital that you contact Research International for assistance before you do so. You may contact Julie Hall, Haydn Northover or Andrew Moon on 09 524 3999.

41 41 Step By Step: Logon to Radios on the Web  Connect to your Internet Service Provider (ISP) - for example, Ihug, Xtra etc  Start your browser (e.g. Netscape Communicator, Internet Explorer etc)  In the “Address” area, type in the URL and hit Enter  You will be presented with a screen which asks for your username and password  Enter your username (in uppercase letters) and password (in lowercase) and click Submit.  NOTE:  All possible measures have been undertaken to prevent any security breaches. The username and password supplied (devised to ensure you access as representative of your organisation) will protect you from any internal security breach, provided you keep it to yourself.  It is extremely important for the security of RadiosTM and the survey data that you DO NOT GIVE YOUR USERNAME OR PASSWORD TO ANY OTHER PARTY. If you require additional users or need to change your password for any reason, please contact Megan Wilkins at Research International on 09-524-3999 or email  In the unlikely event of a security breach we are able to identify users and passwords used to access the site, as all download activity carried out is continuously logged by our ISP.

42 42 Step By Step: Instruction Screen & Downloading The Radios Program  The next screen that appears is the instructions for downloading and installing files. Please be sure to carefully read the on-line guide before you proceed and download any files.  You can print this page out for reference as you follow the download steps (File menu, select Print… then click OK).  Click Next >> to continue to the downloads page  You will now see a page with a link to the RadiosTM program and a list of links for the areas to which you have subscribed.

43 43 Step By Step: Downloading The Radios Program  First, download and install the RadiosTM program:  Click the link Radios_Program_Install.exe (1.2Mb Download)  At the File Download window, select “Save to disk…” and click OK  At the top of the Save As window, select a folder that you can download the file to. This can be anywhere on your computer as long as you remember where you put it! A good place might be in the My Documents folder on your c:\ drive.  Click Save

44 44 Step By Step: Downloading The Radios Program  The file will now start downloading to your computer. The time it will take to download will depend on your modem and computer speeds.

45 45 Step By Step: Download A Survey  Next, download the survey you need:  Click the area you require (i.e Auckland), and a list of all the available surveys in that area will be displayed.  Click the survey link you need (i.e. Auckland 2-1999)

46 46 Step By Step: Download A Survey  Choose "Save It To Disk  At the top of the Save As window, select a folder that you can download the file to. This should be in the same place as you downloaded the Program file to. Once again, this can be anywhere on your computer as long as you remember where you put it! A good place might be in the My Documents folder on your c:\ drive.  Click Save

47 47 Step By Step: Download A Survey  The file will now start downloading to your computer. The time it will take to download will depend on your modem and computer speeds.  NOTE:  So far, we have only downloaded the files from the Internet. We have not yet installed the new program or surveys. The next section explains how to install the files.

48 48 Each file available for download is a self-extracting setup program that must be run on your computer. Please note that it is very important that you specify the correct location of RADIOS on your system when asked to do so during installations. This is usually drive C:\Radios but may be on a network drive, eg. F:\Radios. Step By Step: Running The Downloaded Radios Program  To run the program installation:  In Windows double click My Computer  Double click to open the drive then the folder where you downloaded the files to (i.e. c:\My Documents)  Find the Radios_Program_Install file and double click it

49 49 Step By Step: Running The Downloaded Radios Program  The setup program will begin the installation by verifying that you intend installing the Radios programs. Click Yes and wait for the InstallShield to initialise setup.  Next you will be recommended to shut down any currently running Windows programs. Close all open programs then click Next (you can switch to any other open applications by simultaneously pressing the Alt and Tab keys).

50 50 Step By Step: Running The Downloaded Radios Program  The following screen contains instructions about how to proceed with a successful installation, please carefully read these.  Next you will be asked to specify where your RADIOS installation directory is on your system. It is very important that you get this part right! RADIOS is usually located in either drive C:\Radios or on a network drive such as F:\Radios.  If you are unsure about where this directory is located please contact Research International or ask a colleague who may know.  If this is a first time installation you will need to create a new directory for Radios, (we suggest C:\Radios) and also install Visual Foxpro 5 from a CD provided by Research International.  Click Next when you have specified the correct location of your RADIOS installation

51 51 Step By Step: Running The Downloaded Radios Program  The next screen is a confirmation message that you must read and accept before continuing.  Accepting the copy location by clicking Next will proceed with the installation and the necessary files will be transferred to your system.  The final screen confirms the installation and you must press Finish to complete.

52 52 Step By Step: Running The Survey Installation Programs  To run the survey installation:  In Windows double click My Computer  Double click to open the drive then the folder where you downloaded the files to (i.e. c:\My Documents)  Find the survey file (e.g Dunedin_1999) and double click it

53 53 Step By Step: Running The Survey Installation Programs  The setup program will begin the installation by verifying that you intend installing the survey. Click Yes and wait for the InstallShield to initialise setup.  Next you will be recommended to shut down any currently running Windows programs. Close all open programs then click Next (you can switch to any other open applications by simultaneously pressing the Alt and Tab keys).

54 54 Step By Step: Running The Survey Installation Programs  The following screen contains instructions about how to proceed with a successful installation, please carefully read these.  Next you will be asked to specify where your RADIOS installation directory is on your system. It is very important that you get this part right! RADIOS is usually located in either drive C:\Radios or on a network drive such as F:\Radios. If you are unsure about where this directory is located please contact Research International or ask a colleague who may know.  Click Next when you have specified the correct location of your RADIOS installation, the next screen is a confirmation message that you must read and accept before continuing.

55 55 Step By Step: Running The Survey Installation Programs  Accepting the copy location by clicking Next will proceed with the installation and the necessary files will be transferred to your system.  The final screen confirms the installation and you must press Finish to complete.  Repeat for each survey you downloaded from the Internet

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