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Joint action for social sustainability Previous work and coming actions.

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1 Joint action for social sustainability Previous work and coming actions

2 Joint action for social sustainability reduces health inequalities  Inspired by WHO Commission ”Closing the gap”  SALAR along with 20 local authorities, county councils and regions joined up 2011-2013. The aim was to identify measures on local and regional level to reduce health inequalities in society  Result: Five recommendations and 23 measures  Based on health promotion and interaction between key actors in society.  Based on proportional universalism and the adaptation of general welfare services in scope and design to those groups that have the greatest needs.

3 Five recommendations 1.Integrate equity in health into all policies, and into regular governance and management 2.Measure and analyse the problem and evaluate the impact of various measures 3.Give all children and young people a good start in life 4.Provide all the necessary conditions for becoming self supporting 5.Create health-promoting and sustainable environments and communities

4 The role of the state and the EU?  Improved dialogue between state level and local and regional level on how to tackle health inequalities (appropriation directions, local interaction by state agencies)  Monitoring of health trends should focus on inequalities in health between different groups, more systematically than it does today (and emphasize on children and young people)  Financial incentives should be developed to support social investment on local and regional level  State- funded research that prioritize proper measures on local and regional level  EU programs and actions should have a ”Health in all politics” approach. Equity in health an overall goal.

5 The next step! A venue for social sustainabilty The venue is a joint initiative with “The Swedish Public Health Agency”:  To exchange knowledge and experience for decision makers in municipalities, county councils and regions  To develop welfare services in a socially sustainable way in order to reduce health inequalities and to meet the basic human rights.  To identify possible links to- and the positive impact on the economy, social cohesion, public health, environment and climate issues  To identify joint up strategies between key actors of society, to identify key measures for social sustainability and how to improve the dialogue between research and local and regional practice  Inauguration event on the 11th of March and National Conference is on the 6-7th of May 2014

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