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1 Zortec Payroll Master & Deduction Maintenance. 2 In this section, we will cover Set up and Maintenance of Screens 1-6 of LGC’s Zortec Payroll.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Zortec Payroll Master & Deduction Maintenance. 2 In this section, we will cover Set up and Maintenance of Screens 1-6 of LGC’s Zortec Payroll."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Zortec Payroll Master & Deduction Maintenance

2 2 In this section, we will cover Set up and Maintenance of Screens 1-6 of LGC’s Zortec Payroll.

3 3 First, we will take a look at creating a new employee record…

4 4 From the Available Systems main menu, select Payroll. (Note: Option is #3 for Payroll, yours may be a different number.) From the Payroll main menu, select Payroll Information.

5 5 From the Available Options, Payroll menu, select Change Employee Information.

6 6 On the ‘Functions’ pop up box, select “C”reate.

7 7 The first field is for the payroll number this employee will be assigned. Some sites use payroll 1 or 01, but yours may be different. Many of our customers have multiple payrolls. The second field is for the employee number. If your site uses an employee number instead of the SSN, the next available employee number will display in the NAME field. To accept this number hit enter. If you wish to enter a different employee number/SSN, type it in the second box. After you press enter, Screen 1 of the employee master record will appear.

8 8 General Information– Screen 1

9 9 Name: Enter the employee’s name as Last name, first name middle initial. This is the name that will appear on all reports and checks. Address: Enter the employee’s address. City/State/Zip: Enter the employee’s city/state/zip. SSN: Enter the employee’s SSN#. This field is very important. Please double check the SSN# !!

10 10 Employed: Employee’s date of hire. Terminated: When employment is terminated, enter the date in this field. Term Code: Employee reason for leaving employment. Birthdate: Employee’s date of birth. Evaluation: Employee’s date for evaluation or end of probationary period. Plan: Employee’s date for benefits to begin.

11 11 Status: A=active; I=inactive; T=terminated; L= leave; P=personnel; V=leave with pay; T= terminated Payroll #: The available payroll #s are defined in Office Manager. Paytype: H=hourly; S=salaried Payfreq: B=bi-weekly, W=weekly, M=monthly, S-semi-monthly. Others may be defined in Office Manager.

12 12 Full/Part: F=full time, P=part time; T=temporary; S=seasonal; C=council; A=appointed; I=intermittent; B=Probationary; R= release of probationary; X=extra duty Dist Type: S=standard distribution; %=percent distribution. We recommend %. Location: User defined fields in Office Manager that indicates the department or location where the employee works. Job Title: Enter the employee’s job title/description.

13 13 Gender: M=male; F=female Race: A=Asian; B=Black/African-American; H=Hispanic; I=Native American; W=White; N=Alaskan Native; 2= 2 or More Races; O=Other Marital Status: M=married; S=single.

14 14 Home Phone: Key in the employee’s home phone number. Business Phone: Key in the employee’s office number and extension if needed. Press F9 to advance to the next screen.

15 15 Tax and Retirement– Screen 2

16 16 If your office participates in the State’s TCRS retirement system, enter the necessary information in the State Retirement section. If your site has a different retirement system, leave this section blank.

17 17 The next section is for Federal Income Tax. Married or Single: This field determines which tax table the employee’s FIT is computed on. Number of Exemptions: This field determines the number of exemptions the employee is claiming.

18 18 Extra Withholding: If the employee wishes to deduct an extra amount of withholding, enter the dollar amount here. Exempt Y/N: Enter a Y in this field if the employee is exempt from paying FIT. The employee will have NO FIT withheld. This is not common. Enter N if the employee should have FIT withheld.

19 19 EIC Table (A,B,C): If the employee is eligible for Earned Income Credit enter the appropriate table. These tables must be defined in Office manager. EIC Deduction: If your site does have the EIC tables defined, there is also an EIC deduction code that must be entered here. Unemployment Exempt Y/N: If this employee should be excluded when calculating unemployment insurance contributions, enter Y. If the employee should be included answer N.

20 20 Fica Exempt Y/N: If the employee is exempt from paying FICA enter a Y in this field. This is not common. If the employee should pay FICA taxes enter N. Fica Code (F/M/O): Enter the FICA rate table that should be used to calculate the employee’s FICA contributions. In most cases you will enter “F” in this field to use the FICA combined table.

21 21 State Income Tax: If the employee must pay state income tax, fill out the necessary information in this section. F9 to advance to the next screen.

22 22 Pay Information – Screen 3

23 23 Enter to the Hourly Rate field and enter the hourly rate of pay of the employee. After you enter through the Annual Salary field, the Base and Annual fields will auto populate based on the Hourly rate.

24 24 Now we will enter the Pay Types. At the bottom of the screen select F5 Create Entry.

25 25 Pay Type: Enter the first pay type for the employee. Rate: Enter the rate of pay for this pay type. Press Enter.

26 26 Continue this process until all pay types have been entered. Press F9 twice to advance to the next screen.

27 27 Pay Distribution – Screen 4

28 28 Now we will key in the Pay Distributions. The Distribution screen is divided into two parts, Group and Detail. You must have at least 1 Group. If the employee’s pay will be distributed to multiple departments, you will need 2 or more Groups. For this example we will use 1 Group. You will also create a Detail record for each pay type entered on the screen 3. At the bottom of the screen select F5 Create Group.

29 29 Division/Ledger: Enter the division, fund and department this employee’s pay should be charged to. Percent: In our example we will charge 100% of the employee’s pay to this department. If his pay should be split between two or more departments, enter the percent to distribute in this field. FICA Contract: FICA Contracts are defined in Office Manager. In most cases this will be 001. Unemployment Group: Unemployment Groups are defined in Office Manager. In most cases this will be 001. Distribution #: This field shows the number of distributions or groups for the employee.

30 30 After the Groups have been entered press F9. The screen will display the Detail Records that correspond with the pay types entered on screen 3. Make sure there is a Detail Record for each pay type. DETAIL GROUP

31 31 After all Group and Detail Records have been entered, F9 to advance to the next screen.

32 32 Deduction Information– Screen 5

33 33 Now we will enter the deductions for the employee. Press F5 Create Entry.

34 34 Ded Code: Enter the deduction code. Ded Amount: Enter the deduction amount. NOTE: If the deduction is based on a percent of the employee’s pay leave the amount field blank. Examples include, FICA, Medicare, FIT and some retirement deductions. Goal/Amount: If this deduction is for a garnishment, or any deductions that has a set amount, you can enter the maximum amount to be deducted. When the deduction reaches this goal, it will no longer be taken.

35 35 After all deductions have been entered, F9 twice to advance to the next screen.

36 36 Leave Information– Screen 6

37 37 Now we will enter the leave codes for the employee. Press F5 Create Entry.

38 38 Leave Code: Leave codes are defined in Office Manager. Enter the first leave code needed. Rate: Depending on your setup, leave rate codes may be defined in Office Manager. The leave rates in Office Manager also determine if leave should be accrued based on the rate entered here on the master record or from the rate table. If you are set up to pull from the rate table, this rate field would be left blank.

39 39 Year Limit: Enter the maximum amount of leave the employee can accrue per year for this leave code. Total Limit: Enter the maximum about of leave the employee can accrue for this leave code. If the employee does not take any sick leave, once he reaches 999.99, the system will stop accruing this leave, even if he has not reached the maximum for the year.

40 40 After all leave codes have been press F9 twice. You will be returned to screen 1. Press F9 until you see the message “Record Has Been Updated”. This completes the creation of a new employee.

41 41 UPDATING AND DELETING Pay Types, Pay Distribution, Deduction Codes and Leave Codes

42 42 Pay Information – Screen 3

43 43 Updating Pay Information Screen

44 44 Once you have a Pay Type highlighted you can hit Enter on your keyboard or double-click the pay type you wish to update. The update pay type box displays at the bottom of the screen:

45 45 Enter the amount (Rate) for the pay type:

46 46 Once you hit Enter to accept the change you will see the Pay Type with the updated amount.

47 47 After updating the Pay Type hit F9 to save the record. Your cursor will then go to the Next Screen field so you can change screens or save the record.

48 48 Adding Pay Types to Pay Information Screen

49 49 When you first access the Pay Information screen you do not see the option to add new pay types…

50 50 You must enter past the pay information on the top portion of the screen. You will then see the option to Create Entry (and Other Options)…

51 51 Hit your F5 function key on your keyboard and it brings up a box at the bottom for a new pay type entry…

52 52 Enter your new Pay Type code (from valid codes in Office Manager, Pay Types) and the Rate/amount for the pay type, if it is a set amount to be paid every pay period…

53 53 After adding the entry, hit the Esc key on the keyboard to get out of the Create Entry mode.

54 54 You will see that the Pay Type has been added.

55 55 After adding the Pay Type hit F9 to save the record. Your cursor will then go to the Next Screen field so you can change screens or save the record. Also be sure to go to the Pay Distribution screen and verify that the pay type is there, with the correct ledger account. Reminder…You should have the same Pay Types on Screen 3 as you do on Screen 4.

56 56 Deleting Pay Types from the Pay Information Screen As with deleting any items, use caution…Be sure you have the correct item highlighted before deleting.

57 57 Enter past the Pay Type Information at the top of the screen until you have highlighted the Pay Type you wish to delete from the employee and hit F7 to bring up the Delete Entry mode…

58 58 Option 1-Delete Entry is highlighted. (Note: You also have another option 2-Narrative to add notes to this screen. This works like adding notes as previously explained.)…

59 59 You will see the item to be deleted displayed, as well as a prompt to confirm that you want to delete the item…

60 60 Answer “Y” to the Are You Sure You Want to Delete This Record, if that is the correct item to delete.

61 61 Once you answer Y and hit Enter to accept the change you will see the Pay Type has been deleted…

62 62 After deleting the Pay Type hit F9 to save the record. Your cursor will then go to the Next Screen field so you can change screens or save the record. Also be sure to go to the Pay Distribution screen and delete the pay type from that screen. Reminder…You should have the same Pay Types on Screen 3 as you do on Screen 4.

63 63 Pay Distribution – Screen 4

64 64 Updating Pay Distribution Screen

65 65 Group Detail Upon accessing the Pay Distribution screen the first/main distribution record is highlighted. The items below the main distribution are the detail entries for the group.

66 66 Group: Main information on the distribution that will carry down to the pay types based on pay type setups. To Update the group of the distribution hit enter once it is highlighted.

67 67 Hitting enter on the highlighted Group brings up the box to update the information…

68 68 Change the necessary information. After hitting enter past the Unemployment Group field you will see the changes on the screen.

69 69 Detail: Actual Pay Types with its ledger account. To Update the detail, highlight the pay type…

70 70 To Update the detail, highlight the pay type and hit enter to bring up the update window…

71 71 Once you hit Enter to accept the change you will see the Pay Type has changed.

72 72 Adding Distributions to Pay Distribution Screen

73 73 Generally when you add a Pay Type on screen 3 the Pay Type automatically gets added to screen 4. If it does not, you will need to add it. When in update mode on screen 4 use the F6-Create Detail option to add new pay types. If you need to add a new group (Distribution), typically for employees with multiple distributions, use the F5-Create Group option.

74 74 F5 to Create Group – Enter the Distribution information in the window at the bottom. When creating a new group you will access the Division/Ledger, Percent, FICA Contract, and Unemployment Group fields. You will not access the Distribution # field.

75 75 F6 to Create Detail – Enter the Pay Type information in the window at the bottom. Generally (when employee set to % distribution on screen 1) you will access the Pay Type and the Ledger fields. You will not access the Rate field, unless employee is set to “S”tandard distribution on screen 1.

76 76 Removing Distributions from Pay Distribution Screen

77 77 To remove the entire distribution highlight it and hit the F7 function key on the keyboard…

78 78 The F7 function key option gives you the option to Delete the item…

79 79 Prior to deleting the record you receive an “Are You Sure You Want To Delete This Record” question. Answer “Y” if you want to delete the record…

80 80 Deleting the Group deletes all of the pay types associated with it on the Pay Distribution screen.

81 81 Deleting Detail from Pay Distribution Screen

82 82 To delete a pay type from the pay distribution screen highlight the pay type…

83 83 Hit F7-Other Options on the keyboard to delete the highlighted entry. The Special Options window appears wanting you select the Delete Entry option…

84 84 Prior to deleting the detail record you receive an “Are You Sure You Want To Delete This Record” question. Answer “Y” if you want to delete the record…

85 85 After answering Y to the Are You Sure question and hitting enter the detail pay type item is removed.

86 86 When performing maintenance on the Pay Information Screen (screen 3) and the Pay Distribution Screen (screen 4) always check to be sure you end up with the same pay types on both screens.

87 87 After performing maintenance on the Pay Distribution Screen hit F9 to save the record and your cursor will go to the Next Screen field to allow you change screens.

88 88 Updating Deduction Information Screen Maintenance (changing, adding and deleting) the Deduction Information Screen (screen 5) works like performing maintenance on the Pay Information Screen and the Pay Distribution Screen. The following screen prints display changing deduction information.

89 89 Upon accessing the Deduction Screen the first deduction item on the screen is highlighted. Use the arrow keys to highlight the deduction code that needs to be changed. You can also double-click a deduction code.

90 90 Select the deduction code that needs to be updated…

91 91 Hit enter on the selected deduction code and the maintenance box displays at the bottom…

92 92 Make the necessary changes to the deduction code. Hitting enter takes you to each field displayed in the window…

93 93 After entering past the Account # field the changes will display on the deduction code in the list.

94 94 Use the F5-Create Entry function key to add deduction codes to this screen. Use the F7-Other Options function key to remove deduction codes from this screen.

95 95 Updating Leave Information Screen Maintenance (changing, adding and deleting) the Leave Information Screen (screen 6) works like performing maintenance on the Pay Information Screen and the Pay Distribution Screen. The following screen prints display changing leave information.

96 96 Upon accessing the Leave Information Screen the first leave code on the screen is highlighted. Use the arrow keys to highlight the leave code that needs to be changed. You can also double-click a leave code.

97 97 Select the leave code that needs to be updated…

98 98 Hit enter on the selected leave code and the maintenance box displays at the bottom…

99 99 Make the necessary changes to the leave code. Hitting enter takes you to each field displayed in the window…

100 100 After entering past the Balance Fwd field the changes will display on the leave code in the list.

101 101 Use the F5-Create Entry function key to add leave codes to this screen. Use the F7-Other Options function key to remove leave codes from this screen.

102 102 For questions on the previous presentation on Updating/Creating/Deleting items from Pay Information Screen, Pay Distribution Screen, Deduction Code Screen and Leave Code Screen, contact Customer Support at 800-439-4504. Visit our Zortec Customer Support link at for other information on Payroll, as well as other Zortec applications.

103 103 In this section, we will cover Setting Up a New Deduction

104 104 From the Payroll main menu, select Office Manger

105 105 After selecting the Office Manager option, select Deductions Codes

106 106 On the ‘Functions’ pop up box, select “C”reate.

107 107 Key in the new deduction number.

108 108 Once you enter the new deduction number, the below screen will appear.

109 109 Deduction Name: Key in the deduction description Schedule: Key in the deduction schedule number if your site is using deduction schedules. TCRS Hybrid Deduction Type: Key in Hybrid information if applies. Otherwise leave it blank. Calculation Priority: Key in calculation priority number if you site is using this option. Deduct from Check: Key in Y or N Add to Net: Key in Y or N

110 110 Add-Deduct FICA Gross: Key in Y/N Add-Deduct Taxable Gross: Key in Y/N Add-Deduct State Gross: Key in Y/N Add-Deduct Retirement Gross: Key in Y/N Add-Deduct Unemployment: Key in Y/N Deduct from Check: Key in Y or N Add to Net: Key in Y or N Deduct Net: Key in % for the deduction to take a percentage of net Sort Code: Key in number used to group on deduction register

111 111 Type: Key % for percentage deduction and S for dollar amount Chk Stub # Key in the desired number occurrence for this deduction on the check stub Abbr: Abbreviation for the deduction on the employee check stub (G)oal /(T)imes: Key in G if it is a deduction with a Goal amount. Key in T if the deduction does not have a Goal Amount.

112 112 Active Each Payroll : Key in Y/N Link Each Payroll: Key in Y/N Print on Check Stub: Key in Y/N Print Vend Ck Each Payroll: Key in Y/N Vendor Number: Key in Vendor number if a vendor check prints for this deduction.

113 113 Print Bank # on Register: Key in Y if you want the ACH bank number to print on the deduction register. Retirement Deduction: Key in Y or N Exempt Wages Limit: Key in the salary limit after which this deduction will begin Exempt Quarter: Key in 1, 2, 3, 4 or (A)ll for the quarters for which the above wage limit will apply Link from Group Account: Key in Y or N – this will make deductions follow the main GL account

114 114 Use * As a Mask (I)nclude or (E)xclude I/E: Key in *** in the first field and I in the second field if you want all pay types to be included Key in a pay type in the first field and E in the second field if you want the deduction to be excluded from a specific pay type.

115 115 This completes our presentation on this Zortec Payroll section of Resource 2015. If you have questions about any of these processes contact our Customer Support Center at 800.439.4504. The Power Point documents mentioned in this presentation may be viewed: For your convenience you can submit support requests and questions online at:

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