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The Map of Meaning - A Career Compass Dr Marjolein Lips-Wiersma, University of Canterbury, New Zealand Lani Morris, BA, Dip Journ, MBA, MSc, Holistic Development.

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Presentation on theme: "The Map of Meaning - A Career Compass Dr Marjolein Lips-Wiersma, University of Canterbury, New Zealand Lani Morris, BA, Dip Journ, MBA, MSc, Holistic Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Map of Meaning - A Career Compass Dr Marjolein Lips-Wiersma, University of Canterbury, New Zealand Lani Morris, BA, Dip Journ, MBA, MSc, Holistic Development Group

2 Who ever talks about meaning? We all do, and it sounds like this… …… Why do I bother?”

3 What is meaningful work? Not an abstract inquiry with little hope of being answered………. …………but a fundamental question: what is the nature of being human?

4 The Map of Meaning - A Career Compass





9 Developing the inner self – “We have many discussions about ‘what is the right thing to do here’” – “With new responsibilities parts of myself emerged – such as confidence, detachment - that I did not know I had. I was blossoming” – “I can be me in this organisation. I can dress in feminine clothes, be serious, be light, be me”


11 Serving Others “I work for a company that does good work” “When people come into the shop, sometimes I am the only person they are going to talk to today. My boss doesn’t like me spending time with them, but I do it anyway.”


13 Unity with Others “The company for which I work asked us to articulate our values. I now realise that I share these values with many others in the organisation. It makes a difference.”


15 Expressing full potential “There is an inherent meaning in mastering something. When something comes out of my hands that I know to be good, it is a great feeling”

16 Tensions These are between: Self and Others and Being and Doing

17 Inspiration Connection with the transcendent What is at the heart of things for someone

18 Reality of Self and Circumstances We will always battle with imperfection The latin word ‘humilitas’ has at its’ root ‘humus’, the earth. Humility is befriending our earthly gravity, the world of our instincts, material demands or needs, and shadowsides. Humility is the courage to see reality. Embrace our earthliness from which we often also get a clearer perspective on who we are and our relationship with the transcendent.

19 Reality of Self and Circumstances “There is nothing wrong with all of this mission and vision and values stuff itself. However if we are not allowed to articulate where we do not and cannot live up to this, it feels as if we mock something that is really quite profound”.


21 How the parts of the Map of Meaning Work Together Losing and finding balance


23 So, what? How to use the Map of Meaning At the beginning of a career In times of stagnation In times of turbulence To plot a new direction At end of career Individually or with groups

24 So what does it really do? It helps us make sense of a situation “Sense making involves turning circumstances into a situation that is comprehended explicitly in words and that serves as a spring board to action.” Weick, K.E./ Sutcliffe, K.M., Obstfeld, D. Organizational Science, July/August 2005 vol 16 no 4409-421

25 So what does it really do? It allows us to speak about what matters – rationally and with feeling

26 So what does it really do? It shows us, and others, the whole picture

27 So what does it really do? It helps us to take charge and take responsibility for what matters most

28 So what does it really do? It supports us all in constructive conversations.

29 Lani Morris 021 516 042

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