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Recharge. Fight CLUB Team: TT (Time Traveler) Country: Republic of Moldova/Romania.

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Presentation on theme: "Recharge. Fight CLUB Team: TT (Time Traveler) Country: Republic of Moldova/Romania."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recharge. Fight CLUB Team: TT (Time Traveler) Country: Republic of Moldova/Romania

2 WHAT? Youth Unemployment – a severe issue in Republic of Moldova Youth Unemployment Youth don’t have a job. A great part of them have siblings working in Spain, Italy, Portugal etc. and they think they can earn “a lot” of money there. Others prefer earning a degree abroad. Youth go to work abroad, still being enrolled at a home university. Incredibly but they still get their degrees, even if they never actually were present at classes. A lot of students go study at a foreign university. A country with an old population, no youth to fight youth problems like unemployment.

3 WHY? Youth Unemployment Indifference Socialist & Communist roots, ruined economy Corruption A high level of corruption in educational institutions. Students are used to pay for their exams, so they are not motivated to learn and they can easily go abroad working, rather then studying. As well it is very hard to get a good job if your “uncle” is not a deputy or a “businessman”. The corruption is a consequence of communist regime. As well parents encourage students to get a “safe” job rather then try to think out of box and be creative. There is no culture of entrepreneurship in Republic of Moldova. On the other hand is hard to enter job market with no experience. The salaries are very low, for example a beginning accountant earns around 150 $ a month, while just gas expenses in winter are 100$. Youth is indifferent and too selective. Today youth don’t consider employment a must. There are a lot of young people that after graduation still are supported by their parents because they would not take just “any job”. Young people don’t think that is earning a living is their responsibility anymore.

4 WHO? Power Distribution Chart Everybody is responsible for this problem equally. The government cares only about how to get rich during their mandate It does not implement efficient policies. Professors continue to take bribes because of their miserable salaries. Very few has a serious attitude towards teaching. Society generally accepts briberies and all form of corruption as a normality. Employers/Employees main goal is to earn as much money as they can not to enrich the economic environment. Youth is ignorant. They don’t take initiate to dictate good changes. They have erroneous behavior and morals.

5 RECHARGE Make Propaganda! Reeducate population! Rebuild values, morals, behavior, norms. The IDEA You can not solve a problem in a society that have morals and values damaged. It is no ok to think that parents can feed till you are 40. It is not ok to refuse working as a beginning accountant because it pays you poor. It is not ok of refusing getting experience because the salary is low. It is not ok to leave your country and work in Italy as a strawberry gatherer, then come back and buy yourself a BMW X5, leave in your car and pay your exams (sounds sarcastic, but it is real). Acting ignorant and stupid, thinking only about yourself!

6 FIGHT CLUB NOT THIS ONE! Concept Fight Club is the concept of a youth movement in Republic of Moldova, embracing the main idea presented above. It encourages youth to fight for their rights, for their expectations, for their needs. It encourages actions to be made within the network of youth professionals. If government doesn’t listen to you, you shall become the government. If press ignores you, you shall become the press. If teachers don’t tech you, you shall become the teacher. More graduates than jobs! There is a belief than having a diploma is prestigious. Thus we have lots of “professional” that don’t know actually anything and no technicians, craftsmen etc. Don’t expect others to make the change, you shall be the change. Organization Technically Fight Club is the, youth organization (an NGO), the network of young people that fight youth unemployment. Target group Young people of Republic of Moldova that will have an impact on the rest of society. Timeline Everlasting

7 Organization A couple of young enthusiastic people Spreading the idea in Chisinau (capital of R of Moldova). Building the network. Writing the project for further financing. Propaganda. Building the network all over the country. Curricula propositions, policy proposition for government. Propaganda. Fight corruption! Propaganda. Specialized courses in schools and universities. Propaganda. Build youth entrepreneurship

8 Actions Action 1. Creating network of young people that share same beliefs as Fight Club. Action 1.1 Spreading the idea, making propaganda. Action 1.2 Writing a project for financing. Action 1.3 Finding an office, making a brand, implementing the project. Inaugurating the Fight Club organization. Action 2. Writing policy, curricula propositions for government. Building a side-education. Action 2.1 Making a team and writing policy, curricula propositions for government. Action 2.2 Creating short term specialized optional courses to be taught by youth students, workers in schools and universities. For ex: Web Designing course. These courses are practical and give the students the possibility to study the most required professions on market. Afterward students are expected to develop their knowledge in choosing the right university or other courses, find a part-time job to support studies, or a permanent job. These kind of courses also ought to make students interested in studying engineering or go to professional schools. Thus creating a balance in the graduates quantity and qualification and the market needs ( In Republic of Moldova most graduates are economists and lawyers).

9 Actions Action 3. Anti Corruption Propaganda Fight corruption. Nurture in youth right values and morals. Make them refuse giving bribes, but passing an exam honestly! Making flyers, booklets promoting on internet, organizing trainings, inviting experts on transparency. Action 4. Building youth entrepreneurship. Action 4.1 Creating trainings with young entrepreneurs, businessman were youth can learn about starting a business, about writing a business plan etc. (There are very few and unimportant training like this available in Moldova). Action 4.2 Building a Crowd funding platform to facilitate youth finding financing for their ideas (there is no such thing in Moldova). Action 4.3 Generating ideas for investors.

10 OUTCOMES At least 2 hours a day for building the solution, more then 1000 young unemployed people reached, more then 5000 young people engaged. I already started writing a project on Web Designing course. There is a young professional from Germany willing to come and teach. There are more then 20 students interested. Healthy values, morals, behavior of youth. Entering job market easier, earning a living for yourself, trying to build a business, be creative, stop corruption.

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