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The Creation of Wealth Book Talk By DR T.H. CHOWDARY Director: Center for Telecom Management and Studies Fellow: Tata Consultancy Services Chairman: Pragna.

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Presentation on theme: "The Creation of Wealth Book Talk By DR T.H. CHOWDARY Director: Center for Telecom Management and Studies Fellow: Tata Consultancy Services Chairman: Pragna."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Creation of Wealth Book Talk By DR T.H. CHOWDARY Director: Center for Telecom Management and Studies Fellow: Tata Consultancy Services Chairman: Pragna Bharati (intellect India ) Former: Chairman & Managing Director Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited & Information Technology Advisor, Government of Andhra Pradesh T: +91(40) 6667-1191(O) 2784-3121® F: +91 (40) 6667-1111 Talk @ TCS, KLK : 27 th July 2012

2 The Creation of Wealth The Tatas from the 19 th to the 21 st Century Foreword by JRD Tata Epilogue by Ratan N Tata by R.M.Lala (New Edition) Pages: 305 Portfolio/Penguin: Rs. 399 THC_CTMS2S_July2012

3 Wealth Wealth must be created before Welfare can be provided Natural Resources Human Endeavor & Enterprise. Vision & Patriotism THC_CTMS3S_July2012

4 The House of Tatas Parsis – True Indians. Exemplars of national integration Four Great Tatas Jamshetji Nasserwanji Dorabji Tata JRD Tata Ratan Tata (Mistry) THC_CTMS4S_July2012

5 Dadabhai Naoroji The first Indian MP in the British House of Commons (Parliament) “India plundered “The un-British rule in India Jamshetji Era – Cotton & Textiles – Empress, Swadeshi… In Nagpur-cotton land THC_CTMS5S_July2012

6 Parsis: Great Indians (1) Members of Britain’s Parliament – Dadabhai Naoroji – Shaporji Saklatwala Legal Luminaries – Nani Palkhivala – Soli Sorabji – Fali Nariman – S.H.Kapadia (C.J. of Supreme Court now) THC_CTMS6S_July2012

7 Parsis: Great Indians (2) First Field Marshal Sam Manekshah Political – Minoo Masani (Socialist & Swatantra) Chief of Airstaff Apsi Engineer – Feroze Gandhi – Kobad Ghandy (Maoist) Scientists: – Homi Bhabha – H.D Sethna THC_CTMS7S_July2012

8 Tata Steel- TISCO Founded in 1907 Sakchi village becomes Jameshedpur 1 st steel rolled out in 1912 1882 - A German report (that iron ore deposits exist in CP…) Jamshetji – why export ore & import steel Went to US in 1900 to get a consultant (Vivekananda on this ship) Cost Rs. 2.32 cr i/c township, to produce 100,000 tons/y 11% Tatas; Rest public shares 1980 modernisation & capacity to 2.1 mln tons cost Rs. 1000 cr 1990+ 6,00,000 tons @Rs. 1500cr THC_CTMS8S_July2012

9 Tata Hydro (1) “Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration “We will produce electricity so cheap that only the rich can afford to burn candles- Thomas Alva Edison “When Sir M.Visveswaraiah saw the Cauvery water falls at Jog ( 1920s) he exclaimed “what a waste?” When Jamshetji Tata saw the waters of Roha river Roha cascading down he wondered, “All this water from the Western Ghats is wanted. We should harness it to produce hydro electric power”. Constructd Walhan dam near Lonavala Tata Hydro-electric Power Supply CO established in 1910 The Andhra Vallely Power Supply CO in 1916 Tata Power Co in 1919 BY’s Textile Mills canvassed to change over form steam machines to electric motors & power Tatas purchased steam engines & scrapped them THC_CTMS9S_July2012

10 Tata Hydro (2) First 500 MW generators in 1970 when the largest in India was 210 MW Tallest chimneys -152m ( twice the highest of Qutub Minor in 1970) -275 m in 1990 in Trombay THC_CTMS10S_July2012

11 TOMCO Copra from Kerala exported to the USA & Veg oil imported Dorabji Tata on ship from USA to Japan met a “ Consulting Engineer” Vegitable Oil companies” – USA colonised Philippines planted coconut trees took copra… TOMCO founded in 1917 in Cochin – processed copra Cocogem (hair and cooking oil), Soap…(Soap first made in India in Meerut 1979) competes with Hindustan Lever, Hamam, 501 1 st dividend in 1949-22 years after established. Cosmetics – Lakme imports of foreign cosmetics banned- women waylaid Nehru-India)Nehru’s hostess intervenes) Tatas called to make cosmetics… THC_CTMS11S_July2012

12 The Taj Mahal Hotel Jamshetji refused admission to a hotel – Whites only! 1903 Taj built & opened with 17 guest Gateway of India in front came later to welcome King George V Built “to attract people to India”! Old palaces of Maharajas taken over – refurbished to Taj elegance and fame. Owners: Dorabji Tata Trust; Sir Ratan Tata Trust & Lady Tata Memorial Trust ! Taj’s in USA, UK,Gulf… THC_CTMS12S_July2012

13 Telco Why stop at making steel and rails? Tata Engineering & Locomotive company – 1945 Jamshedpur 100 locomotives ( steam) a year, 98% indigenous components Retired in 1960 after producing in 15 yrs 1155 steam Locos 5,000 Railway wagon 950 Road Rollers Daimler Benz (FRG) collaboration to produce heavy trucks THC_CTMS13S_July2012

14 Jamshedpur Free electricity & Medical Pensions Insurance School Telephone service (till early 1960s) THC_CTMS14S_July2012

15 What Tata Trusts do Dorabji Tata Trust founded – Tata Memorial Hospital – TIFR – Tata Institute of Social Sciences Jamshetji gave his personal fortune to found the IISC in Bangaluru His bust is there. He was inspired by Swami Vivekananda Tata Admin Services Tata Economic Services (Dr. D.R.Pendse- C.T.M.S) Ratan Tata Foundation: Sir Ratan Tata Foundation at the London School of Economics & Political Science Sir Ratan Tata Industrial Institute Other Trusts look after old & indigent Parsis - Hospice ( for the dying-Pain relieved) THC_CTMS15S_July2012

16 Abraham Lincoln “You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money. You cannot keep out trouble by spending more than you earn. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man’s initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them What they could do for themselves.” (Source: Freedom First, May 1989) THC_CTMSS_July201216

17 Dhanyawad: Thank You THC_CTMS17S_July2012

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