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Published byChristian Andrews Modified over 9 years ago
Hebrews 12:1-6
1.What does the writer call the people he has just told us about in chapter 11? a great could of witnesses 2.Describe “perseverance” in this context. Keep on struggling
3.Jesus is the final witness, who gives us the ultimate pattern of faith. What did Jesus see by faith that led him to endure the cross? Jesus saw the joy and glory that would follow. Those are for us. 4.Jesus is more than an example (verse 3). What role does Jesus play in our faith? (verse 2) He is the author and perfecter – the giver and one who completes it
5.Why do you think the writer mentions the opposition from sinful men that Jesus endured? Jesus was persecuted just like they were persecuted at the hands of evil men. 6.Remember, the people to whom this letter was written were being persecuted. Their enemies were saying, “How can you think God is on your side. Look at all you are suffering. How can a loving God send all this into your life?” How would you answer? (verses 5,6) The Lord uses suffering as training and to draw us closer to Him. Can you give an example of how suffering trained you for later in life.
7.The writer pictures us running in a race— not in a modern track meet but in an ancient marathon through rugged and brushy terrain. What are some things that hinder our race that we should throw off? (verse 1) Sin and temptation that look like good things Good things that can be a distraction Laziness The security the Gospel provides can be abused
Hebrews 12:7-17 1.Complete the following sentence: “We are often tempted to view hardship as punishment.” What does the writer want us to view it as? A blessing. Discipline = teaching 2.Compare God’s discipline with that of our human fathers as to (1) its perfection and (2) its purpose and result. God’s is perfect = humans do what they think is best although flawed God always has eternity in mind = humans sometimes don’t see past short term At times it may only focus on morality
3.How might we, like Esau, miss out on the grace of God? We may despise God’s grace, or take the blessings of His word for granted 4.Review the story of Esau selling his birthright. Recall how later he cried to his father to give him the blessing after his father had given it to Jacob. How does this story provide a warning for the Hebrew Christians? for Christians of all times? He was thinking short term and despised the blessings of God. He lost them. Keep eternity in mind.
5.It seems like there will be more opportunities for people to persecute Christians. How will we properly deal with it? Love, respect and Acts 5:29 How has the Lord increased your righteousness and peace through the persecution he has sent into your life? Persecution always drives us into the Word of God for strengthening. 6.Think again about the picture of a race. In the context of this book, what are some ways Christians strengthen their arms and knees and make level paths for their feet? We strengthen through Word and Sacrament Work to remove things that will cause us to stumble
Hebrews 12:18-29 1.Which was the first mountain? Why was it so frightening? Mt. Sinai It demonstrated God’s holiness, power and the penalty for disobedience = Law
2.Ponder each element in this description of the mountain that we Christians call our home. “heavenly Jerusalem” & “city of the living God” There are phrases that refer to heaven. “angels in joyful assembly” We will be with the angels and see them
“church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven” “firstborn” = heirs of heaven and note that heaven is ours now! “to God, the judge of all men” God will judge us based on what Jesus did in our place. “spirits of righteous men made perfect” We will be confirmed in holiness in heaven
“Jesus the mediator of a new covenant” Jesus our Great High Priest will be with us in heaven. “the sprinkled blood” Refers to the blood sprinkled on the altar to signify the blood of Atonement
3.Evaluate this statement: “Either Abel’s blood or Christ’s blood will speak about you on the Last Day.” Abel’s blood calls for justice Jesus blood calls for pardon 4.“The greater the message, the greater the punishment if the message is rejected.” Apply that truth to these verses. If one knows Christ and rejects him the suffering will be greater, because it was in one’s grasp and then thrown away.
5.Which foundation can be shaken? Which cannot? On which foundation do you want to be found standing on the Last Day? The earth’s foundation can be shaken Heaven’s foundation can not.
Hebrews 13:1-8 1.During times of persecution, many Christians are forced to flee, and some end up in prison. Considering the danger of such times, what temptation do their fellow Christians—those whose lives are not yet touched by persecution—face? Temptation to distance yourself from the persecuted Visiting the persecuted in jail and entertaining strangers who are fleeing persecution will identify you with them and open you to the persecution 2.In these verses, the writer uses both the law and the gospel. How does he use the law to warn us against sexual immorality? How does he use the gospel to encourage us not to be greedy? You will be judged by God God will never forsake you
3.Why might it be a temptation to disregard the words of a pastor or teacher during times of persecution? They were usually the first persecuted The temptation to say, “I need to save my own skin.” 4.The world’s policies toward Christians will shift and change, but Jesus never will. What encouragement does this give to people who are being persecuted for their faith? Though the world may turn against us, Jesus’ promises still stand. What can they do to us?
5.Look at the two verses the writer quotes (Deuteronomy 31:6 and Psalm 118:6,7). What specific thing might you do this week to apply these passages to your life? Our Lord will always protect us, so even if man wants to kill us they have only sent us to heaven.
Hebrews 13:9-16 1.In this world we always live “outside the camp.” What does this mean? How do we go outside the camp? Living “inside the camp” would have bound you to following OT laws living “outside the camp” means following our new Christian freedom from OT laws, since they have been fulfilled by Christ 2.Why are you content to bear the disgrace of Christ? We have a permanent home in the New Jerusalem
3.Just because Christians do not offer animal sacrifices does not mean they don’t sacrifice to God. What are some of the sacrifices we bring to God? Praise/confession/god works – Romans 12:1-2 4.The writer encourages us to be strengthened by grace. How can we do this? Continue to strengthen our soul with Word and Sacrament
5.Name one sacrifice you will give to the Lord this week, perhaps something you may be withholding from him or some part of your heart that you have roped off for yourself. Time? Talent? Treasure?
Hebrews 13:17-25 1.Why do Christians submit to the authority of their spiritual leaders? The leaders are responsible for their souls 2.In addition to our obedience, what do our spiritual leaders expect and need from us? Pray for them, cooperate, help
3.Look at each phrase, and explain why it adds to the beauty and power of this final prayer. “the God of peace” The peace we have from sins removed, not peace between people cf. Matthew 10:34-39 “blood of the eternal covenant” Jesus’ blood sacrificed once and for all which goes back to the throne of God in heaven “back from the dead” Because Jesus lives we too will live “our Lord Jesus” God and Savior
“Shepherd of the sheep” it reminds us of the close relationship between shepherd and sheep “equip you” The God of all give us all we need “work in us” Our Lord works powerfully in us Philippians 2:13-14 “to whom be glory for ever and ever” Jesus is who we praise for all things
4.Why do you think the writer thinks this is only a short letter? There are so many more things in the Old Testament he could have addressed 5.The writer closes his letter with these words: “Grace be with you all.” Why are these words a very appropriate closing? Picture God’s grace resting on all who hear these words.
6.Discuss some of the ways we can be obedient to our leaders. The best use of their time is to be in church and Bible study Assist where you are able Others?
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