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Health Discussion Panel Draft individual arguments and counter arguments based on research.

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1 Health Discussion Panel Draft individual arguments and counter arguments based on research.

2 You must include elements of each expert skill in your discussion panel draft. Consider philosophical viewpoints when crafting your argument.  Identify various motives that contribute to substance abuse.  Identify signs and symptoms of substance abuse.  Analyze the short and long term effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other substances on the body.  Draw conclusions (financial, health, and social) on the impact of these substances on the body.  Investigate the impact that refusal skills have on self- perception and the perception of others.

3 Side A: Males  Your position is that genetic factors, society and the media strongly influence decisions young people make in their choices regarding substance abuse, as well as peer pressure and poor role models at home. Substance abuse is a cycle that is not broken without outside intervention. Include how these influences can cause a well-adjusted young person to lose everything to substance abuse. Your argument is that our country needs to provide support for those who fall victim to substance abuse through government programs and health care assistance to help them get back on their feet and become contributing members of society.

4 Side B: Females  Your position is that every person can choose whether or not they will fall victim to substance abuse and that environmental and genetic factors can be overcome with enough willpower. Instead of providing support for those who have already ruined their lives through substance abuse, you support substance abuse prevention through public education and refusal skills for young people. You argue that American taxpayers should not be held responsible for those who make the choice to become addicts-including healthcare and financial rescue.

5 Criteria for the debate: Each bullet point is worth 30 points. _____/180 points  Support your position with at least three credible sources  Each participant must present no less than three detailed valid points to support their side’s position  Each participant must present no less than two detailed valid counter arguments against the opposing side.  Each participant must engage in the discussion freely and actively in a manner than clearly shows careful preparation.  Each participant must turn in (either hard copy or electronically) research used ( 3 sources minimum ).  Each participant must turn in (either hard copy or electronically) an outline of the arguments and counter arguments used in the discussion ( 3 arguments, 2 counter arguments ).

6 Health Discussion Panel Dates A Day – Thursday, April 2 nd B Day – Friday, April 3 rd

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