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The people of the 1920’s were just like us in many ways…why? The first “selfie”

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1 The people of the 1920’s were just like us in many ways…why? The first “selfie”

2 Do Now Complete Urban Population worksheet. If you finish reading, begin the activity on a separate paper. Why did people start heading to the cities? What might result from the population changes?


4 True/False The economic expansion of the 1920’s caused American society to change. How have we seen this already? Religious groups, minorities, political policies, prohibition, women’s rights What other changes can we anticipate?


6 City Migration People of all ages, particular young adults, came to the cities in droves, which changed the face of society in those areas.

7 WWI “How ‘ya gonna keep em down on the farm after they’ve seen Paree?”

8 Bachelor Pads Young adults used to live at home and work until they got married.

9 Jumping the Broom People were getting married later in life.

10 Culture Club Parties, clubs, music halls, fast cars

11 Back to School High School attendance doubled, and college increased Education was becoming more accessible

12 SLANG Why do you think groups of people, particularly young people, create slang? What can slang teach us about a particular time period?

13 What do you think the following words mean? Banana oil:_______________ Bee’s Knees:______________ Flat tire:_____________ A boring person An excellent person or thing Nonsense, insincere compliment

14 The slang of the 1920s mirrored the social climate of the decade- loud, boisterous, and rebellious. The 1920s were an especially rich era for slang. Baseball stars were given nicknames such as “The Sultan of Sweat,” the “Big Train,” and the “Georgia Peach.” Calvin Coolidge was nicknamed “Cool Cal.” For a time, Americans, especially young Americans, seemed intent upon amending the dictionary to make the language of the decade more adequately reflect the rapid social changes of the times. Look at how slang has changed over the decades.

15 Hello 1900s: What’s up? 1910s: How’s tricks? 1920s: Hiya kiddo! 1930s: Hello Joe, what-a-ya-know? 1940s: What’s cooking? 1950s: Been a while, crocodile. 1960s: What’s happenin’ man? 1970s: Hey man, peace. 1980s: Dude. 1990s: Whazzup: 2000s: Money 1900s: greens 1910s: scratch 1920s: lettuce 1930s: potatoes 1940s: dough, moola 1950s: clams 1960s: bread 1970s: big bucks 1980s: deenaro 1990s: bank 2000s: Can you find your match?

16 ACTIVITY… First, underline all of the slang words in the paragraph. Next, using the glossary, write the translation over the underlined words. Finally, write a paragraph of your own, using at least 7 words. You may write a letter describing any of the following topics: Scopes Monkey Trial, changes in youth culture, Prohibition and crime, flappers, expatriates complaining about the new style, Harding, race relations, etc.

17 Create an illustrated poster displaying the new freedoms the 1920’s offered. Cities World travel Single life New jobs Education

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