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Totalitarianism a.k.a., The Rise of Dictators after World War I.

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Presentation on theme: "Totalitarianism a.k.a., The Rise of Dictators after World War I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Totalitarianism a.k.a., The Rise of Dictators after World War I

2 A. The Lost Generation  The name given to the young people who came of age during World War I.  It referred not just to the dead, but also to the living who survived the war but were still lost.

3 A. The Lost Generation (cont.)  The living suffered from a loss of faith in many traditional things: 1) God. 2) Country. 3) Mankind.

4 A. The Lost Generation (cont.)  In Italy, Germany and Russia, several factors contributed to the rise of charismatic dictators: 1) Loss of faith. 2) Economic destruction. 3) Dissatisfaction with the Treaty of Versailles.

5 A. The Lost Generation (cont.)  Suffering, angry people were vulnerable to the promises and rants of those who wanted power.  Having lost faith in traditional institutions, they were hungry for something new to believe in.

6 1)One-party dictatorship  All other parties outlawed.  No competitive elections.  Hardship demands unity. B. Features of Totalitarianism

7 Nazi Party Germany Italy Soviet Union Fascist Party Communist Party

8 2) All-powerful leader  Head of the party has total power.  Worshipped in “cult of personality.”  Defying him comes at a high price. B. Features of Totalitarianism

9 Adolf HitlerBenito Mussolini Josef Stalin

10 B. Features of Totalitarianism 3)No individual rights  A luxury we can’t afford.  Causes disunity; stops progress.  Focus is on obedience & sacrifice for the good of the whole.

11 B. Features of Totalitarianism 4) Use of propaganda  Govt controls all media outlets.  “Big Lie” technique.  Akin to brainwashing.

12 B. Features of Totalitarianism 5) Use of violence  Opposition is swiftly silenced.  People are scared into submission.  Controls word of mouth.

13 B. Features of Totalitarianism 6) Promise of an ideal society  Utopia in exchange for sacrifice.  “Carrot & stick” approach.  Offers hope to suffering, vulnerable people.

14 World domination by the “master race.” Rebuild the Roman Empire. Create a “classless” society.

15 B. Features of Totalitarianism 7) Scapegoating  Provide angry people with a common enemy.  Quickest way to build unity.  Allows the many to put blame on the few.

16 “Inferior” races. (i.e., non- Germans) Communists.The propertied classes.

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