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Tour of the Solar System. Geology past the Earth The principles of geology can be used to study the surfaces of other planets.

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Presentation on theme: "Tour of the Solar System. Geology past the Earth The principles of geology can be used to study the surfaces of other planets."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tour of the Solar System

2 Geology past the Earth The principles of geology can be used to study the surfaces of other planets.

3 Terrestrial planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars Moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune Pluto/Charon

4 Mercury Mercury has a lunar-like geology. Caloris Basin

5 Mercury Mercury is almost tidally locked, like the Moon. Santa Maria Rupes

6 Venus Venus’ surface has only been revealed in the past 10 years.

7 Venus The surface of Venus is like the surface of hell.

8 Venus Venus has a young, basaltic surface.

9 Mars Mars has the most Earth-like geology.

10 Mars Mars has a thin atmosphere of CO 2.

11 Mars Familiar geologic features/processes.

12 Mars Familiar geologic features/processes.

13 Mars Mars’ geologic history was once warmer and wetter than now.

14 Jupiter Jupiter’s geologic features are all atmospheric.

15 Moons of Jupiter Io is the most active body in the Solar System.

16 Moons of Jupiter “All these worlds are yours except Europa…”

17 Moons of Jupiter Ganymede and Callisto are two of the larger bodies in the Solar System.

18 Saturn Saturn is the furthest out of the historical planets.

19 Saturn’s moons

20 Uranus & moons Uranus orbits the Sun on its side.

21 Neptune & moons

22 Pluto/Charon

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