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Introduction TF-MSP meeting Brussels, 1/2 March 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction TF-MSP meeting Brussels, 1/2 March 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction TF-MSP meeting Brussels, 1/2 March 2011

2 Why are we on earth? The purpose of the TERENA task force - TF-Management of Service Portfolio’s – a.k.a. - TF-MSP - is to promote collaboration between research and education networking organizations in Europe in the area of management of service portfolios Running period: March 2008 – February 2012

3 Where do we come from? -TF-LCPM – running period: Jan 2006 – Dec 2007 -5 precursor meetings -6 TF-meetings -produced some useful deliverables: -categories of service, -template for service description, -information on SLAs, -library with resources on LC-PM, plus identification of several cases for joint cooperation

4 What do we do? TF-MSP explores common organizational aspects of finding, developing and introducing new services, supporting them during their production phase and eventual withdrawal. Recent discussions have focused on: -How best to serve the increasingly growing and disparate users of NREN networks -The impact of cloud computing on NREN’s -Non-technical aspects of managed dark fiber -Comparison of service portfolio’s (ongoing) -Procurement issues (this meeting)

5 How do we do that? -Periodic meetings: -2008: Brugge, Zurich -2009: Amsterdam, Paris, Malaga, Copenhagen -2010: Rome, Vilnius, Madrid, Amsterdam -Active mailinglist (+100 members) -Wiki space (protected) -Excellent support from TERENA: John Dyer

6 What’s cooking? -Meetings planned on: -Security related services: September 2011, Greece -Social media (possibly jointly with TF-CPR during TNC) -Comparison of tariff models (TBD)

7 Thank you!

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