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Write & discuss with your elbow partner Warm-up 8/26/2014 Have you ever known someone who changes how they act depending on who they are around? Have you.

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Presentation on theme: "Write & discuss with your elbow partner Warm-up 8/26/2014 Have you ever known someone who changes how they act depending on who they are around? Have you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Write & discuss with your elbow partner Warm-up 8/26/2014 Have you ever known someone who changes how they act depending on who they are around? Have you ever met someone and thought you knew what they were like but they were really different later on? For better or for worse? Why do people change how they act sometimes?

2 Remind 101 Use your phone to scan or text this number **Don’t forget to pick up from the pick-up tray**

3 Warm up 8/27/14 “All that glitters is not Gold” -William Shakespeare In 5-7 sentences respond to this quote after watching the video. video.

4 Write an essay to introduce yourself to those who may not know the “hidden” you. Introduction: “At first glance, people think I’m …” write about what others know just by looking at you. This is surface stuff that can include your name, looks, basic family information, etc. (first box) Body of Work: “However….” write about what’s under the surface. What isn’t obvious about you – what would others have to talk to you or study you for a while before they’d know this about you? (second & third box) Conclusion: “Underneath it all I’m…” give one truth about yourself that sums up all the information in the body paragraphs. Don’t introduce any new information – this is supposed to wrap things up, not bring up new questions. (fourth box)

5 Warm-up 8/28/14 What do you think the story is behind the following: “For sale: Baby shoes, never worn.” In 5-7 sentences create a story that goes with these 6 words.

6 Six-Word Memoirs Six-Word Memoirs Stories told in 6 carefully chosen words. Six-Word Memoirs

7 Example – “Mother” I’ve been a mother for 14 years and have 3 ½ kids. This means that one is a step-child. She does not want me to be her mother, but she wants her mother to be me. This is a difficult situation that will never be resolved. As for my other three children, I have a son and two daughters. I have learned that being a parent is by far the hardest thing I have ever done. I am not only responsible for myself but also for the lives of three other people. I can only control so much of what they do and no matter how much I think something is right or wrong, they will end up doing what they want. Sometimes they are right, but sometimes they aren’t so right. Then the consequences hurt, especially when they have to pay for choices that I might have been able to help them avoid.

8 Final Memoir Helping them grow ages me daily.

9 Free write List as many words, topics, memories, or personality traits as you can about yourself – activities you do, items, belongings, places you like, and feelings you have. Don’t edit, cross out, change, or rewrite words. Don’t worry about spelling – just write. You are going for quantity, so write as much as you can in about three minutes. You should fill at least one full page. Singer, writer, happy, tired, overworked, camping, colorful, shoes, sea shore, dragons, faeries, teacher, Spanish, Internet, laughing, cartoons, 70s, rock music, Jeep, teddy bears, church, baths, jingles, gum, crayons, super heroes, technology, legos, reading, Saturday morning, dancing, weight lifting, more shoes, sunrises, mother, daughters, snakes, dogs, mythology, thinking, dreamer, fries…

10 Building Your Memoir Now, circle the two or three words that stand out for you, the ones that you could say more about. Pick one item and freewrite about the thought. That means you just start writing about that idea, object, role, or event. The only rule is don’t stop writing for at least two or three minutes. Whatever comes to mind is fair game.

11 Synthesize As a result of the freewrite, you have a sense of your topic. Combine the individual elements into an understandable phrase that captures the essence of what your topic means to you. The topic of the previous writer was “mother.” Her idea captured the struggle of helping someone go through life’s lessons and dealing with one's own lack of control.

12 Mrs. Jones 6 word Memior Ex: Twins! Halloween! Scary, but a treat!

13 In your Journal Write 2-3 sentences about the stories of each 6 word Memior 1. Won’t let magazines shape my body. 2. Rarely lives up to her name. 3. Crickets sing their little hearts out. 4. Everyone is too old or young. 5. “Just get along” Dad’s dying advice. 6. ADHD. Autism. Scoliosis. Bullying. Why me? 7. Always searching, never finding. Maybe someday. 8. The smiling mask hides the pain. 9. Why do I work? 140 reasons.

14 Warm up 8/29/14 Write a 6 word memoir about your night. Football, win, late night, early morning…

15 Sustained Silent Reading

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