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An Introduction to Cambridge International Examinations Board Examination System Sherry Reach Regional Manager, Americas.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to Cambridge International Examinations Board Examination System Sherry Reach Regional Manager, Americas."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to Cambridge International Examinations Board Examination System Sherry Reach Regional Manager, Americas

2 Cambridge Assessment We are Europe’s largest assessment agency and our tests are underpinned by our substantial research program We are at the heart of a global learning community including more than 9000 schools We work in partnership with educators worldwide, including 25 national governments, and the NCEE MOWR project A department of the University of Cambridge

3 Where we operate The worlds largest provider of 14-19 International Qualifications Over 9,000 schools in 150 countries Over 2 million entries per year

4 Progressive and flexible Four stages leading from primary through secondary and pre-university years. Offer the full Cambridge International Education, or focus on specific stages. Compatible with other curricula – schools can build a curriculum that reflects their own values. Each stage builds on learners’ development in the previous stage.

5 Comprehensive support

6 The learner is at the heart of what we do Assessment TeachingCurriculum Promoting good practice in teaching and learning Offering choice within a flexible, relevant curriculum framework Setting international standards in assessment

7 Developing successful students Students build: knowledge learning skills critical thinking skills problem solving skills Cambridge students become independent learners

8 Building skills Knowledge - of scientific facts, laws, vocabulary, concepts Learning skills - English - articulating ideas clearly and accurately in writing and speaking Critical thinking – Science - interpret experimental observations and data / Analyze historical events and themes Problem-solving - apply mathematical knowledge in the context of everyday situations

9 The subject syllabus is where it begins... Aims Assessment Objectives Description of assessment components Curriculum content –Including detailed summary of what candidates should know, understand and be able to do Grade descriptions Resource list, including texts and much more

10 Assessment Objectives for Cambridge IGCSE Biology Knowledge with understanding (50%) – not more than 25% recall Handling information and problem-solving (30%) Experimental skills and investigation (20%)

11 Examinations include Questions that –Require knowledge –Gradually remove scaffolding –Require the application of knowledge in unfamiliar contexts –Encourage connections to be made between topic areas or concepts

12 Recalling knowledge Abstracting appropriate knowledge Applying knowledge in a novel context

13 Suits a wide range of abilities Core level: all students Extended level: more able students Coursework : adapt for local context One-year or two-year course

14 FRESHMAN YEAR CAMBRIDGESOPHOMORE YEAR CAMBRIDGE Semester 1Semester 2Semester 1Semester 2 Mathematics - includes Algebra and Geom.Mathematics (con't) - includes Algebra and Geometry Coordinated Science - includes Bio., Chem., and Physics (will have 2 choices for scoring labs: “Coursework” which is a lab designed by a coursework accredited teacher and Cambridge approved OR a lab done under test conditions on a date set by Cambridge) OR Biology (same lab scoring choices) Coordinated Science (con't) OR Chemistry OR Physics English First Language or English as a Second Language English Literature History (“World”)History (American) Art and Design (either 2D, 3D or other option) OR Drama OR Music OR CTE elective Note: These are all one-year courses and could be taken in freshman or sophomore year Art and Design (either 2D, 3D or other option) OR Drama OR Music OR CTE elective Note: These are all one-year courses and could be taken in freshman or sophomore year Foreign Language or Economics or Global Perspectives or Computer Studies or other local / Cambridge elective (e.g. Cambridge agriculture or travel & tourism) Foreign Language or Economics or Global Perspectives or Computer Studies or other local / Cambridge elective (e.g. Cambridge agriculture, or travel & tourism)

15 What is Cambridge Checkpoint? Cambridge Checkpoint is a diagnostic test for students about to enter the Lower Division available in May and October The test provides feedback on a student’s strengths and weaknesses in key curriculum areas. End of 8 th grade Checkpoint tests are available in: –English –Mathematics –Science

16 What is Cambridge Secondary1? Identifies desired learning outcomes for each middle school year A suggested scope and sequence, unit lesson plans and textbooks available for each year of study A progression test for each subject at the end of each school year Progression tests are available in: –English –Mathematics –Science

17 Excellent foundation Schools use Cambridge lower division to prepare students for: Cambridge upper division and the AICE Diploma IB Diploma Advanced Placement College and careers

18 AICE Group A - Mathematics and Sciences Biology Chemistry Computing Design & Technology Environmental Management Marine Science Mathematics & Further Mathematics Physical Science Physics Psychology Thinking Skills

19 AICE Group B - Languages First Languages: English Spanish Foreign Languages: Arabic French German Mandarin Chinese Spanish

20 AICE Group C - Arts and Humanities Art & Design Business Studies Classical Studies Economics General Paper Geography Global Perspectives History (Euro, US & Int’l) Literature in English Literature in Spanish Music Psychology/ Sociology Thinking Skills Travel & Tourism

21 Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) An advanced academic diploma for students who are studying Cambridge International A and AS Levels Offers students the opportunity to tailor their studies to individual interests, abilities and future plans Combines breadth of study with choice and flexibility Involves the selection of subjects from three curriculum areas: –Mathematics and Science –Languages –Arts and Humanities

22 Teacher Support Teacher Support Website –Unit lesson plans –Standards booklets –Past exams / answers Teacher Training: –Online –Distance for Coursework –Face to Face Endorsed Textbooks

23 Benefits of the Cambridge Continuum Develops oral, practical and thinking skills, as well as the acquisition of knowledge Emphasis on the application of skills, knowledge, and understanding The use of initiative and creativity in solving problems An investigative approach to learning Encourages students to undertake individual projects and to work as part of a team Promotes international understanding

24 Ideal Target DateDeliverable By early November  Send Cambridge completed BES School Application Form.  Board Examination Systems Pilot Commitment Letter Submission to NCEE  Center for the Future of Arizona Commitment Letter Submission to CFA November 14 (deadline) Register teachers for Winter Session intro level online training for English, Math, Science, History course accessible 5 Dec – 1 March 2012. School must be registered with Cambridge to participate in this training. November -January Cambridge School Orientation Workshop: Introductory training for administrators and Cambridge teacher support overview presentation for teachers December 5 –March 1 Winter Session Introductory On-Line Cambridge Teacher Training courses February 14 (deadline)  Register teachers for Spring Session intro level online training for English, Math, Science, History course accessible 5 March – 1 June 2012. School must be registered with Cambridge to participate in this training. March 5 – June 1  Spring Session Introductory On-Line Cambridge Teacher Training courses Late April  Face to Face Teacher Training Three Day Conference in Arizona Getting Started with Cambridge

25 Cambridge Lower Division Implementation Cost Estimates $ 750Cambridge Orientation Workshop (conducted on school site) $1100 ppYr 1 Teacher PD – coursework accreditation training 9 th grade teachers (c. $50 pp), online intro course ($50 pp), face to face (c. $1000 pp includes sub / travel) for grade 9 teachers $165 ppYr 1 Student Exam fees / mailing $55 pp per 9 th grade subject (English Lang., World History, Biology) $1100 ppYr 2 Teacher PD –online intermediate course ($200 pp), best practices training (c. $125 pp includes sub / travel) $275 pp (includes Fine Arts) Yr 2 Student Exam fees / mailing $55 pp for 10 th grade Eng Lit, US History, Chemistry or Physics, Math, Fine Arts (or local CTE) $ 5460Year 2 Cambridge School Annual Registration Fee (waived 1 st year.) Due October of year 2 if annual spending on exams / training fees does not exceed $11,500.

26 Additional information CIE website

27 Thank you – Questions?

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