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Formaldehyde Training for Non-Lab Use N. C. State University Environmental Health & Safety Center.

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1 Formaldehyde Training for Non-Lab Use N. C. State University Environmental Health & Safety Center

2 Contents zReview of OSHA Formaldehyde Standard (1910.1048) zPotential Health Effects zMedical Surveillance zPersonal Protective Clothing & Equipment zSafe Work Practices zSpill Procedures

3 OSHA Formaldehyde Standard zScope: Applies to all occupational exposures to formaldehyde (ie. Formaldehyde gas, its solutions and materials that release formaldehyde

4 Formaldehyde Standard zPermissible Exposure Limits (PELs) yTWA - Time Weighted Average: x0.75 ppm as an 8-hour TWA ySTEL - Short Term Exposure Limit x2.0 ppm for any 15 minute period during the work period yAction Level x0.5 ppm as an 8-hour TWA

5 Formaldehyde Standard zRegulated Areas - yShall be established where airborne formaldehyde concentrations exceed the TWA and STEL yDanger signs shall be posted at entrances yAccess shall be limited to authorized persons

6 Formaldehyde Standard zControl Methods yInstitute engineering controls and work practices to maintain exposures below the TWA and STEL xKeep solution containers of formaldehyde closed when not in use xPerform tasks involving formaldehyde in well ventilated area xUse proper personal protection equipment xUse formaldehyde preservative substitute whenever possible

7 Formaldehyde Standard zProtective Equipment and Clothing yEyewear - indirect-vent goggles, faceshield worn with goggles for severe exposure yGloves - choose gloves and sleeves with proper permeation and degradation ratings, materials such as nitrile or neoprene are recommended

8 Formaldehyde Standard zProtective Equipment and Clothing yApparel - Aprons and sleeves may be worn over lab coats, neoprene and nitrile materials offer excellent resistance to formaldehyde and a wide variety of other chemicals yFor more information on personal protective equipment contact EHSC at 515-4190

9 Formaldehyde Standard zHygiene Protection yEmergency Showers will be located in areas where employee’s skin may be splashed with solutions containing 10% or greater formaldehyde yEmergency Eye Washes will be located in areas where employee’s eyes may be splashed with solutions containing 0.1% or greater formaldehyde

10 Formaldehyde Standard zHygiene Protection yEmergency Showers and Eye Washes should be periodically checked for proper working order

11 Formaldehyde Standard zHousekeeping yIn areas where spillage may occur, provisions will be made to contain spills, decontaminate the work area and dispose of the waste yEmployees repairing equipment leaks and cleaning up spills will be properly trained and will wear suitable protective clothing

12 Formaldehyde Standard zMedical Surveillance yInstitute medical surveillance program for all employees exposed to formaldehyde at concentrations at or exceeding the Action Level or STEL yMedical Disease Questionnaires yMedical Examinations

13 Formaldehyde Standard zEmployee Information and Training yAll employees assigned to workplaces where there is an actual or potential health hazard from formaldehyde shall participate in a training program yTraining will be provided at the time of the employees initial assignment and whenever a new hazard is introduced into the work area

14 Potential Health Effects zInhalation: Repeated or chronic exposure- ymay cause headaches, rhinitis, nausea, drowsiness, respiratory impairment, kidney injury and pulmonary sensitization and tissue damage ymay cause neuropsychological effects may include sleep disorders, irritability, altered sense of balance, memory deficits, loss of concentration, and mood alterations

15 Potential Health Effects zInhalation: Carcinogenic Effects yLong-term exposure to formaldehyde is reported to be associated with an increased risk of cancer of the nose and accessory sinuses and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal cancer in humans.

16 Potential Health Effects ySkin Contact xAcute Exposure: vapors or solutions may cause smarting, white discoloration, roughness, hardness, anesthesia, and first degree burns. In previously exposed individuals subsequent exposures may result in a sensitization dermatitis characterized by the sudden eruption of blisters on the eyelids, face, neck and arms.

17 Potential Health Effects zSkin Contact yChronic Exposure: Prolonged or repeated exposures may cause second degree burns, numbness and itching rash, fingernail damage, hardening or tanning of the skin and sensitization. The dermatitis may be either a sudden blistering reaction or may be delayed several years with eruptions starting on the digital areas, wrists and other body parts.

18 Potential Health Effects zEye Contact yAcute Exposure: Airborne concentrations from 0.05 to 3.0 ppm may cause irritation with redness, itching, pain, blurred vision, and mild tearing. Concentrations from 4 to 20 ppm may cause profuse tearing and damage to the eye. Aqueous solutions effects range from reversible, minor injury and discomfort to severe, permanent corneal damage and loss of sight.

19 Potential Health Effects zEye Contact yChronic Exposure: Effects depend on the concentration and duration of exposure

20 For More Information zFor Additional Information or Assistance in Working Safely with Formaldehyde Contact the Industrial Hygiene Section at 515-6862

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