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2013-2014 9 th Grade Registration Procedures (Class of 2016) Mason High School.

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Presentation on theme: "2013-2014 9 th Grade Registration Procedures (Class of 2016) Mason High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 2013-2014 9 th Grade Registration Procedures (Class of 2016) Mason High School

2 Introduction to Registration Process NEW & IMPROVED Registration Process for 2013-2014! Includes collaborative effort between: – Students – Parents – Teachers – Counselors – Administrators Ultimate Goal: To assist students & parents in making informed decisions.

3 The Importance of Making Informed Decisions Course selections impact GPA Future Planning & Goals – 4-year University Requirements – 2-year College Requirements – Career & Technical Training – Armed Forces

4 Available Resources – Registration Videos – Checklist: How to Schedule in 10 Easy Steps – Sample Course Selector/Registration Forms (Recommend that students/parents follow along with this during presentation). – Graduation Requirements – Frequently Asked Questions – Course Catalog


6 Blocks = # of Trimesters the course is scheduled There are 15 “Blocks” per year (5 courses per trimester) Your block total should = 15 exactly. 3 Blocks Example: AP American History A (1 st trimester) AP American History B (2 nd trimester) AP American History C (3 rd trimester) 2 Blocks Example: American History A (1 st or 2 nd trimester) American History B (2 nd or 3 rd trimester) 1 Block Example: Financial Literacy (1 st, 2 nd, OR 3 rd trimester)

7 Step 1: Header Information Complete header information Student Email/Phone # very important! – Will be used in the event of scheduling conflicts over the summer months.


9 Step 2: Core Courses Complete Core Courses section. Bubble selection for each subject area. – Mathematics 4 Years Required – Science 3 Years Required, including Chemistry – Language Arts 4 Years Required – Social Studies 3 Years Required – Financial Literacy – OTHER GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS ECA, Health, Physical Education



12 Step 3: Electives Complete Electives section Things to remember: – 1 credit of Fine Arts required for graduation – 2 years Foreign Language required for admission into 4-year Universities. – Select courses you intend to take- make informed decision! – Pay attention to # of blocks selecting


14 Step 4: Teacher Signatures & Feedback Now that you have made your selections, consult with your teachers to ensure you are selecting appropriate classes. Obtain teacher signatures for courses which require it.


16 Step 5: World Language Mandatory Alternate If you have selected American Sign Language I, German I, or French I as your World Language, please also select a 2 nd choice (alternate) World Language. Spanish & 2 nd year languages DO NOT require an alternate selection. This course will not be scheduled unless there is a problem with the original selection.

17 Spanish IA & IB EXAMPLE:

18 Step 6: Additional Alternates In addition to the World Language Alternates, list 5 Additional Alternates. These will ONLY be used in the event of a scheduling conflict with other electives. Will NOT replace any graduation requirements! Every attempt will be made to ensure students receive their 1 st choice with electives.

19 Computer Applications for College Art Foundations Speech & Debate Drawing I Intro to Web Design EXAMPLE:

20 Step 7: Counting the Blocks You should have EXACTLY 15 blocks Enter the number in the block selection box. Reminder: Marching Band is not included in the 15 blocks. 15

21 Step 8: Student Signature Sign the back of the Course Selector/Registration Form By signing, you understand that it is your responsibility to ensure all graduation requirements are met and that you have scheduled the appropriate classes. Drop/Add Policy: Students have 3 days at the beginning of the trimester to change into another class, and 5 days to drop a class for a study hall. After 5 days, students who drop a class will receive an F for the course. – Schedule changes will only be made in the following circumstances: 1.Missing a graduation requirement 2.Incorrect class sequencing 3.Scheduled for fewer than 5 courses per trimester – We cannot make schedule changes for the following reasons: 1.Teacher Requests 2.Lunch Schedule 3.Friends

22 Step 9: Parent Signature Please ensure that your parent has been consulted and they are aware of all course selections. Parent signature required


24 Step 10: Turning in the Form March 21, 2013- Turn in Registration Form to HOMEROOM TEACHER. Once form is turned in, counselors will review and enter course information. Schedules will be created based upon the following: – Met Pre-requisites – Master Schedule # of course offerings Available times of course offerings Every attempt will be made to ensure students receive their 1 st choice with electives. – In the event of a scheduling conflict, counselors will utilize alternates listed on the registration form (Step 6).

25 Registration Timeline Class Meetings – March 11-14 th – Counselors/Administrators review registration process – Official colored hard copy Course Selection Forms provided Grades 9-11 Parent Transition Night – Tuesday, March 19 th 6:00 – MHS Auditorium Homeroom to Collect Forms – March 21 st

26 Questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions document at For information about specific courses, view our online course catalog at Contact teachers for answers regarding student readiness level and placement recommendations. Attend the Grade Parent Transition Night on March 19 th.

27 Counselor Contact Information CounselorStudent Last NameExtension Ms. DumstorffA-Carpenter30307 Mr. AffatatoCarr-E30310 Ms. BellF-Hogan30305 Mr. ZackHolbrook-Liew30309 Ms. BrooksLightfield-N30312 Ms. ClarkO-R30308 Ms. MacksS-T30313 Mr. JohnstonU-Z30314

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