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Introducing Nanotechnology through Investigations of Groundwater A Curriculum for Secondary Biology, Chemistry, and Earth and Environmental Science Teachers.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing Nanotechnology through Investigations of Groundwater A Curriculum for Secondary Biology, Chemistry, and Earth and Environmental Science Teachers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing Nanotechnology through Investigations of Groundwater A Curriculum for Secondary Biology, Chemistry, and Earth and Environmental Science Teachers

2 An NSF research grant “Broader Impacts” effort Vital statistics for Nano2Earth: $200K investment (within $1M program) Four years to develop and test Awaiting commercial publication

3 So who developed and wrote Nano2Earth?? 6 professors 7 HS teachers!! 8 grad students 3 staff members It took “a cast of thousands...”

4 What are Nanoscience and Nanotechnology?

5 NanoGeoscience and Technology Laboratory How will the Earth and environmental sciences respond?

6 NanoGeoscience and Technology Laboratory

7 Nanoscience in everyday life

8 Quantum dots Alivisatos (1996) Science. CdS/CdSe 5 nm

9 Historical and Societal Aspects of Nanoscale Science and Technology

10 The Lycurgus Cup

11 There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom


13 Source: NSF 20 15 10 5 0 U.S. Budget (billions of $) 2000199019801970 Year Life SciencesPhysical Sciences

14 The Link Between Nanoscale Science, Technology, and a Vital Environmental Issue: Groundwater Pollution

15 The Scanning Tunneling Microscope 8 2.5 2 4 6 Pyrite (100) nm Fe Oxidized patches


17 NanoGeoscience and Technology Laboratory The Scale of the Earth Sciences Nano

18 Nanotechnology and the National Science Education Standards

19 Nano2Earth Curriculum Overview


21 Microbes, Minerals, and Water 03-17-01.asp proddrnk.htm

22 1. Introduction to nanotechnology 2. Introduction to groundwater pollution 3. Microbe-mineral interactions 4. Investigations of bacterial transport 5. Nanoforces in nature


24 Lesson 1: Introduction to Nanotechnology

25 NanoGeoscience and Technology Laboratory The Scale of the Earth Sciences Nano

26 Introduction to Nanotechnology Scaling Activity Answer Key

27 Lesson 2: Introduction to Water Pollution

28 Water Pollution Webquest Activity

29 Lesson 3: Microbe- Mineral Interactions: Using the Winogradsky Column to Demonstrate the Microbial Reduction of Iron 3+

30 Purpose of the activity The ecosystem will be used to Observe general visual changes that take place in the column Simulate eutrophication Observe effects of excess nutrients on the system and dissolved oxygen concentration Measure and follow changes in DO concentrations Relate changes in DO to water quality and microbial activity Observe changes in Fe 3+ to Fe 2+ when the column becomes anaerobic Relate mineral-microbial activity to water quality Connect nanotechnology to high school sciences

31 Procedure Day 1 1.Build column using plastic bottles, creek mud and water. 2. Measure the DO concentration. 3. Add sugar (+ nutrients) to the column. 4. Place column in indirect light or under grow lamp.

32 Day 2 1. Observe changes in the appearance of the column. 2. Measure the DO concentration. 3. Add pea sized amount of iron (III) chloride to the column. 4. Replace column in indirect light location.

33 Following Days Continue to make observations Continue to measure DO concentrations What changes will take place in the column? DO concentration drops dramatically (Column becomes anaerobic.) Water color changes from brownish to red/orange back to brownish (Fe 3+ -> Fe 2+ ) in column.

34 Examples of student results

35 Lesson 4: Investigation of Bacterial Transport in Groundwater

36 Introduction to Bacterial Transport Pathogenic microorganism is a leading cause of death in the world 10 million people die every year from waterborne diseases, such as Salmonella, Cholera, and E. Coli. One out of every six people lives without regular access to safe drinking water

37 Scenario

38 Column Experiments

39 Why does pH matter?

40 5. Nanoforces in Nature: Using Atomic Force Microscopy to Explore Mineral-Microbe Interactions mineral solution

41 Atomic Force Microscopy x,y,z piezo cantilever computer photodiode detector laser

42 A) B) C) D) E) F) G) Cantilever SampleTop of Scanner

43 Build an AFM in your classroom

44 Biological Force Microscopy Images by Steven Lower mineral solution

45 mineral bead with bacteria covering it cantilever



48 Evaluation scenarios

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