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Security Cooperation Workforce Training Update 19 September 2012 Dr. Mark Ahles The Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management Dean of Academic.

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Presentation on theme: "Security Cooperation Workforce Training Update 19 September 2012 Dr. Mark Ahles The Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management Dean of Academic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Security Cooperation Workforce Training Update 19 September 2012 Dr. Mark Ahles The Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management Dean of Academic Affairs/Deputy Commandant

2 DISAM’s Mission Statement The Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management provides professional education, research, and support to advance U.S. foreign policy through Security Assistance and Cooperation.

3 Presidential Direction: Ensure our troops have the training they need when they are deployed. Improve and measure the effectiveness of training investments. OMB High-Priority Performance Goals (HPPGs) – each Department directed to identify up to 12 HPPGs to increase government performance. DEPSECDEF identified 9 OSD 2011 strategic objectives as HPPGs to include 4.2T. DoD Strategic Objective 4.2T: Prepare the force to meet current and emerging challenges faced by operational commanders and reinvigorate the acquisition workforce and the security cooperation workforce. USD(P&R) USD(ATL) USD(P) Cumulative percent increase of incumbents that are trained in security cooperation in positions that require security cooperation training - By FY 2011 the DoD will increase the percent of incumbents that have been trained in security cooperation in positions that require security cooperation training to 95% percent. 2009: 55-60% 2010: 79.9% 2011: 98.3% Today 94.9% DEPSECDEF: 95% Trained SC Workforce (FY 2011 Goal)

4 SC Community  GCC & SCO: 2,469  CONUS Policy: 774  DSCA/OSD & JS/MILDEP HQs  DoD Agencies: 1094  Air Force CONUS: 3167  Army CONUS: 2017  Maritime  Navy: 2877, Marine: 341, Coast Guard: 17 Breakout of 11624 Positions in SCWD (Security Cooperation Workforce Database)

5 Student Throughput Trend Notes: Outreach contacts not included in student count. Current As Of: 30 Jan 12

6 DISAM Accomplishments Towards SC Training  What’s the impact:  In last 2 years we’ve handled approx 24.5% of entire student throughput of 34-year DISAM history  In last 10 years we’ve handled over half (56.8%) of entire student throughput of 34- year DISAM history  Not just more trained; more better trained (quality); feedback supports!

7 Education and Training Programs

8 LevelPositions DetailsTraining RequiredWebsite for Training 000Positions with no substantive SC/SA involvement.No Training RequiredNA 100 Positions needing only an awareness of basic SC terminology OR Senior commanders and staff indirectly responsible for SC supervision. 1-2 Hour SC Familiarization Or Contact DISAM for CD 200 Positions needing only a basic understanding of SC program terminology and processes OR Positions directly responsible for some aspects of SC, but for which extensive knowledge of SC programs is not required On-line SC Course (10-20 Hours) (plus International Programs Security Requirements Course (IPSRC)) (select “Distance Learning”) 300 Positions working SC programs directly involving the transfer of military articles, services, and training or supervising that work. Requires Introductory SC Course (CONUS SA Management, OCONUS SC Management, Executive, Training Officer, NG State Partnership Director, etc.) Resident Training Information (select “Course Catalog”) 400 Positions requiring advance understanding of SC/SA processes and policy. Requires Advanced SC Course (Case Management, Financial Management, Logistics Support, Advanced Training Management, etc.) Resident Training Information (select “Course Catalog”) Security Cooperation (SC) Training Levels and Training Availability

9 SC Management-Overseas (SCOs/GCC) 2/3 Week Course (2011) -- Legacy Curriculum --  Intro to SC  SCO Responsibilities  Embassy Country Team  Legislation  SC Planning (1.5 hours)  Technology Transfer  Acquisition  Armaments Cooperation  Int'l Programs Security  Capstone  Int'l Training  FMS Process  LOA Terms & Conditions  Logistics  Finance  End Use Monitoring  SCIP  FMS vice DCS  Resource Management

10 Student End of Course: Student Survey Metrics  FY09 Goal: 4.2 in each of three categories.  FY09 Averages:  Meeting Course Objectives: 4.444  Job Relevancy: 4.479  Quality of Instruction: 4.49  FY10 Goal: 4.2 in each of three categories.  FY10 Averages:  Meeting Course Objectives: 4.585  Job Relevancy: 4.6  Quality of Instruction: 4.592  FY11 Goal: 4.2 in each of three categories.  FY11 Averages:  Meeting Course Objectives: 4.48  Job Relevancy: 4.48  Quality of Instruction: 4.51

11 SCM-O 3/4 Week Course (2012) -- New Curriculum --  Baseline Exercise  Diplomatic Status  Diplomatic Attire  Protocol  Protocol Dining  ACSAs (expanded)  Actionable LORs  Pre-LOR Planning  SC Planning (expanded)  EDA and Drawdown  Pseudo-Case Process  Visitor Management  Dealing with Press  Ethics  Crisis Management  Combined Exercise Exec  Mil-to-Mil Event Exec  Humanitarian Assist /Disaster Relief

12 SCM-O New Curriculum -- Major Initiatives -- Consultations and Briefings  New DSCA requirement for graduation  Coordinated with DSCA/Strategy each class  “Brown bag” VTC with desk officers from…  DSCA  OSD  Joint Staff  MILDEPs

13 SCM-O New Curriculum -- Outside Speakers -- Legacy (5)  DIA/JMAS  DIILS  ALESA - Vendor Perspective  Veteran SCO Chief - SCO Perspective  Flag rank/SES - Exec Perspective New Additions (3)  State PM (VTC)  USSOCOM  DTRA/SALW (VTC)

14 On-Line SC Training SC Management - Familiarization  Target Audience  Non-SC Workforce  Week one SC employees  What is Security Cooperation?  Goals  Basic terminology  Who does what?  What can/can’t you do?  How does it fit into US plans?  1-3 Hours  Scenario based – “The boss wants me to get boats to Bandaria…” SC Management – Orientation Course  Target Audience  Tangential SC Workforce  Month one CONUS Workforce  Goals  Module one is SCM - Familiarization  SC literacy  Know the basic process, but not how to do it.  16-40 Hours  Currently content/module based – being rewritten in 2013 to more scenario based instruction. Enroll via DISAM Web Site Online Learning Link

15 Security Cooperation Officer OCONUS Management (SCM-O) (content includes SCWD Level 100 & 200 as part of course or as prerequisite) If needed: Program and Case Management (SCM-CM); Logistics Customer Support (SCM-CS); Advanced Training Workshop (SCM-AT) (needed Level 400 courses can be repeated every 3 - 5 years)

16 OCONUS Locally Employed Staff (previously known as FSNs) Orientation Course (SCM-OC) (content includes SCWD Level 100) OCONUS Locally Employed Staff (SCM-LO) (content includes SCWD Level 100 & 200 as part of course or as prerequisite) Program and Case Management (SCM-CM); Logistics Customer Support (SCM-CS); Advanced Training Workshop (SCM-AT) (needed Level 400 courses may be repeated every 3 - 5 years)

17 GCC, Component, JCS, OSD Desk/Action Officers Action Officer (SCM-AO) (content includes SCWD Level 100 & 200 as part of course or as prerequisite) Program and Case Management (SCM-CM); Logistics Customer Support (SCM-CS); Advanced Training Workshop (SCM-AT) (needed Level 400 courses may be repeated every 3 - 5 years) Familiarization Course (SCM-FA)

18 Initiatives for FY’s 12-13  SC Reform TF Recommendations  “Security Cooperation Community”  Center for SC Best Practices/Lessons Learned  Continued SCM-O (SCOs) transition thru FY12  SCM-AO (GCCs & Components) Course stand-up  Broader “Title 10” Course Implications  Academic Partnerships & Curriculum  Facility Addition/Renovation  Council on Occupational Education Accreditation Reaffirmation Visit (Date Pending: Mar 13)

19 Partnerships  Global Center for Security Cooperation  DAU (Kettering, Ft Belvoir, Huntsville, San Diego Campuses)  National Guard Bureau  Marine Corp Security Cooperation Group  Joint Military Attaché School  USAF Special Ops School  Air Education & Training Command/A4  Army G3/5  US Army War College  US Army Command & General Staff College

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