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Event Checklist Event: Assess Status of Tabb Lakes Neighborhood Qualifications: - At least one individual on team should be CERT trained. - Ability to.

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Presentation on theme: "Event Checklist Event: Assess Status of Tabb Lakes Neighborhood Qualifications: - At least one individual on team should be CERT trained. - Ability to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Event Checklist Event: Assess Status of Tabb Lakes Neighborhood Qualifications: - At least one individual on team should be CERT trained. - Ability to use hand held GRMS radio. - Ability to walk 3+ miles. Amateur radio operations (if required) Equipment: - CERT Field Operating Guide, GMRS radio, blank copies of assessment checklist, pen, clipboard, map of area, CERT vest and hard hat, sturdy boots and gloves, flashlight/spot light (night evaluation), water, cell phone or amateur radio (if required). Notes: - Teams consist of 2 to 3 members. Team members do not split up. - In most cases, assessment teams do not respond to events. Teams assess, record, notify CRC and continue with assessment process. - Team will notify CRC of any medical emergency but will continue with assessment process. CRC will send assistance and supplies along with contacting York County EOC of any medical emergency. - Gas leaks from broken pipe is extremely hazardous. Leave area immediately, notify CRC and prepare to evacuate area. - For moderate to severe damaged homes, CRC will send a separate team to access specific damage, check with neighbors and try to assess status of homeowners. Ver 6 (1 Aug 2008) Conditions: Hurricane has passed and significant damage is expected in the area. Tropical winds and rain have ceased. There is damage throughout the peninsula and surrounding areas. Phone lines and cell phones are not working, power is out, and numerous roads outside of Tabb Lakes are presumed blocked due to fallen trees/debris. Tabb Lakes emergency response team volunteers assemble at predetermined neighborhood Community Response Center (CRC) to determine overall damage in neighborhood and determine priority of response. Actions:  Community Response Center (CRC) personnel set up operations and communications at designated neighborhood location and begins coordinating neighborhood assessment process.  Volunteers note condition of neighborhood as they report to the CRC. CRC operations records and plots information.  CRC operations organize teams (2-3 individuals per team) to assess neighborhood.  Assessment team leader and members designated (assign a least one CERT trained member on each team).  CRC operations records names of team leader and members for accountability.  Review communications, designate frequencies, and conduct radio check between team and CRC. Conduct safety reminder.  Teams assigned sectors within Tabb Lakes.  Ensure teams have required minimum equipment.  Teams deploy and identify/record blocked roads, damaged / collapsed homes, fire and safety hazards (smell of gas), exposed yellow underground pipes, and possible medical emergencies (use neighborhood evaluation checklist).  First assessment process is a drive or walk of the neighborhood and a visual check, not door to door check.  Teams report any moderate or major home damage, gas leaks, road blockage and critical medical issues back to CRC via radio (use FOG criteria for moderate/major home damage determination).  Team members return to CRC upon completion of assessment of assigned area for accountability and provides information to CRC operations. Assess “health and welfare of team.  CRC operations records information, develops response plan, and notifies York County Emergency Response Center (EOC) of neighborhood damage. CRC operations prepare to brief arriving first responders. Note: Use 911 emergency number if available. Note: CRC sets up communications with York County EOC Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) prior to the hurricane arrival and maintains after the event. The initial assessment process is important and must be completed in a timely manor. Assessment teams do not stop to assist nor do team members separate. Contact CRC by radio regarding any critical information.

2 Event Checklist Event: Light Search and Rescue Qualifications: - Teams members must have CERT training in light search and rescue. - Amateur radio operations if required. - Be physically able to crawl through small areas, lift and maneuver cribbing material, and carry injured. Equipment: - Minimum: CERT vest, hard hat, Field Operating Guide, radio (w/extra batteries), sturdy clothing (boots and gloves), flashlight/spot light, whistle, bullhorn, water, N95 mask, gas shutoff wrench, grease pencil-marker, GMRS radio, spray paint. See S&R equipment checklist for additional equipment available. Amateur radio. Notes: - Teams consist of CERT trained members. Team members do not split up when conducting S&R. Conditions: Assessment team identifies damaged homes in Tabb Lakes. Teams must determine if anyone is trapped in the home and provide assistance. Actions:  Community Response Center (CRC) sends light search and rescue (S&R) team to location to determine damage and assess options.  CRC operations determines initial team size and equipment based on information from assessment team. Light search and rescue team will consist of CERT trained members.  CRC operations designates team leader. CRC personnel records team members names for accountability.  Review communications, designate frequencies, and conduct radio check between team and CRC. Conduct safety briefing.  Team leader conducts SIZEUP process (see CERT Field Operating Guide (FOG)).  Perform an exterior evaluation (6 sides). Check for utility problems/gas leak.  Determine extent of building damage using CERT FOG criteria.  Determine if anyone is home (voice, whistle, or use bull horn if necessary).  Check neighbors to see if anyone is expected to be home.  If no one is home, determine if gas, water or electricity should be turned off.  If someone is trapped in the structure, the Team Leader determines if team should enter building based on CERT FOG criteria to check for injured. Notify CRC of status.  Major structural damage: DO NOT ENTER. Notify CRC who will relay information to York County Emergency Operations Center (EOC).  Moderate/minor damage: Determine capability of team members. Set up outside control team and organize inside search teams. Ensure appropriate safety equipment is used. Use buddy system (2 or more per team) and search in predetermined pattern. Enter at designated entrance and mark house IAW CERT FOG. Conduct search of home systematically. DO not rush. Do not risk team members. Look for dangers (gas, electrical, more damage than anticipated).  Respond to any trapped individuals and/or medical injuries.  Team notifies CRC of progress/status of search.  CRC notifies York County EOC of damaged home and progress/status of S&R.  Team notifies CRC if further support personnel and/or equipment is needed.  Team marks front of home that search is complete IAW CERT FOG.  Team members return to CRC for debrief/accountability check. Note: Use 911 emergency number if available. Safety of team members is #1 priority. Do not conduct S&R if structure has major damage per CERT FOG guidelines. CRC will notify York County EOC and request assistance. Ver 6 (1 Aug 2008)

3 Event Checklist Event: Road Clearing Qualifications: - Ability to operate chain saw and hand saw safely. - Amateur radio operations (if required). - Physically able to lift/push heavy objects. - Ability to use hand held GRMS radio. Equipment: - See road clearing equipment checklist for available road clearing and safety supplies/equipment. Amateur radio. Notes: - Teams consist of minimum of 3 members. Team members do not split up. - Ensure safety equipment is utilized. Conditions: Assessment teams have identified areas where trees or debris have fallen and are blocking roads within Tabb Lakes. Emergency response vehicles cannot pass without stopping to clear the road. Actions:  CRC operations determines critically blocked roads and prioritizes effort.  CRC notifies York County Emergency Response Center (EOC) of status of roads in neighborhood.  CRC Chief/Ops Officer determines if appropriate volunteers are available to clear roads.  Assess volunteers physical capabilities and training.  Reviews availability of road clearing and safety equipment.  CRC designates Team Leader and team members (minimum of 3 per team). CRC records team members names for accountability.  Assign mission to clear roads in order of priority (ensure work is only to clear each road enough so emergency vehicles can pass through).  Review communications, designate frequencies, and conduct radio check between team and CRC. Conduct safety briefing.  Team leader coordinates with Logistics personnel and determines equipment needs from equipment list.  Insure safety equipment is on hand and utilized.  Logistics personnel monitor status of team and prepare to provide additional equipment/supplies.  Clearing Team begins to clear roads.  Team Leader determines equipment requirement and capabilities to clear each area.  Any additional equipment obtained from CRC.  All safety measures used. Area cordoned off. Face, head and hearing protections used, safety chaps and correct clothing.,  Team clears area. Marks dangerous areas with yellow caution tape.  Notify CRC of status as each road is cleared.  CRC stands by to provide additional equipment/personnel.  Team members return to CRC for debrief/accountability check. Note: Trees that are still in the road area or are a safety hazard will be marked with yellow tape. Ver 6 (1 Aug 2008)

4 Event Checklist Event: Natural Gas Leak Qualifications: - CERT trained. - Amateur radio operations (if required). - Ability to use hand held GRMS radio. - Ability to walk 3+ miles and carry backpack. Equipment: - Gas valve tool, CERT vest and hard hat, detailed map of area, CERT FOG, water. See Fire and Safety team equipment checklist for list of additional equipment. GNRS radio. Amateur radio (if required). Notes: Keep CRC notified of situation. Notify CRC of exposed yellow plastic service line. Conditions: Assessment teams or individual have identified area where a service gas line is ruptured. Actions:  Community Response Center (CRC) notifies York County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) of possible gas leak and location.  CRC operations designates Safety team leader and team members. CRC records team members for accountability.  Review communications, designate frequencies, and conduct radio check between team and CRC. Conduct safety briefing.  Safety team responds to location to determine extent of gas leak and assess options.  Team reports details of leak to CRC (do not use electrical devices/radios within a 300 foot radius of the gas leak).  CRC updated York County EOC on status of leak.  If a gas break is inside a house, evacuate the residence if anyone is home and leave the front door open to allow some ventilation.  Team members shut off gas line at outside valve of house and mark outside of house.  For exterior breaks, evacuation of the perimeter is a judgment call based on a function of wind speed and direction, and degree of gas pressure.  If County first responders have not arrived, team begins evacuating a perimeter distance of 300 foot radius (or at least 4 houses around the break). Mark roads with yellow tape.  Team leader determines houses to notify based on location of leak. Teams use script to provide uniform information (see gas line script).  Upon arrival of first responders or gas company representative, team leader provides report and plans to assist as needed in any evacuation of the area.  Team members return to CRC for debrief/accountability check. Note: Use 911 emergency number if available. Ensure team does not use radios or electrical items within 300 ft of leak. By federal law, only certified gas company or emergency personnel can locate, fix breaks, and shut off underground distribution valves. CERT members may turn off house gas valve. Once house gas valve is closed, only certified gas company personnel can turn it back on. Ver 6 (1 Aug 2008)

5 Event Checklist Event: Medical Response – Triage Qualifications: - Teams members must have some medical/CERT training (treat breathing, bleeding, shock). - Be physically able to lift and help move/carry injured people. Equipment: - Minimum: Medical equipment pack, TRIAGE recording kit, CERT vest, hard hat, Field Operating Guide, radios (w/extra batteries), sturdy clothing (boots and gloves), flashlight/spot light, whistle, bullhorn, water. See medical equipment checklist for additional equipment available. Amateur radio. Notes: Minimum of 3 people on team. Conditions: Serious damage has occurred in neighborhood. Numerous medical injuries reported. Medical team responds and conducts triage procedures and provides emergency medical support. Actions:  Community Response Center (CRC) notifies York County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) of initial medical emergency and location. Use 911 emergency number if available.  CRC sends Medical team to location to determine damage and assess options.  CRC operations determines initial team personnel based on medical experience and equipment requirements based on information from assessment team reports. Ensure team members have CERT/medical training. If large number of injured, plan to send a communication and logistics individual with team to assist in coordination.  CRC operations designates team leader. CRC personnel records team members names for accountability.  Review communications, designate frequencies, and conduct radio check between team and CRC. Conduct safety briefing.  Medical team arrived at location and assesses situation (number of potential victims).  Team leader updates CRC and identify additional resources (equipment and people).  Team leader selects medical operations area (free of hazards, large enough to work, access to transportation). Identify separate delayed, immediate and morgue areas. Notify CRC of location.  Leader assigns triage teams (maintain accountability). Teams perform assessment and document (green, yellow, red, black). Use START process. Report to team leader.  Leader assigns treatment teams. Teams treat in medical treatment area. (Open airway, control bleeding, treat for shock, control minor injuries).  Leader assigns scribe to record status of injured.  Prepare to re-triage once initial process is completed.  Notify CRC of patients status (as.  CRC notifies York County Emergency Operation Center (EOC) of status of medical emergency (situation, number of patients, injuries, location, team leader on site).  Depending on length of time for response by first responders and/or weather, prepare to set up long term (3 days) medical treatment area (garages/homes/etc…) in vicinity.  Prepare to set up morgue area (i.e. shed or enclosed area).  Record patient information.  Prepare to support medical team with additional manpower and supplies. Due to length of time involved, prepare to provide additional shifts of medical teams.  Medical team leader continues to update CRC of progress/status of patients.  CRC continues to update EOC of status.  Team leader notifies CRC if further support personnel and/or equipment is needed.  Team members return to CRC for debrief/accountability/welfare check. Note: Keep CRC informed of status of injuries and any changes. Ver 6 (1 Aug 2008)

6 Event Checklist Event: Provide Information to Neighborhood Training: - Ability to use hand held GRMS radio. - Ability to walk 3+ miles and carry backpack. Equipment: - Clip board, script, GRMS radio, batteries, pen, CERT vest and hard hat, detailed map of area, water. Notes: - Minimum of two people per team. Conditions: No electricity is expected in area for weeks. Information via FM/AM/TV is sporadic/limited due to regional damage and power outage. Cell and telephone service is not functioning. Emergency response support is limited. Additional County support is being organized to support the neighborhood but information is not getting out to the public. Actions:  Community Response Center (CRC) maintains emergency communications with York County Emergency Operations Center (EOC). CRC monitors local emergency radio stations.  CRC objective is to obtain and maintains information/status for the following items:  Condition of local roads (especially to local hospital) and evacuation routes.  Status of local hospitals.  Emergency medical treatment facilities/locations.  Drinking water conditions.  Estimated time to electrical/gas/telephone repairs and change to water condition.  Location of and status of current evacuation centers/shelters.  New evacuation centers; location and opening time.  Location of emergency food and water distribution centers.  Changes to emergency radio stations/frequencies.  Status of local stores (hours of operation).  Other critical information as determined (i.e. weather reports).  CRC operations records and updates information on display boards with date/time of information.  Display information board for teams and local residents.  Based on length of isolation and damage, CRC operations prepares to send information teams door to door to update neighborhood.  CRC operations completes script with information to provide to teams (see blank script).  CRC operations assembles information teams/team leaders. Teams are assigned areas in Tabb Lakes. CRC personnel records team members names for accountability.  Review communications, designate frequencies, and conduct radio check between teams and CRC. Conduct safety briefing.  Provide and review script material to information teams to insure standard information is provided.  Teams go door to door and provide information per script. Ensure neighbors are aware of CRC location and radio stations for updated information.  Teams conduct ongoing assessment of neighborhood in the process.  Teams members return to CRC for debrief/accountability check.  CRC records any additional assessment information. Note: Information teams work in pairs. Assess the status of the homeowner/neighborhood in the process of providing information. Ver 6 (1 Aug 2008)

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