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GEOGRAPHY. Study of the earth as the home of people(Yi-Fu Tuan, 1991) Study of variations in phenomena from place to place(Holt- Jensen, 1980) Definitions.

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Presentation on theme: "GEOGRAPHY. Study of the earth as the home of people(Yi-Fu Tuan, 1991) Study of variations in phenomena from place to place(Holt- Jensen, 1980) Definitions."— Presentation transcript:


2 Study of the earth as the home of people(Yi-Fu Tuan, 1991) Study of variations in phenomena from place to place(Holt- Jensen, 1980) Definitions

3 Physical Geography-study of physical features of the earth Human Geography-studies the man-made features of the earth Passive or static human geography-deals with the action of nature upon man Active or dynamic human geography-deals with reaction or action of man upon nature Types of Geography

4 Factors influence, determine and condition the distribution and activities of man Physical features Climate Vegetation Animal life

5 Evidences 1.Edge of shadow of the earth on the moon during eclipse. 2.Possibility of cirum-navigation. 3.The horizon appearing as a clear marked circle. Size and shape of the earth

6 Physical features of earth


8 Oblate spheroid or ellipsoid shape Polar radius-3950 miles, equatorial radius-3963 miles Diameter-7926 miles-equator, 7900 mile-poles Polar cirucumference-24,818 miles Equatorial circumference-24,860miles Physical features of earth

9 Rotation Revolution Movements of Earth

10 Formation of day and night Formation of sunset and sunrise Getting sense of time Moving body experiences coriolis force Caused bulge at equator flattened at poles Siderial day-earth takes 23 h, 56min, 4.09 sec for one rotation Effects of earth’s rotation

11 Unequal length of the day and night Formation of seasons Tropical year-earth takes 365d, 5h, 48min and 45 sec for one revolution around the sun Effects of earth’s revolution


13 Inner core-radius-1070km, solid, very dense, magnetized, rich in iron and nickel, 5000°C Outer core-4000°C, liquid –iron & nickel Mantle-2835km thick, 1500-3000°C, magnesium-iron silicates Crust-rigid, cold, thin-SIAL, SIMA STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH


15 Moho –boundary between the crust and the mantle Lithosphere-rigid layer of the crust and upper mantle Asthenosphere - sub region of the mantle extending about 250km below the lithosphere


17 Continental crustOceanic crust Average thickness-35kmAverage thickness-11km including overlying water Main rock type-graniteMain rock type-gabbro Density -2.8g/cm³Density-3.0g/cm³ Differences between continental crust and oceanic crust


19 Thank you

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