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OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting INCIDENT COMMAND STRUCTURE (ICS) For the district’s EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN, log on to: OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting
DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS “Overview of Teams” Incident Commander: has the responsibility and authority to direct ALL activity in the event of a disaster/emergency. Operations: has the primary responsibility for tactical operations involved in the disaster/emergency for protecting life and property. Logistics: is responsible for providing service and support, supplies, equipment, personnel and other resources. This function contains units such as communications, facilities, supplies and human resources. Finance & Administration: is responsible for monitoring costs, procurements, contracts and other financial and administrative considerations. Planning: is responsible for the collection, evaluation and dissemination of information related to the incident/emergency and for the preparation and documentation of action plans.
DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Incident Commander
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Incident Commander START UP ACTIONS ASSESS emergency. DETERMINE degree of threat to people/structure. INITIATE Emergency Preparedness Plan. DEVELOP plan of action. ASSIGN personnel as needed. OPERATIONAL DUTIES MONITOR the situation continuously. CHECK with emergency teams for periodic updates. REASSIGN personnel as needed. COMMUNICATE any revised action plans. AUTHORIZE release of information. PLAN regular breaks for all personnel. TAKE CARE of your caregivers. RELEASE employees as appropriate. CLOSING DOWN ANNOUNCE end of the emergency. DEACTIVATE emergency teams. PROCEED with recovery operations. ENSURE that all records, logs, reports, photographs, and other documents are completed and given to the Documentation Team. REMIND emergency teams to submit their hours to the Timekeeping Team.
Priority I: Life Safety
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Incident Commander Priority I: Life Safety Communications Network: Establish using available resources. Medical Aid: Evaluate services available and inform Search & Rescue Team. Fire Suppression: Evaluate fires/ fire hazards and use resources to control and evacuate. Search and Rescue: Activate Search & Rescue teams and acquire transportation vehicles and equipment required for specific emergency. Utilities Survey and Stabilization: Evaluate the condition of utilities and shutdown or restore as appropriate and able (i.e. gas, electricity, water, sewer). Hazardous Materials Control: Immediate responses—survey critical areas, evacuate and secure areas as needed. Identify hazards and contain materials as needed. Secondary responses—assess hazardous material spills and define procedures for cleanup. Campus Security: Maintain order and secure facilities.
Priority II: Life Support and Facilities Assessment
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Incident Commander Priority II: Life Support and Facilities Assessment Full Facilities Survey: Evaluate facilities for occupancy; identify and seal off contaminated areas. Shelter: Identify usable structures and organize personnel moves as needed. Food & Drinking Water: Identify supplies and establish distribution system. Sewer System: Evaluate sewer system and identify resources that can be used. Communications: Establish a communications system with the campus community and advise everyone on a regular basis regarding availability of basic services. Perishable Materials—Perishable & Temperature-Sensitive Substances: Identify items and locations, evaluate conditions. Make assessment for relocation. Psychological Assistance: Establish a system to deal with cases where counseling is needed.
Priority III: Restoration of Academic Program & General Operations
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Incident Commander Priority III: Restoration of Academic Program & General Operations Academic Survey: Contact academic departments and determine requirements to resume academic operations. Valuable Materials Survey: Identify, survey, and secure valuable materials (e.g. books, manuscripts, other unique resources) on campus. Records Survey: Identify, survey, and secure all campus records (e.g. operational and administrate records). Administrative Services Survey: Contact units and determine requirements to restore operations. Supplies and Equipment: Develop system to renew flow of supplies and equipment from outside sources.
DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Safety Officer
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Safety Officer START UP ACTIONS CHECK IN with Incident Commander for situation briefing. OBTAIN necessary equipment and supplies from Logistics. ARRANGE for the evacuation of persons with disabilities. OPERATIONAL DUTIES MONITOR drills, exercises, and emergency response activities for safety. IDENTIFY and MITIGATE hazards and unsafe situations. STOP or MODIFY all unsafe operations. ENSURE use of appropriate safety equipment. ANTICIPATE situations and problems before they occur. (i.e. aftershocks) UPDATE the Incident Commander of your status and activity and on any problem areas that now need or will require solutions. CLOSING DOWN At the Incident Commander’s direction, DEACTIVATE functions. RETURN equipment and supplies to Logistics. TURN IN your hours to the Timekeeping Team.
DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Public Information Officer
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Public Information Officer OPERATIONAL DUTIES STAY updated on the situation. ENSURE statements are approved by the Incident Commander and include information on: -Cause & time of emergency -Size & scope of emergency -Current situation -- condition of site, evacuation -Progress, care being given, and injuries. DO NOT RELEASE any names. REMIND staff to refer all questions from media or community members to the PIO. UPDATE information periodically with Incident Command Post. MONITOR news broadcasts about the situation. CORRECT any misinformation. START UP ACTIONS IDENTIFY a “news center” site (located away from Incident Command Post and First Aid areas). CHECK IN with Incident Commander for a situation briefing. CLOSING DOWN At the Incident Commander’s direction, DEACTIVATE functions. RETURN equipment and supplies to Logistics. TURN IN your hours to the Timekeeping Team.
DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Operations Team
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Operations Team CLOSING DOWN At the Incident Commander’s direction, RELEASE Operations staff no longer needed and DEACTIVATE the section. RETURN equipment and supplies to Logistics. TURN IN your hours to the Timekeeping Team. START UP ACTIONS CHECK IN with Incident Commander for situation briefing. OBTAIN necessary equipment and supplies from Logistics. OPERATIONAL DUTIES BRIEF emergency teams on the situation and SUPERVISE their activities. NOTIFY Logistics if additional supplies or staff is needed for the Operations Team. When additional staff arrives, BRIEF them and ASSIGN as needed. UPDATE Incident Commander about information received from Operations Team. ENSURE the Operations Team is following standard procedures, utilizing appropriate safety gear, and documenting their activities. SCHEDULE breaks and REASSIGN Operations staff within the section as needed.
DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS First Aid Team
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS First Aid Team START UP ACTIONS OBTAIN first aid supplies and equipment from storage. CHECK IN with the Logistics Chief for situation briefing. SET UP station in a large safe place with a “triage entry” area, “immediate” and “delayed” treatment areas, and a morgue area in a cool, isolated location. OBTAIN the employee emergency medical information file. OPERATIONAL DUTIES IDENTIFY and TAG victims as “immediate” (red), “delayed” (yellow), or “dead” (green) and move to designated areas. ADMINISTER appropriate first aid to victims. KEEP accurate and complete logs, recording victims’ names and the treatment. NOTIFY the Logistics Chief if additional help is required. MONITOR victims at regular intervals and make entries into the logs. REPORT any deaths to the Logistics Chief. On the 2-way radio, DO NOT USE names. When emergency transport arrives, RECORD a final assessment. DO NOT FORWARD the medical logs. CLOSING DOWN TURN OVER all medical logs to the Documentation Team. RETURN all first aid supplies and equipment to storage. TURN IN your hours to the Timekeeping Team.
DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Security/ Utilities
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Security/ Utilities START UP ACTIONS OBTAIN all necessary equipment from storage (yellow security tape, warning signs, hard hats, gloves, flashlights, etc.). CHECK IN with the Operations Chief for a situation briefing. OPERATIONAL DUTIES SECURE all major external doors and gates and continually monitor them, admitting only individuals authorized by the Incident Command Post. ENSURE that evacuated persons remain away from the building. CORDON OFF damaged, contaminated, or otherwise hazardous areas with security tape, POST warning signs, and that MNITOR these areas constantly as they remain in a dangerous condition. REPORT any security violations or other problems to the Operations Chief. CLOSING DOWN RETURN all equipment to storage. TURN IN your hours to the Timekeeping Team.
DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Search & Rescue Team
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Search & Rescue Team START UP ACTIONS OBTAIN all necessary equipment from storage (crowbar, hard hats, gloves, flashlights, etc.). CHECK IN with the Operations Chief for a situation briefing. OPERATIONAL DUTIES CHECK IN with the Incident Command Post for reports detailing the locations of individuals left in the building and the structural condition. When entry is safe, SEARCH visually and vocally the assigned areas using an orderly pattern. Use chalk or a grease pencil to mark a slash on the door or entry wall when entering a room or work area; when leaving, mark another slash to form an “X” to indicate that the location has been searched. Report progress by radio to the Operations Chief. When injured or trapped persons are located, TRANSMIT the location, numbers of persons found, and condition of these persons to the Operations Chief. Do not use names and keep communications brief. PERFORM first aid and/or CPR on the spot, if warranted by the condition of the injured persons. REMOVE debris and fallen objects to free any trapped persons. UTILIZE rescue procedures to remove the persons from the building and deliver them to the First Aid Team.
DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Search & Rescue Team
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Search & Rescue Team CLOSING DOWN RECORD the exact location where persons were found and give this information to the Documentation Team so that it can be entered on the site map and preserved as a legal document. RETURN all equipment to the storage container or facility. TURN IN your hours to the Timekeeping Team.
DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Logistics
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Logistics START UP ACTIONS CHECK IN with Incident Commander for situation briefing. OPEN supplies container or other storage facility. BEGIN distribution of supplies and equipment as needed. ENSURE that the Incident Command Post and other facilities are set up as needed. OPERATIONAL DUTIES BRIEF emergency teams on the situation and supervise their activities. COORDINATE supplies, equipment, and personnel needs with the Incident Command Post. MAINTAIN security of Incident Commander supplies and equipment. CLOSING DOWN At the Incident Commander’s direction, DEACTIVATE the section. CLOSE OUT all reports and forward them to the Documentation Team. SECURE all equipment and supplies. TURN IN your hours to the Timekeeping Team.
DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Food & Water Supply
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Food & Water Supply START UP ACTIONS CHECK IN with Logistics Chief for situation briefing. OPEN supply containers and storage facilities. BEGIN distribution of food, water, and supplies as directed by the Incident Command Post. OPERATIONAL DUTIES MAINTAIN security of supply containers and storage facilities. DISTRIBUTE food, water, and supplies as needed. ASSIST employees in locating appropriate supplies. SET UP a feeding area and sanitation facilities, if needed. CLOSING DOWN RECEIVE all equipment and unused supplies as they are returned. SECURE all equipment and supplies in the supply containers and storage facilities. At the Logistics Chief’s direction, CLOSE OUT all reports and turn them in to the Documentation Team. TURN IN your hours to the Timekeeping Team.
DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Staffing & Deployment
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Staffing & Deployment CLOSING DOWN SIGN OUT personnel on the special assignment list. CLOSE OUT and FORWARD it to the Documentation Team. RETURN all equipment and supplies. TURN IN your hours to the Timekeeping Team. OPERATIONAL DUTIES DEPLOY personnel as requested by the Incident Command Post and ask them to sign in on the special assignment list. LOG all assignments and actions taken. ANALYZE incident(s) for human resources needs. DECIDE on the best procedure for shift assignments for all campus staff. AUTHORIZE call-back procedure. SCHEDULE times to relieve crews on duty. ARRANGE for feeding and rest periods of staff on duty. DOCUMENT all injuries and care of staff and volunteers. DOCUMENT; INVESTIGATE any personnel problems that may occur. DETERMINE any outstanding family needs of staff. COORDINATE record-keeping efforts with the Timekeeping Team. START UP ACTIONS RECEIVE roll call reports from departments. CHECK IN with Logistics Chief for situation briefing. LIST personnel who are awaiting assignment.
DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Internal Communications
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Internal Communications OPERATIONAL DUTIES RECEIVE and RECORD all communications from the Incident Command Post. At the direction of the IC Post, PROVIDE status reports to staff. USE runners to deliver messages to the Incident Commander and Planning/ Intelligence Chief. MAINTAIN a log of all communications, showing date, time, originator, and recipient. FOLLOW communications protocol. DIRECT the media and the public to the Public Information Officer. MONITOR AM/FM radio for local emergency news. START UP ACTIONS SET UP Communications station in a quiet location with access to the Incident Command Post. TURN ON radios and tune them to local AM/FM stations. CLOSING DOWN CLOSE OUT the log of communications and turn it over to the Documentation Team. RETURN all equipment and unused supplies to Logistics. TURN IN your hours to the Timekeeping Team.
DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Admin Finance Chief
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Admin Finance Chief START UP ACTIONS CHECK IN with Incident Commander for situation briefing. LOCATE and SET UP work space. OPERATIONAL DUTIES MAINTAIN financial records. INITIATE a record-keeping system for all expenditures. COLLECT cost estimates of damage to facilities; obtain photographs, videotape, etc. COORDINATE with campus departments for security of records in the event of campus evacuation or closure. MAKE provisions for security and availability of on-campus funds. ENSURE that all services utilizing private vendors or contractors are documented utilizing accurate records of equipment and personnel time. PROVIDE Incident Commander with input on cost-related information. DEVELOP periodic disaster/event-related cost reports. KEEP logs of records of calls, assignments and actions. TRACK and RECORD staff hours.
DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Admin Finance Chief
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Admin Finance Chief CLOSING DOWN At the Incident Commander’s direction, DEACTIVATE the section and close out all logs. VERIFY that closing tasks of all Finance/Administration positions have been accomplished. SECURE all documents and records. TURN IN your hours to the Timekeeping Team.
DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Timekeeping Team
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Timekeeping Team START UP ACTIONS CHECK IN with the Finance/ Administration Chief for situation briefing. LOCATE and SET UP work space. OPERATIONAL DUTIES MEET with Finance/ Administration Chief to determine process for tracking regular and overtime staff. ENSURE that accurate time logs are kept on all staff members, indicating the hours they worked on disaster preparation and response. If personnel not normally assigned to the site are working, be sure that records of their hours are kept. COORDINATE record-keeping efforts with the Staffing Deployment Team. CLOSING DOWN ENTER data into the timekeeping logs as emergency teams are deactivated and team members sign out. COLLECT any other records and information which relate to personnel timekeeping. CLOSE OUT and SECURE all logs and records.
DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Purchasing
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Purchasing START UP ACTIONS CHECK IN with Finance/Administration Chief for situation briefing. LOCATE and SET UP work space. COLLECT records and information which relate to purchasing. OPERATIONAL DUTIES MEET with Finance/ Administration Chief to determine process for tracking purchases. MAKE any purchases which have been approved by the Incident Command Post. CLOSING DOWN CLOSE OUT and SECURE all purchasing records. TURN IN your hours to the Timekeeping Team.
DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Planning/ Intelligence Chief
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Planning/ Intelligence Chief OPERATIONAL DUTIES MAINTAIN accurate records and site map. DEVELOP a situation analysis system by organizing reports of types and locations of damage and hazard areas provided by field personnel. COORDINATE with Academic Affairs regarding classroom damage, injuries, hazardous areas, etc. DEVELOP a recovery plan. ASSIST the Incident Commander in developing protective actions. BRIEF emergency teams on the situation and supervise their activities. PROVIDE ongoing analysis of situation. KEEP records/logs of calls, assignments, actions, and reports regarding injuries, casualties, etc., from First Aid and Search & Rescue. CLOSING DOWN At the Incident Commander’s direction, DEACTIVATE the section and close out all logs. RETURN equipment and supplies to Logistics. TURN IN your hours to the Timekeeping Team. START UP ACTIONS CHECK IN with the Incident Commander for situation briefing. OBTAIN necessary equipment and supplies from Logistics.
DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Documentation Team
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Documentation Team START UP ACTIONS CHECK IN with the Planning/Intelligence Chief for a situation briefing. SET UP your workstation and review your position responsibilities. ESTABLISH and MAINTAIN a position log chronologically detailing actions taken during your shift. OBTAIN necessary equipment and supplies from Logistics. OPERATIONAL DUTIES ESTABLISH contact with Safety Officer, Logistics and Operations Section Chiefs, and Medical Unit Leader. DOCUMENT alleged claims issued by employees and non-employees. Include injury related claims and non-injury related (property) claims occurring during the incident and response. NOTIFY insurance carriers as appropriate. INVESTIGATE all injury and damage claims as soon as possible. USE photograph or video documentation as appropriate. OBTAIN statements as quickly as possible from claimants and witnesses. KEEP the Finance Section Chief briefed on unit status and activity. KEEP all documentation current. COORDINATE claims and activities with appropriate Campus departments for follow-up necessary after demobilization. PREPARE a summary of all claims reported during the incident.
DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Documentation Team
OEC- Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Meeting DUTIES of the ICS TEAMS Documentation Team CLOSING DOWN COLLECT all remaining documents from other teams as they are deactivated. RETURN all equipment and unused supplies to Logistics. Sign out with the Timekeeping Team TURN IN your hours to the Timekeeping Team.
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