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2014-2015.  Academic Programs  Associate Dean Lynn Hepner, (407) 823-2251  All Graduate Issues  Assistant Director, Graduate Academic.

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Presentation on theme: "2014-2015.  Academic Programs  Associate Dean Lynn Hepner, (407) 823-2251  All Graduate Issues  Assistant Director, Graduate Academic."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014-2015

2  Academic Programs  Associate Dean Lynn Hepner, (407) 823-2251  All Graduate Issues  Assistant Director, Graduate Academic Programs Trisha Farmer, (407) 823-4239

3  Course Approval Process  Course Action Request & Special Topics  Materials & Supplies Fee  Equipment Fees  Curriculum (Program) Process  Program Recommendations  Catalog Updates  Awards  Summary and Questions

4  Lynn Hepner, Chair – CAH Dean’s Office  Terry Thaxton– English  Peter Larson – History  Gergana Vitanova – Modern Languages and Literatures  Scott Warfield – School of Performing Arts  Steve Fiore – Philosophy  Phil Peters – School of Visual Arts and Design  Elizabeth Wardle – Writing and Rhetoric

5 Faculty & Chair (Department) CAH GS&R Committee (College) Graduate Council Curriculum Committee (University) Tallahassee (State) Once the department has filled out the correct paperwork with the chair’s signature, submit hard copy to Trisha Farmer at CAH and electronic copy to Trisha will look over the paperwork and contact the department if more information is needed. Agendas and materials are sent to the GS&R committee a week in advance. After the committee meeting, if an item is approved, Trisha sends materials to the College of Graduate Studies, Graduate Council area. Materials may also be approved in UC 2 (formally 4D). The Graduate Council, Curriculum Committee will review items and, if approved, send them to Tallahassee for final state approval.

6  Course Action Request (CAR) and Special Topics (ST) forms  Completing the forms  CAR: 5XXX, 6XXX, or 7XXX  ST: 5937, 6938, or 7939  Required documents – electronic syllabus and emails (if applicable)  UC 2 requirements for syllabi Texts/Readings Objectives/Outcomes Topics  Common errors  GS&R Committee Review - Continuous  Grad Council Review - Continuous  Online location, and  CAH Grad site,








14  Split-Level Class Action Request Form  Additional Form First line on GS Split Level form “The Graduate Council Curriculum Committee discourages the establishment of split-level classes.”  Only for 4000 and 5000 level courses but at the same time with same instructor  Must provide difference between both levels: The more specific the better!  4000-level syllabus and CAR must go through the CAH undergraduate curriculum committee at the same time  Items needed: CAR Split Level Form 5000-level syllabus 4000-level syllabus


16  Materials & Supplies Fee Request  Specific to a course  Fee limit: $70.00  Completing the form – itemizing  Deadline for GS&R review and approval is in October  Online location, and  CAH Grad site,




20  Equipment Fee Request  Applies to all students in a program  For equipment (purchase, maintenance, and/or repair)  Fee limit Full-time: $90 Part-time: $45  Reviewed by GS&R in October  Online location, and  CAH Grad site,



23  Program Recommendation form  Catalog mark-up & supporting documents  Deadline - typically mid January 2015 NOTE: Due to the complex nature of Program Recommendation Forms, it is advised that programs have them complete and turned into the GS&R Committee by the end of the Fall semester. Online location, and CAH Grad site,










33  Can only make program changes in the catalog after going through the committees  Next graduate catalog update: Spring 2015  Edits are done online through the Content Management System (CMS)  CMS will come online at the end of Fall 2014  Edits can start as soon as CMS is up and running  Once you approve of edits in the system, they go to college level approval (Trisha) and then to university level approval (College of Graduate Studies)  Graduate Studies training in Fall 2014

34  Student Awards  Outstanding Dissertation  Outstanding Master’s Thesis  Award for Excellence by a Graduate Teaching Assistant  Award for Excellence by a Graduate Student Teaching  Must have completed thesis/dissertation or taught in Spring 2014, Summer 2014, or Fall 2014  Excellence in Research  Deadline – Mid January, 2015

35  Course Approval Process  CARs and STs  M&S Fees  First Submission Deadline: Thursday, September 18 5PM to Trisha Farmer: Send to  Program Recommendation Form Process  Annual Catalog Edits  Website (  Handouts  Questions?  Trisha Farmer, CAH 190F,, (407) 823-4239

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