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Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 presentation for Athletic Directors CAAD Conference March 2011 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 presentation for Athletic Directors CAAD Conference March 2011 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 presentation for Athletic Directors CAAD Conference March 2011 1

2 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 Topics Review of rules regarding determining academic eligibility Eight Semester Rule Transfers from non-CIAC member school to a CIAC member school Review of when a transfer notification form is required Review of when an athlete can play with or for a team from another school 2

3 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 Topics Start and end of the season for student-athletes Review of “non-school team” rules Out of season camps – what is the coach allowed to do? Out of season park & recreation and open gym programs Out of season coaching regulation 3

4 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 When Is Academic Eligibility Determined? Fall sports – final grades from previous school year Summer school grades Other seasons – when report cards are distributed or the fourteenth day after the marking period ends Incompletes – 10 school day rule Student-Athletes with a IEP or 504 Plan Snow days implications Quarter grades/semester grades Block scheduling 4

5 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 Eight Semester Rule The eight semester rule is an academic rule that places the emphasis on the student graduating in four years Affecting all students who entered grade 9 in Sept. 2006 and after (8) consecutive semesters or four (4) consecutive years of eligibility Not eligible or elect to not participate - no fifth year of eligibility 5

6 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 Eight Semester Rule Appeals Stress what occurred in the student’s life that caused the student to repeat a year The situation must be unforeseen, unavoidable or unusual and beyond the control of the individual Academic records must be provided and documentation on intervention by the school to help the student meet academic requirements 6

7 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 Eight Semester Rule Appeals (cont.) Documentation in support of the appeal and the unusual circumstances much be presented by the school and/or family Medical documentation to support the waiver request The school must be represented at the appeals hearing Injuries sustained in playing a sport are not grounds for an appeal 7

8 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 Eight Semester Rule advice Be sure parents and athletes are aware of the rules Be sure guidance and special education are aware of the rule and the impact of retention or lack of academic performance If a parent requests the school appeal on their behalf, please be sure you have all of the facts and documentation prior to submitting a formal appeal to CIAC If you a have a valid case do not wait to submit the school’s request for a waiver 8

9 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 Transfers (10,11,12) From Non-Ciac member Schools How long did the student attend school? Is the student otherwise eligible? Did the student repeat a grade? 9

10 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 Transfer Notification Form Must be initiated by receiving school online when the student is NOT immediately eligible by rule Notification Purpose – to insure that transfer was not for athletic reasons To reduce wait period from 365 to 50% of varsity schedule in the sport Example – The student played the sport(s) in present or preceding season in grades 10, 11, or 12 and did not move to a new school district or service area – Westhill to Trinity Catholic 10

11 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 Transfer Notification Form Call CIAC if uncertain as to eligibility status of transfer students or to determine if the transfer notification form is required Notification form not required when…  9th grade transfers  Transfers that move to a new school district with parent or guardian  Student has not played the sport in grades 10, 11, 12 11

12 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 Rules that allow an athlete to play with or for another school School choice rules Special Education placements or alternative education Teams of one Cooperative team programs Most asked question: Schools with Athletic Program – but not all sports 12

13 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 What is the “official” CIAC season? The official start of the season The official end of the season  If on or off a tournament roster  If team does not qualify for the tournament  Practices after the regular season if not in a tournament 13

14 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 “Non-school team” Rule Common misconceptions Season – when / length Number of teams allowed Team vs. individual contact Requirement of school to maintain information and make it available if requested 14

15 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 “Out of Season” sports camps No school uniforms or equipment identifying the school May not be organized, supervised, or operated by the school Booster clubs  Funds maintained within the school  Funds independent of the school Schools or coaches may not finance camp expenses When a coach may be involved:  Maximum contact period – 10 days  May not coach team as an exclusive team unit  May not exceed 10% of the camp membership 15

16 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 “Out of Season” parks and recreation Coach must be a bona fide Parks and Recreation employee  Minimum annual salary of $2,000  Program must not include skills teaching  Coaching prohibition  Open registration to all of an age group in the community  Registration fee required 16

17 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 Open Gym May not be for a select group of students Coaching, instructing of skills or strategies not permitted No more than 50% of participants may be from a team in the sport being offered 17

18 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 What a school/coach can and can’t do with students not on an eligibility list During the summer During the school year Status on a “non-school team” when the high school coach is involved Lessons Conditioning 18

19 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 What a school/coach can do “Out of Season” Coach son/daughter Non-school team (chart) Bona fide employee Summer camp – 10% Conditioning programs Open gym – 50% rule – no instruction 19

20 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 What a school/coach can’t do “Out of Season” Coach or instruct his/her athletes Organize, operate, supervise practices/contests Organize fundraising for out of season programs Give lessons to team members Issue equipment other than safety gear Organize captains practice 20

21 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 Questions for the coach What a coach should ASK themselves: Am I at any time in contact with any of my member school athletes for the purpose of coaching or instructing them during the out of season? Am I observing and offering suggestions to my member school athletes during out of season league contests? Am I organizing or collecting money for my member school athletes for out of season leagues? 21

22 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 Questions for the coach What a coach should ASK themselves: Am I issuing non-safety equipment or arranging the use of school facilities for my member school athletes for out of season activities? Am I doing anything to enhance my program and gain an unfair advantage during the out of season? If you answer YES to any of these questions you are most likely violating a CIAC Regulation. 22

23 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 Information Items  Sanctioning procedures  NFHS – Equipment, facilities, uniform and rule changes by sport*  Communication protocol to follow when there is a dispute with officials  Background checks for officials  Grants program for officials groups  Cooperative team regulations  Changes in CIAC by-laws being considered  Track entries  Middle school athletic guidelines  Authority of the athletic trainer at events 23

24 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 Sanctioning 2 Teams from different states complete out of state game form - online eligibility center Borderline State 3 or more states – if you are hosting, submit form via fax to CIAC Other state associations approve it CIAC approves other states’ formsNational Go on the NFHS website and register as event manager. A PowerPoint presentation will guide you through the process. 24

25 Athletic Directors Workshop March 2011 presentation for Athletic Directors CAAD Conference March 2011 25

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