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Environment of Care Page 1 of 51 ENVIRONMENT OF CARE Environment of Care Department Detroit Medical Center© Revised: January, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Environment of Care Page 1 of 51 ENVIRONMENT OF CARE Environment of Care Department Detroit Medical Center© Revised: January, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environment of Care Page 1 of 51 ENVIRONMENT OF CARE Environment of Care Department Detroit Medical Center© Revised: January, 2009

2 Environment of Care Page 2 of 51 The goal of the Environment of Care Program is to provide a safe, functional, and effective environment for patients, staff and visitors. We accomplish this goal through activities that: Reduce and control the environmental hazards and risks Prevent accidents and injuries Maintain safe conditions for patients, staff, and visitors ENVIRONMENT OF CARE

3 Environment of Care Page 3 of 51 Each facility has written plans and programs to design, implement, assess, evaluate and improve these areas. Each plan outlines activities that will reduce hazards in the workplace. ENVIRONMENT OF CARE There are 7 areas included under the Environment of Care: Fire Safety Safety Utility Systems Medical Equipment Security Hazardous Materials Emergency Management

4 Environment of Care Page 4 of 51 The Environment of Care Committee is made up of employees like you. This group monitors seven environment of care programs and their impact on the health and safety of our patients, employees, visitors and the environment. ENVIRONMENT OF CARE COMMITTEE

5 Environment of Care Page 5 of 51 Each hospital has an assigned Safety Officer. The Safety Officer is available to answer safety questions, provide training on safety topics and follow-up on safety issues impacting you in the workplace. Safety Officers serve as resources during facility audits and inspections. SAFETY OFFICERSHOSPITALS/CONTACT NUMBERS Jerry CollinsDRH – 313.745.4346 pager - 5071 Lynnelle DavisHUH/HWH/Old Hutzel – 313.966.7838 pager - 92752 Nancy HuntDMC Surgery Hospital – 248.733.2422 pager - 9344 Ann WardSGH – 313.966.1995 pager - 95119 Thomas GriffinRIM – 313.745.2247 pager - 94263 Jim WilliamsHVSH – 248.937.3334 pager - 248.527.8611 Sal CataneseCHM – 313. 745.7715 pager - 6844 Sheila FinchDMC Corporate – 313.745.8223 pager - 95926 DMC Compliance Hotline1.888.484.9200 SAFETY OFFICERS

6 Environment of Care Page 6 of 51 You have the right to a safe work place! Here are some things you can do to keep your work environment safe: Know your job Remain alert; don’t take shortcuts Learn and follow safety rules, policies and procedures Attend safety training programs Participate in all fire and emergency drills SAFETY MANAGEMENT

7 Environment of Care Page 7 of 51 HAZARD SURVEILLANCE HAZARD REPORTING You can also keep your workplace safe by reducing safety hazards in your area! HAZARD DETECTION REMEMBER TO: Keep your area clean and hazard-free Be on the look out for hazards such as faulty equipment Report any safety hazards immediately SAFETY MANAGEMENT

8 Environment of Care Page 8 of 51 Promptly report all incidents including near misses via the web based reporting system. Notify your unit manager or hospital administration of any unsafe conditions, practices, hazards or injuries. INCIDENT REPORTING

9 Environment of Care Page 9 of 51 Patients have rights too! Make our patients’ visits to DMC facilities safe by: Helping to prevent slips, trips and falls Guarding against burns Lifting and moving patients safely Protecting patient’s rights Reporting all incidents immediately PATIENT SAFETY

10 Environment of Care Page 10 of 51 RESTRICTED Wear your ID badge at all times Do not allow people in areas where they DO NOT belong Call Security immediately if you need help Park in assigned areas SECURITY MANAGEMENT

11 Environment of Care Page 11 of 51 What is Safe Haven? The Safe Delivery of Newborn law was introduced to end the tragedy of unwanted newborns being hidden and left to die. This law allows a parent to surrender their newborn (less than 72 hours old) in a safe and anonymous manner. Safe Haven is a term used to describe our response to a newborn surrendered at a DMC hospital. SAFE HAVEN

12 Environment of Care Page 12 of 51 DMC employees can accept a surrendered baby from anywhere inside the hospital. Confidentiality must be maintained at ALL times. What should I do if I am handed a baby: You must confirm that the parent is surrendering their infant to you Contact security who will escort you and the baby to the Emergency Department Once infant is received, the child cannot be returned to the parent, either by request or with a change of mind The parent will be given a pamphlet on “Surrendering Parent Rights” SAFE HAVEN

13 Environment of Care Page 13 of 51 You have a “Right-To-Know” about hazardous chemicals in your workplace! Follow the DMC policies and procedures when working with hazardous materials: Review all policies and procedures before handling materials Locate emergency numbers and equipment Request a copy of a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) if you have questions on the hazardous chemicals in your area Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Do not eat or drink while handling chemicals or blood/body fluids HAZARDOUS MATERIALS & WASTE MANAGEMENT

14 Environment of Care Page 14 of 51 Material Safety Data Sheet(s) (MSDS): MSDS is your guide to chemical safety. It is where you find information on hazardous chemicals. The MSDS contains basic information on chemicals such as: Chemical identification Hazardous components Fire and explosive data Health hazards Spill response HAZARDOUS MATERIALS & WASTE MANAGEMENT MSDS

15 Environment of Care Page 15 of 51 Obtain a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) by calling Poison Control at: * Huron Valley-Sinai employees contact the Laboratory at - 248.937.3334 9.1.800.222.1222* You must: Identify yourself as a DMC employee Provide the name of the chemical and your fax number HAZARDOUS MATERIALS & WASTE MANAGEMENT

16 Environment of Care Page 16 of 51 PPE provides protection from the hazards you may encounter on your job. Not all PPE are the same! It is important that you always wear the correct personal protective equipment (PPE) for the job. Goggles Gloves Boots Respirators Face Shields Aprons/Gowns Suits Masks PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE)

17 Environment of Care Page 17 of 51 We are committed to: The prevention of pollution Compliance with environmental regulations and other requirements Continuous improvement THINK GREEN Environmental Hotline 1-888-484-9200 THINK CLEAN The Detroit Medical Center is dedicated to the health and safety of its patients, employees, customers, community and environment. DMC ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT

18 Environment of Care Page 18 of 51 ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EMS) OVERVIEW In 2001, the Detroit Medical Center implemented an Environmental Management System (EMS) that supports its commitment to the environment. Our goal is to identify and proactively address all relevant environmental aspects and impacts associated with our operations. In December 2001 the DMC successfully completed the registration process for ISO 14001, becoming the first healthcare system in the nation to achieve that distinction.

19 Environment of Care Page 19 of 51 The Detroit Medical Center regularly reviews its processes for regulatory and EMS compliance and conformance. We also seek opportunities to reduce, recycle, and replace hazardous materials used in our workplace by providing awareness training for our employees. Examples of this activity include: Reducing the quantities of hazardous chemicals ordered, thus minimizing on-site storage and reducing the risk of spills Recycling items like paper, toner cartridges, cans, batteries and fluorescent bulbs Replacing or substituting hazardous materials with a less hazardous material. Reduce mercury usage in our facilities by using mercury-free alternative products ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EMS)

20 Environment of Care Page 20 of 51 As part of the DMC commitment, each hospital has identified activities that affect the environment and ranked their significance These activities are called Environmental Aspects These activities can range from recycling items like batteries and toner, to correctly handling and disposing of hazardous waste Each department has environmental aspects ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS

21 Environment of Care Page 21 of 51 Significant Environmental Aspects (SEAs) are those things that have a major impact on the environment Examples of SEAs include: - Medical waste - Radioactive materials - Hazardous chemicals SEAs are found in many areas of the hospital, including: - Laboratory - Radiology - Pharmacy - Maintenance Shops - Patient Care Units SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS

22 Environment of Care Page 22 of 51 Once identified, departments must complete documents that outline how SEAs are managed in their area and in some cases, how these levels can be reduced Managers will verify that required procedures, protocols, records and staff training are implemented How do you decide if an environmental aspect is significant? SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Regulated Environmental Aspects that impact air, land, water, human health, generate waste, use raw materials or natural resources may be considered significant:

23 Environment of Care Page 23 of 51 Objectives and targets are performance improvement initiatives. The DMC has identified three performance improvement initiatives for the EMS program: Reducing costs related to medical waste by 5% in 2009 through proper disposal practices Increasing recyclable items in 2009 Reducing costs related to chemotherapy waste by 5% in 2009 through proper disposal practices ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS

24 Environment of Care Page 24 of 51 Must have measurable goals Progress is tracked to measure our success and identify opportunities for improvement ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES & TARGETS

25 Environment of Care Page 25 of 51 You are responsible for following established protocols to protect yourself, co-workers, patients/visitors and the environment Your manager is responsible for developing department specific procedures and conducting training Your hospital Safety Officer is responsible for leading the implementation at your facility Contact the DMC Compliance Hotline at: 1-888-484-9200 to report environmental issues or concerns EMS RESPONSIBILITIES

26 Environment of Care Page 26 of 51 Our environmental and quality management systems are periodically audited for conformance and compliance by a trained team of auditors. Auditors review: Policies, procedures and protocols Maintenance records and logs Training records Documentation A report of audit findings and requirements for improvement (RFIs) is compiled for follow-up action. AUDITS

27 Environment of Care Page 27 of 51 The DMC Commitment to the Environment (Available on Cue Cards) The SEAs in your department Your EMS management representative is your Site Safety Officer How to report environmental concerns or questions INFORMATION THAT EVERY EMPLOYEE SHOULD KNOW ALL Vendors and Contractors are provided with information on the EMS at the DMC.

28 Environment of Care Page 28 of 51 Management periodically reviews the performance of the DMC Environmental and Quality Management programs Activities are reviewed, reported and acted upon by the appropriate site and system committees DMC Environmental and Quality Management programs are evaluated annually for their effectiveness MANAGEMENT REVIEW

29 Environment of Care Page 29 of 51 BE PREPARED! Codes are effective December 1, 2007 Code Black – Severe Weather Code Blue – Adult Medical Emergency Code Brown – Neonatal Emergency Code Evac – Evacuate Patients Code Gray – Combative Persons Code Orange – HazMat Spill Code Pink – Infant Abduction Code Purple – Child Abduction Code Red – Fire Code Silver – Person with Weapon/Hostage Code Triage External: External Disaster Code Triage Internal: Internal Disaster Code Violet - Radiation Incident Code White - Pediatric Medical Emergency Yellow Code Yellow - Bomb Threat EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS

30 Environment of Care Page 30 of 51 Civil disturbance Utility alert Community hazardous materials releases Major communicable disease response OTHER DISASTER PLANS

31 Environment of Care Page 31 of 51 Fires can happen anytime and in any place. If a fire does start, you need to know what to do quickly. Remember—stay calm and follow these rules (RACE): R = Rescue anyone from immediate danger to a safe area past the fire doors A = Pull the Alarm box nearest you. Contact your operator or security department and give exact location of fire C = Confine the fire. Close all doors E = Extinguish (put out the fire) with the appropriate fire extinguisher, if you are trained to do so Cue cards are available. CODE RED

32 Environment of Care Page 32 of 51 Expectations: DO NOT USE ELEVATORS LIMIT TELEPHONE USE You must be able to locate the following: Nearest extinguishers Pull alarm boxes Evacuation plan Two exit routes in your assigned area CODE RED

33 Environment of Care Page 33 of 51 Keep your area clean and clutter-free Keep overhead storage at least 18 inches below the sprinkler heads DO NOT prop open doors DO NOT block fire doors, pull stations or extinguishers Keep corridors and hallways clear and free from obstructions PRACTICAL TIPS ON FIRE SAFETY

34 Environment of Care Page 34 of 51 “ABC” extinguishers = dry chemical: used on any type of fire “BC” extinguishers = dry chemical and CO 2 : should be used on electrical or burning liquids only “A” extinguishers = pressurized water: should be used on ordinary combustible materials TYPES OF EXTINGUISHERS “ABC” extinguishers are the most commonly used extinguisher in hospitals and healthcare facilities.

35 Environment of Care Page 35 of 51 P A S S: P = Pull the pin A = Aim low, at the base of the fire S = Squeeze the handle S = Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire WHEN USING AN EXTINGUISHER CLICK ON BLACK BOX FOR VIDEO ON ‘PASS’ DEMONSTRATION

36 Environment of Care Page 36 of 51 Healthcare facilities have built-in devices to protect us from fire such as sprinklers and smoke detectors. The doors and walls are designed to prevent the spread of fire. Evacuation plans are located throughout the facility. FIRE EQUIPMENT BUILDING COMPONENTS EVACUATION PLANS SMOKE DETECTION FIRE SAFETY COMPONENTS

37 Environment of Care Page 37 of 51 During renovations or system failures the same level of fire protection must be maintained as during normal operations. The special measures that must be taken in these circumstances are called INTERIM LIFE SAFETY MEASURES (ILSM), which include the following: Ensuring that exits are clear and unobstructed Setting up a fire watch Placing extra fire extinguishers in the area Conducting more fire drills INTERIM LIFE SAFETY You can do your part by not entering areas under construction.

38 Environment of Care Page 38 of 51 To facilitate the arrival of crash cart and specialized personnel to the location of an individual found in cardiac or respiratory arrest. Action: Call hospital operator to announce the specific code and location Medical Emergency Codes Code White – Pediatric Medical Emergency (Persons 8 years of age or less) Code Blue – Adult Medical Emergency (Persons 8 years of age or greater) Code Brown – Neonatal Medical Emergency (Patients of infant ages)

39 Environment of Care Page 39 of 51 Code Silver – Person with a Weapon/ Hostage Code Black – Severe Weather Initiated when unsafe weather conditions exist in the area. Action: Close blinds, drapes, and unit doors Reassure patients and visitors Move patients from rooms to hallways. Cover non-ambulatory patients with blankets to avoid injury from debris. Initiated when there is an individual in possession of a weapon, or one who has taken hostages. Action: Clear area to avoid others being endangered. Call security to report the situation. Report as much information as possible.

40 Environment of Care Page 40 of 51 Code Yellow – Bomb Threat To facilitate the notification of a bomb or threat of a bomb (suspicious package). Action: Take all reports of a bomb seriously. Keep caller on line, obtain as much information as possible. Complete the Bomb Threat Form. Contact Security. Code Gray – Combative Person To facilitate the management and de-escalation of an abusive or assaultive person. Action: Do not attempt to intervene. Contact security giving your full name. Provide as much information as possible about the incident; giving the location of the incident, number of persons involved, injuries and any weapons (if applicable). Notify supervisor as soon as possible.

41 Environment of Care Page 41 of 51 What is Code Pink and Code Purple? A Code Pink is called when an infant (<1) is confirmed missing from their assigned unit. A Code Purple is called when an child is missing or know to be kidnapped. The plan outlines staff responsibilities in each of these events. Steps staff can take to prevent child abduction: Always display your DMC badge with your name and picture in full view Only give child’s information to the parents or legal guardian Do not release infant/child to any employee without proper DMC identification If in doubt, hold the child until verification of identity is confirmed Notify Security of any suspicious people in your area FOLLOW YOUR FACILITY PLAN! CODE PINK: INFANT ABDUCTION CODE PURPLE: CHILD ABDUCTION

42 Environment of Care Page 42 of 51 Code Orange – Hazardous Material Spill/Release To initiate prompt response in the event of a hazardous material spill or release ensuring the proper disposal of material. Action: Incidental Spills: Trained users clean up small spills, using the appropriate personal protective equipment, and decontamination materials. These spill represent NO hazard to trained employees or the environment. Materials must be appropriately disposed of and Environmental Service should be contacted for secondary cleanup. Emergency Spill: Spills which may present a hazard to people or the environment or the effects are unknown. Isolate the spill (evacuate). Deny entry to others and notify the supervisor. Contact the Safety Officer.

43 Environment of Care Page 43 of 51 Action: Upon notification, evacuate ambulatory, wheelchair, then bedridden patients. Take records if safety permits. Follow department plan. Report to designated assembly area and account for all who were in previous area. Report evacuation status and identify persons not accounted for to the “Incident Commander.” Code Evac – Evacuation of Patients Required To facilitate the evacuation of patients when remaining in area may be hazardous to life, health and safety. To initiate prompt response in the event of a radiation incident or release of radioactive material. Action: Isolate spill area and deny (evacuate) entry to others. Notify supervisor and security. Notify Radiation Safety Officer. Code Violet – Radiation Incident

44 Environment of Care Page 44 of 51 To prepare the facility for an influx of patients due to an internal disaster. Action: If at work, return to department. Complete assigned duties. If at home, report as instructed. Implement department disaster plan. Perform employee call back procedures when instructed to do so or when additional staffing is required. Follow instructions of your facility. Complete the disaster evaluation form. Code Triage: Internal Disaster Code Triage: External Disaster To prepare the facility for an influx of patients due to an external disaster. Action: If at work, return to department. Complete assigned duties. If at home, report as instructed. Implement department disaster plan. Perform employee call back procedures when instructed to do so or when additional staffing is required. Follow instructions of your facility. Complete the disaster evaluation form.

45 Environment of Care Page 45 of 51 ALL new clinical equipment must be evaluated by Clinical Engineering: Review procedures for the proper use of equipment Immediately remove faulty equipment from service and tag it for repairs Notify your unit manager if faulty equipment has caused serious harm to patients or employees MEDICAL EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT

46 Environment of Care Page 46 of 51 MRI SAFETY EDUCATION Employees and all personnel entering the MRI room need to understand that the MRI is an extremely powerful magnet (30,000 times the force of gravity) and has the potential to be a dangerous place, if certain rules are not followed. METAL OBJECTS: Ferrous metal (magnetizable) objects can become airborne as projectiles, and thus could cause serious injury and/or death to anyone in the MRI room. Because of the dangers of metal objects in the MRI room, all metal objects must be tested and shown to be non-ferromagnetic BEFORE being allowed in the MRI room. Examples of metal objects that can be strongly attracted by the MRI magnet include: - Tanks- Tools of any kind - Wheelchairs- Office Chairs - Stretchers- Ladders - Traction devices w/metal shot- Keys, Pocket Knives - Suction Machines- Pens, Paper Clips - Carts and Crash Carts O 2 - Lighters

47 Environment of Care Page 47 of 51 MRI SAFETY EDUCATION MEDICAL IMPLANTS: Another area of great caution is that of medical devices and implants. Any person entering an MRI room with a non-MRI- approved medical implant could be subjected to serious injury and/or death. Because of the danger of medical implants malfunctioning or being drawn by the magnetic field, every person must be screened for medical implants and not allowed into the MRI room until the specific brand and model is proven to be MRI safe. Examples of medical implants that are NOT ALLOWED into the MRI room include: Cardiac Pacemakers, Defibrillators and Intra-Cranial Vascular Clamps (aneurysm clips).

48 Environment of Care Page 48 of 51 MRI SAFETY EDUCATION HISTORY OF INJURY BY METAL OBJECT: Any person entering an MRI room with a history of having been injured by a metal object could be subjected to serious injury and/or death. Because of the danger of movement by metal objects remaining in the body after injury, everyone must be screened and further testing may be ordered to determine the location of the metal foreign body. Examples of metal objects that may remain in the body after an injury include: Bullets Pellets BB’s Shrapnel Metal fragments in the eye If there is any degree of uncertainty about the remaining fragments, an x-ray will be performed to evaluate the location of fragments.

49 Environment of Care Page 49 of 51 MRI SAFETY EDUCATION EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: All technologists must be instructed in emergency shutdown procedures, i.e., abortion of measurements, table release, and transfer of the patient to a safe area. All housekeeping, maintenance and security personnel should be made fully aware of the procedure for notification of appropriate personnel in the case of an emergency situation. DO NOT bring the crash cart into the MRI suite. Wait for the MRI personnel to bring the patient out of the MRI to a safe area to resuscitate.

50 Environment of Care Page 50 of 51 Red outlets are connected to emergency power and continue to provide electricity in the event the hospital’s power supply fails. Only use them with critical equipment. Medical Gas Lights Heat Water Electricity Communications Emergency Plans UTILITIES MANAGEMENT DMC hospitals have back-up or contingency plans for utility systems so we can continue to provide patient care services during an outage. Know your emergency plans and the location of the utility shut off valves in your area.

51 Environment of Care Page 51 of 51 We hope this NetLearning course has been both informative and helpful. Feel free to review this course until you are confident about your knowledge of the material presented. Click any of the following menu selections located on the left side of the screen: Take Test button to complete the requirements for this course My Records button to return to your CBL Courses to Complete list Exit button to close the Student Interface SUMMARY

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