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EUROPEAN UNION. EU Match the words below (1):  common  acquis  Treaty  member  harmonisation  admission  single  states  process  to the EU.

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Presentation on theme: "EUROPEAN UNION. EU Match the words below (1):  common  acquis  Treaty  member  harmonisation  admission  single  states  process  to the EU."— Presentation transcript:


2 EU Match the words below (1):  common  acquis  Treaty  member  harmonisation  admission  single  states  process  to the EU  market  communautaire  of Rome

3 EU Match the words below (2):  apply for  single  accede to  candidate  enlargement  euro  pre-accession  process  area, zone  currency  membership  funds  country  the EU

4 EU Matchings: 1.common market 2.acquis communautaire 3.Treaty of Rome 4.pre-accession funds 5.member states 6.harmonisation process 7.single market 8.apply for membership 9.single currency 10.accede to the EU (join the EU) 11.candidate country 12.enlargement process 13.euro area, euro zone

5 EU 1.zajedničko tržište 2.pravna stečevina EU 3.Rimski ugovor 4.predpristupni fondovi 5.države članice 6.proces usklađivanja (zakonodavstva) 7.jedinstveno tržište 8.prijaviti se za članstvo u EU 9.jedinstvena valuta 10.pristupiti EU 11.zemlja kandidat 12.proces proširenja 13.eurozona

6 EU basics  When did the European project start?  Why was it established?  How many members does it have? Who are the member states?  What is its aim today?

7 R: p.31 (text Fit at 50?) Find the right place for the following headings: a)Recent achievements b)Waves of enlargement c)Birth of the EEC d)ECSE, EDC and EEC e)Importance of the economy f)Objection g)EU responsibilities

8 THE EUROPEAN UNION (EU) http://  aim:stability, peace and prosperity  the rule of law (The Treaties), acquis (communautaire), constitution?  unity in diversity

9 COMMON MARKET - SINGLE MARKET – INTERNAL MARKET THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SINGLE MARKET  1960s…….. tariffs and quotas  from 1985……… other barriers to trade How does it work?  removing obstacles - opening national markets to EU consumers; more competition → lower …….., greater ……… for consumers, higher ……..)  “The four freedoms”: free movement of …….., ………………, ………….. and ……………  The aim: raising competitiveness on the …………. market

10 COMMON MARKET - SINGLE MARKET – INTERNAL MARKET THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SINGLE MARKET  1960sabolishing tariffs and quotas  from 1985removing other barriers to trade How does it work?  removing obstacles - opening national markets to EU consumers; more competition → lower prices, greater choice, higher quality)  “The four freedoms”: free movement of goods, services, people and capital  The aim: raising competitiveness on the global market

11 MAIN INSTITUTIONS  The Council of the European Union (Council of …………..)  The European …………….  The European …………..  The European ………….. of Justice  The European …………… Bank (ECB)

12 INSTITUTIONS  The Council of the European Union (Council of Ministers)  The European Commission  The European Parliament  The European Court of Justice  The European Central Bank (ECB) ...

13 HISTORY Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman  1951the European Coal and Steel Community (ESCE)  1957the European Economic Community (EEC) the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM)  1992The Treaty on the European Union (Maastricht)  1999 (2002)the single currency (euro)  2009 The Treaty of Lisbon

14 HISTORY OF ENLARGEMENT  1951, 1957  1973  1981  1986  1990*  1995  2004  2007  ?

15 HISTORY OF ENLARGEMENT (ACCESSION)  1951, 1957Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, West Germany, France, Italy  1973Denmark, Ireland, United Kingdom  1981Greece  1986Spain, Portugal  1990*East Germany (reunification)  1995Austria, Sweden, Finland  2004Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary,Slovenia, Cyprus, Malta  2007Bulgaria, Romania  ?candidate countries

16 EU AND CROATIA  2001Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA)  2003 submission of the application for membership in the EU  2005 beginning of the negotiations

17 Negotiations on the chapters of the acquis http://, http:// 1.Free Movement of Goods - Freedom of Movement for Workers, 2.Right of Establishment and Freedom to Provide ServicesRight of Establishment and Freedom to Provide Services 3.Free Movement of CapitalFree Movement of Capital 4.Public ProcurementPublic Procurement 5.Company Law 6.Intellectual Property Law 7.Competition PolicyCompetition Policy 8.Financial Services - Martina Drvar 9.Information Society and Media 10.Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentAgriculture and Rural Development 11.Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Policy 12.Fisheries 13.Transport Policy 14.Energy 15.Taxation 16.Economic and Monetary Union 17.Statistics 18. Statistics 19. Social Policy and Employment 20. Enterprise and Industrial Policy 21. Trans-European Networks – 22. Regional Policy and the Co- ordination of Structural Instruments 23. Judiciary and Fundamental Rights 24. Justice, Freedom and Security 25. Science and ResearchScience and Research 26. Education and CultureEducation and Culture 27. Environment 28. Consumer and Health Protection 29. Customs Union 30. External Relations 31. Foreign, Security and Defence Policy 32. Financial Control 33. Finance and Budgetary Provisions 34. Institutionsn 35. Other Issues

18 Possible sources of information Some EU web-sites   e.g. e.g. Croatian web-sites    Croatian press UK web-sites ,, …

19 Home assignment (R) Read the text Oh, sweet reason (The Economist) and answer the following questions: a)Why is it surprising for Europe to grow sugar beet? b)What are the effects of EU sugar subsidies? c) Who are the winners and losers in this?

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